سابقه تاریخی واژه استاندارد واژه استاندارد در زبان انگلیسی میانه (انگلیسی متداول ) به معنی پرچم و علم و کتل بود و این معنی هنوز هم در زبان انگلیسی باقی است و از دو بخش stand به معنی ایستادن و پسوند ard برای ترکیب اسم تشکیل می شود. وعلمدارلشگر راStandard bearer گویند. معادل کلمه استاندارد در زبان فرانسهLa Norm ودر زبان آلمانی Die Norme می باشد.
استاندارد مدركي است در برگيرنده قواعد، راهنمايي ها يا ويژگيها براي فعاليت (فعاليتي خاص ) يا نتايج آنها به منظور استفاده عمومي و مكرر كه از طريق همرايي و با نظارت مراجع رسمي تهيه و بوسيله سازمان شناخته شده اي تصويب شده باشد و هدف از آن دستيابي به ميزان مطلوبي از نظم در يك زمينه خاص است ( استاندارد بايد مبتني بر نتايج استوار علوم ، فنون تجربيات و در راه ارتقاء منافع مطلوب جامعه باشد ).
سطوح مختلف استاندارد استانداردهای کارخانه ای استانداردهای ملی استانداردهای منطقه ای استانداردهای بین المللی
استانداردهای کارخانه ای(شرکتی) عملیات زیر را در برمی گیرد کنترل مدیریت روش های اجرایی محیط ماشین آلات طراحی نقشه کشی کنترل مواد خرید ساخت بسته بندی فروش و بازاریابی حسابداری
استانداردهای منطقه ای استانداردهای اتحادیه اروپا CEN
استانداردهای بین المللی ISO (International Organization for Standardization) IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission ) ITU (International Telecommunication Union)
کشورهای در حال توسعه درISO Developed countries32% Developing countries68% Member bodies 104 Developed countries4% Developing countries96% Correspondentmembers43 100% Subscriber members At 10 February National Standard body
ساختار کمیته های فنی ISO /TC s TC SC SC SC WG
سه نوع عضویت Participating (P) member (open to all member bodies) Observer (O) member (open to all member bodies and correspondent members) Liaison (L) member (various types – open to non-members of ISO) عضویت در کمیته های فنی
ISO Deliverables 1- ISO/PAS ( publicly Available Specification) 2- ISO/TS ( Technical Specification) 3- ISO/ TR ( Technical Report) 4- ISO/IWA (International Workshop Agreement) 5- ISO Guide
کمیته های سیاستگزار کمیته سیاستگزار برای مصرف کننده COPOLCO Policy Committee on Consumer
COPOLCO Policy Committee on Consumer Through its Committee on Consumer Policy, ISO undertakes to: - study how consumers can benefit from standardization - promote consumers' input to the development of standards, both nationally and internationally - encourage the exchange of experience on standards work of consumer interest - channel consolidated views from consumers both on current projects and on proposals for new work in areas of interest کمیته های سیاستگزار
کمیته سیاستگزار برای ارزیابی انتطباق CASCO Policy Committee on Conformity Assessment کمیته های سیاستگزار
کمیته سیاستگزار برای کشورهای در حال توسعه DEVCO Policy Commitee on Developing Countries
DEVCO Commitee on developing countries policy The committee has four main objectives: - To identify the needs and requirements of developing countries in the fields of standardization and related activities (i.e. - conformity assessment including accreditation, quality and metrology) and to assist the developing countries, as necessary, in defining these needs and requirements. - Having established these needs and requirements, to recommend actions to assist the developing countries in meeting them. -To monitor the implementation of the ISO Action Plan for developing countries -To provide a forum for the discussion of all aspects of standardization and related activities, and for the exchange of experience among develped and developing countries. کمیته های سیاستگزار
فرایند تدوین استاندارد بین المللی 1- NP- New Proposal 2- WD- Working Draft 3- CD- Committee Draft 4- DIS- Draft International Standard 5- FDIS- Final Draft International Standard 6- IS- International Standard
ISO/PAS Publicly Available Specification A normative document representing the consensus within a working group.
The way it is done A TC/SC may decide that a particular work item should result in publication of a PAS. Normally this decision should be agreed at the outset, i.e. simultaneously with approval of the New Work Proposal Item (NP). The text is developed through the preparatory stage within a working group. At the end of this stage the text shall be submitted for approval either by correspondence or at a meeting for publication as a PAS. Acceptance of the document requires approval by a simple majority of the P- members of the TC/SC under which the WG operates.
ISO/TS Technical specification A normative document representing the technical consensus within an ISO committee
The way it is done A TC/SC may decide that a particular work item should result in publication of a technical specification. Normally this decision should be agreed at the outset, i.e. simultaneously with approval of the NP. The text is developed through the preparatory and committee stages at the end of which the text shall be submitted for a three-month vote by the P-members of the committee to approve publication of the document as a technical specification. Acceptance of the document requires approval by two-thirds of the P-members. If the acceptance criterion is satisfied, the document shall be sent to the Central Secretariat for publication as an ISO/TS.
ISO/TR Technical report An informative document containing information of a different kind from that normally published in a normative document.
The way it is done When a committee has collected information in support of an approved work item or work items, it may decide, by simple majority vote of the P- members, to request that the information be published in the form of a technical report. The ISO Secretary- General, if necessary in consultation with the Technical Management Board, shall decide whether to publish the document as a technical report.
International Workshop Agreement (IWA) An IWA is an ISO document produced through workshop meeting (s) and not through the technical committee process.
The way it is done Any interested party can propose an IWA and can participate in developing one. An ISO member body will be assigned to organize and run the workshop meeting (s) resulting in the IWA. Market players and other stakeholders directly participate in IWA and do not have to go through a national delegation. An IWA can be produced on any subject. An IWA can be developed swiftly (published in less than 12 months) to address a rapidly emerging market need or public policy requirement. The ISO brand can give international recognition and credibility to your organization’s work. IWAs can be used as precursors to International Standards.
ISO Guide Guides provide guidance to technical committees for the preparation of standards, often on broad fields or topics.
The way it is done Guides are prepared by Policy Development Committees (PDCs, such as CASCO or COPOLCO), or by committees or groups established by the ISO Technical Management Board (TMB) and operating under the TMB (e.g. REMCO). A number of Guides are jointly developed between ISO and IEC and then published as ISO/IEC Guides.
The way it is done After consensus has been obtained in the group preparing the Guide, the draft is disseminated to all ISO member bodies for a four-months enquiry vote as a DIS. A draft Guide is approved if not more than 1/4 of the votes cast by the ISO member bodies are negative. In the case of ISO/IEC Guides, the acceptance criteria has to be met in both organizations independently. If the acceptance criteria are met, the Guide is published without being subject to an additional approval vote as an FDIS.
ISO in figures Members 163national standards bodies, comprising 107member bodies 45correspondent members 11subscriber members
Technical Committee structure 3093 technical bodies,comprising 201 technical committees 542 subcommittees 2287 working groups and 63 ad hoc study groups
Staff Technical secretariats 38 member bodies provide the administrative and technical services for the secretariats of technical committees (TC) and subcommittees(SC) 500 These services involve a full- time staff equivalent of persons 153 full-time staff from 23 countries coordinate the worldwide activities of ISO
Financing 120 million CHF per year is the estimated cost for the operation of TC/SC secretariats financed by 37 member bodies holding TC and SC secretariats 30 million CHF represents the operational cost of the ISO Central Secretariat financed 65 % through membership fees 35 % through sales of publications and other income from services
Development of International Standards Total at 31 December International Standards and standards-type documents These standards represent a total output of pages in English and French (terminology is also often provided in other languages)
in International Standards and standards-type documents published This output represents a total of pages for 2007
Work in progress at 31 December work items appear on the programs of work of the technical committees The breakdown is as follows 936new work items at preparatory stage 801 committee drafts 1751draft International Standards (DIS) and final draft International Standards (FDIS)
in new work items registered 801 committee drafts registered 1751 draft International Standards and final draft International Standards registered
1 - Generalities, infrastructures and sciences - Generalities / Terminology / Standardization / Documentation (01) - Sociology / Services / Company organization and management / Administration / Transport (03) -Mathematics / Natural sciences (07) -
3 - Engineering Technologies -Metrology and measurement / Physical phenomena (17) - Testing (19) -Mechanical systems and components for general use (21) - Fluid systems and components for general use (23) - Manufacturing engineering (25) - Energy and heat transfer engineering (27) - Electrical engineering (29) - Precision mechanics / Jewellery (39)
4 - Electronics, information technology and telecommunications - Electronics (31) - Telecommunications / Audio and video engineering (33) - Information technology/ Office machines (35) - Image technology (37)
5 - Transport and distribution of goods -Road vehicle engineering (43) -Railway engineering (45) -Shipbuilding and marine structures (47) -Aircraft and space vehicles engineering (49 ) -Materials handling equipment (53) -Packaging and distribution of goods (55)
6 - Agriculture and food technology -Agriculture (65) -Food technology (67)
7 - Materials technologies -Textile and leather technology (59) -Clothing industry (61) Chemical technology (71) - Mining and minerals (73) - Petroleum and related technologies (75) - Metallurgy (77) -Wood technology (79) -Glass and ceramics industries (81) -Rubber and plastics industries (83) -Paper technology (85) - Paint and colour industries (87)
8 – Construction - Construction materials and building (91) -Civil engineering (93)
9 - Special technologies -Military engineering (95) -Domestic and commercial equipment / Entertainment / Sports (97)
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