EXA3000/2200 Product Champion Report July 25, 2003
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential2 Content Overview of the Product Champion Team ID and Objective EXA2200 –EXA2200 Status –MTBF Indicator –Parts Usage –Outstanding Issues –Hot Watch List –Plans for Next Period EXA3000 –EXA3000 Status –MTBF Indicator –Parts Usage –Outstanding Issues –Hot Watch List –Plans for Next Period Manufacturing FPY IIP Indicators HCR Indicators New Product Development EXA2200/3000 Summary
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential3 Enhanced Product Champion The Enhanced Product Champion (EPC) Process is a company wide initiative that has allowed all pertinent units within the NPTest organization to strategically merge as one team, move as one team, and together, implement our strategy for a continued and enhanced level of success. The goal of the Enhanced Product Champion team is to monitor our worldwide system fleets, looking for development areas and risk potentials while driving those items for a fast and efficient reaction time to containment and solution.
EXA2200 Key Indicators July 25th, 2003
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential5 EXA2200 Status MTBF fleet goals achieved for both 4wk and 13wk indicators, (>1000hrs compared to goal of 700hrs). Sustained since Q Parts usage achieving goal since Q4 2002, (<1 bd/sys/month compared to a goal of 1.2 bds/sys/month). High speed cable plan moving forward. –Vendor now providing new style cables. –Spacers available through logistics. Material sent to Malta and currently installed on 5 systems. Test head power monitor kits available through logistics. –10 kits shipped to Taiwan and 10 to Malta. –5 installed in Malta, 1 installed in Taiwan
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential6 EXA2200 Key Indicators: MTBF EXA2200 fleet MTBF trend continues to increase. All ST sites exceeding target of 700hrs for 4wk and 13wk indicators. Continued and sustained success with high level focus committed through SOP process.
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential7 EXA2200 Assembly Failure Pareto EXA2200 parts usage better than target. Continued focus through SOP and Technical Services reliability reviews. Repair processes well defined at all sites.
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential8 EXA2200 Outstanding Issues Test head power sequence monitor –Material available through logistics. –10 kits shipped to Taiwan. –10 kits shipped to Malta. –6 kits successfully installed to date, will continue to track. H-cage high speed cable solution –Cables built to new specifications now being supplied by vendor. –Back plane spacers available through logistics. –Supplied material to Malta for initial field installation. –Next steps: –Track Malta systems to insure there are no new issues. –Release Tech Bulletin 161 to field.
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential9 EXA2200 Plans Next Period Test head power monitor. Drive and track field implementation. Complete implementation plan for high speed bus cable solution. Track system performance in Malta. Deploy tech bulletin.
EXA3000 Key Indicators July 25th, 2003
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential11 EXA3000 Status MTBF continues above goal, (>2200hrs compared to goal of 1900hrs). BBC usage currently under control in Taiwan. BBC Source gull wing upgrade in process, 19 of 22 systems completed. Target failure rate for VI needs to be established. Test head valve contamination issue continues to increase with no defined plan to address. Pec76 repair center data needs to be collected and understood.
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential12 EXA3000 Key Indicators: MTBF MTBF exceeding target for fleet.
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential13 EXA3000 Assembly Failure Pareto Parts usage still above goal. – ST VI failures still high. 8 boards used in June. – Others bucket contains no commonality, no trend found. – For example, Malta’s Other bucket contains: secondary manifold, 2 VI boards, An. Clock, SCP, HFE Pump.
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential14 EXA3000 Outstanding Issues - VI Update VI Reliability Update VI failures declined in May but not attributed to any field or reliability improvement action. Repair center actions dominated by JFET and relay replacements. Need to know the expected failure rate of the VI board. –Systems running VI: Crolles-15, Grenoble-10, Malta-5 –June data: 8 boards / 30 systems / 1 month =.26 VI boards per system per month. Too high if we want to achieve.6 parts/system/month.
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential15 EXA3000 Outstanding Issues - HFE Contamination Test Head HFE Leaks Test head valves leak or spray HFE after removal of PEC boards. HCR 11265, submitted 3/7/03, accepted 3/24/03 –Evaluation received by engineering includes the following possibilities: Contacted 3M for an alternative to Monostat. Redesign test head HFE valves - under consideration. Replace all hoses in system with conductive hoses as in Sapphire to eliminate the need for Monostat. Establish a valve replacement schedule as has been done with pogo pins. Add a second HFE filter specific for the test head. Add an external flush/filter unit to clean the system. –Need a defined plan to address this issue. No update since June product champion meeting.
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential16 EXA3000 Outstanding Issues - PEC56 Crash Malta PEC56 Test Head Crash Defective system PMU caused all PEC56 boards to fail. SCR 32521, submitted 3/11/03 –Root cause analysis performed in Saint Etienne confirmed the system PMU was defective and damaged the PEM on all pins when executing caltree_diag, path resistance subtest. PMU is connected directly to the output of each pin during this test. –caltree_diag was removed from the diagnostic script in Malta. –Notice sent to the field for all PEC56 systems. –SCR submitted to add a PMU check at the beginning of all diagnostics that connect the PMU to the PEM output of the PE board, (SCR #SJS32521). –Containment plan in place in the field. SCR completion date scheduled for end of July.
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential17 EXA3000 Outstanding Issues - BBC Status BBC Field Data BBC failure rate continues to significantly decrease through June. BBCS gull wing relay upgrade in process. –19 systems completed to date. 12 systems at Sigurd 6 systems at SPIL 1 system at MediaTek Spares in place to support Taiwan, all new spares upgraded with gull wing relays. New device in production at Sigurd, (MT1379), that does not use the BBC.
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential18 Intel EXA3000 MTBF Lowered 4wk MTBF on both and due to Pec76 usage. 4 Pec76’s have been replaced in June on these two systems. 5 Pec76’s have been replaced in July so far on these two systems has used 3 Pec76’s has used 6 Pec76’s Reason boards are rejected in the Field: 2 for levels_cal 2 for th_accuracy 2 for FPGA loading failures 2 for spechk 1 failing customer program
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential19 EXA3000 Plans Next Period Sustain MTBF trend. Develop long term BBC solution. Understand impact of VI issues and drive for resolution as parts consumption vs. goal is too high. Determine next steps to resolve test head valve contamination issue and develop implementation plan. Understand Pec76 failures, get repair center data.
HCR Metrics July 25th, 2003
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential21 EXA3K HCR Metrics
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential22 EXA3K HCR Metrics
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential23 EXA3K HCR Metrics
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential24 EXA3K HCR Metrics
Manufacturing First Pass Yield June 13, 2003
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential26 Functional Test - FPY
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential27 Margining - FPY
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential28 Final Test - FPY
InTouch Key Indicators July 25th, 2003
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential30 InTouch 2k and 3k ticket count Ticket count is holding steady with ups and downs based on the end of the quarters InTouch had a large role in getting many of last minute Q2 systems and options installed and accepted InTouch is very busy supporting escalations, onsite support, installs and upgrades We are in the process of changing primary 3k/2k support personnel to Sapphire and training replacement
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential31 InTouch Content growth on EXA3k and EXA2k Excellent content growth results due to release of new options and lower ticket count –When ticket count increases, content grow declines because of limited resources InTouch now has 4871 items on all products and 1424 for EXA3k/2k
EXA3000 Roadmap Update July 25th 2003 Stuart Pearce
5/16/2003 NPTest Confidential33 New option Updates This Period –SUN CPU EXA3K (same as ZX1280) –Deployment of 12 LCDPS program Upgrade DCITF, VVI, new cal diag loadboards required for SUN ASIC and CPU ASET8,9 –Deployment of 6.4 SW –Deployment of EXA3K MTK Giga3200 –Deployment of 3.2Gbs TIA –ST TPA upgrade for Giga3200,GBS,TIA –ISE Analog upgrade (GBS) –Intel IDC EXA3K with Giga3200 and SS