Chiho Wang ATLAS TRT Duke University Dubna, May Fuse Box Production Chiho Wang/Jack Fowler
Chiho Wang ATLAS TRT Duke University Dubna, May Fuse Box Assembly 1 fuse box “set” supplies HV to 1 “stack” of 3 modules. (10% spare) = 35 “sets” of fuse boxes to be made. Each fuse box “set” consists of u 6 fuse boxes: 2 of each module type u 22 HV coax cables: 6 for type 1 : 3 HV lines / box 6 for type 2 : 3 HV lines / box 10 for type 3 : 5 HV lines / box u 1 HV connector: 51-pin: 22 HV + 22 ground + 2 interlock + 1 case ground + 4 empty
Chiho Wang ATLAS TRT Duke University Dubna, May What to assemble in the fuse box Circuit boards = 2 per fuse box Spring contacts = (# fuses) + (4 ground contacts/box) Filter circuits: u 1 per HV line = 2 x 1kΩ Resistors + 1 x 870pF Capacitor Mounting nuts (Ultem) = 2 per fuse box Fuses: (contain extra fuses due to symmetry) u Type 1: 44 fuses/module (22/box), 42 in use. u Type 2: 68 fuses/module (34/box), 65 in use. u Type 3: 104 fuses/module (52/box), 100 in use u Total (for 35 sets) = spare Jumpers u 1 ground jumper between halves. u 1 HV jumper between halves, for type 2 and type 3 only HV cables
Chiho Wang ATLAS TRT Duke University Dubna, May Old Fuse Box GND jumper HV jumper Mounting Nuts Switched to the other half in new design Similar jumpers also needed for new fuse box
Chiho Wang ATLAS TRT Duke University Dubna, May HV Granularity & Current Draws μA/line μA/line μA/line 3 lines 5 lines
Chiho Wang ATLAS TRT Duke University Dubna, May Implementation For each type of module: u 1 type of fuse box u 1 length of cable u Applies to (4 HV Kapton positions) x (4 connector locations). Neighboring modules are supplied from opposite ends u Odd # modules from side A (back side) u Even # modules from side C (front side) The HV cable is made long enough to swing to neighboring modules in case switching side is necessary.
Chiho Wang ATLAS TRT Duke University Dubna, May Front Side Connections Nominal Fuse Box Connection Pattern repeats in 4 modules interval (i.e. every 2 sectors) Connectors
Chiho Wang ATLAS TRT Duke University Dubna, May Connections & Naming Convention Another table to map: straws fuse HV line !
Chiho Wang ATLAS TRT Duke University Dubna, May Production procedures Mark/label fuse box Glue circuit board to fuse box u Use high temperature RTV. u Along the front edge of ckt to prevent flux from flowing under circuit board. Place components on ckt board and oven solder them. u Spring contacts + filter resistors + filter capacitors. u Spring contacts are clamped in place in soldering process. Clean fuse box Glue mounting nuts Tape together 2 halves of fuse boxes Solder fuses by hand u In case of resistor substitute may use oven soldering. Clean fuse box(?) Solder HV cable by hand Solder jumper wires by hand Clean fuse box Spot glue HV cable & jumper wires for strain relief Bake/dry fuse box right before coating Coat fuses & wires with conformal coating Label HV cables Cut HV cable to length and attach connector At Duke manpower permitting
Chiho Wang ATLAS TRT Duke University Dubna, May Parts Status G10 boxes: 16 modules/type in hand, ~ end of May Circuit boards: in hand Spring pins: in hand, need cutting, bending Filter resistors + capacitors: in hand Mounting nuts: ½ in hand, ½ to be made Fuses: under production (Substitute resistors: ordered) HV Cable: available from Herve. HV Connectors: in hand Ultem screws: in hand Mounting brackets: quoted, placing order.