Bureau of Transportation Statistics Office of Transportation Analysis Maritime Program November 19, 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Bureau of Transportation Statistics Office of Transportation Analysis Maritime Program November 19, 2009

2 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Maritime Program Provides a wealth of Maritime-related data and information. For the latest BTS data products, please visit the Maritime Program’s website at  Databases □ Intermodal Passenger Connectivity Database □ National Census of Ferry Operators  Publications □ America's Container Ports: Delivering the Goods □ Maritime Trade and Transportation  Special and Technical Reports □ Maritime Vessels Carry More Than Half of Growing U.S.-East Africa Trade □ Making Connections: Intermodal Links between Scheduled Passenger Ferries and Other Public Transportation Modes

3 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Maritime Data Working Group Fosters collaboration on Maritime-related data between Federal agencies. For additional information, please visit the Group’ s website at:  The BTS sponsors the interagency Maritime Data Working Group (Group), which holds quarterly meetings to talk about □ maritime data availability, □ collection, □ gaps, □ standardization, □ and quality.  In addition, the Group supports joint research projects and sponsors interagency publications, including the Maritime Trade and Transportation reports.

4 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration National Census of Ferry Operators Provides a collection of summary tables on ferry operations throughout the U.S.  BTS manages the National Census of Ferry Operators (NFCO).  The NFCO includes operational data on □ ferry operators, □ routes □ terminals (including vendors), □ and vessels  from, starting in 2006, a biennial survey, along with data from other sources such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Coast Guard.  Covers the U.S. and its possessions, encompassing the 50 states, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

5 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Maritime Trade & Transportation Present major trends in the water transportation industry.  The Maritime report provides an update on □ marine infrastructure, □ maritime-related transportation services, □ domestic and international freight and passenger trade, □ the economic impact of the system, □ safety □ environment, □ national security, □ and shipbuilding.  In addition, this report presents information about the St. Lawrence Seaway and the U.S. Coast Guard.

6 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration America’s Container Ports Freight Hubs That Connect Our Nation to Global Markets 2008 was an exceptionally challenging year for the nation’s container ports as TEU throughput dropped nationwide.  U.S. container ports play an important role in handling U.S. merchandise trade moving to and from distant places around the world.  During 2008, the volume of maritime freight handled by U.S. container ports dropped.  Total U.S. containerized freight for December 2008 was down 18 percent compared with December  Maritime containerized imports declined 15 percent, and exports fell by 21 percent.

7 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration America’s Container Ports  In 2008, containerized freight throughput fell for each of the leading ports in the Pacific/west coast, Atlantic/east coast, and gulf coast regions.  West coast ports had a 5 percent decline, east coast ports a less than 1 percent decline, and gulf coast ports a 3 percent decline.  In 2008, the decline in maritime containerized cargo impacted international Intermodal containers handled by the nation’s Class I railroads, which fell 7 percent from  It also affected overall trucking activity, which saw record declines in the second half of  In 2008, the top 10 U.S. container ports accounted for 86 percent of containerized TEU imports and exports, up from 78 percent in Handle large volumes of freight in support of the nation’s economic activities.

8 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Top 10 U.S. Container Ports  Among the nation’s top 10 leading container ports, 7 saw declines in their container cargo throughput in  The two largest declines were Seattle at 16 percent and Long Beach at 8 percent.  Only 3 of the top 10 ports, all on the east coast, handled slightly more container cargo in 2008 than in 2007—Savannah grew by 3.6 percent, New York/New Jersey by 1.4 percent, and Norfolk by 1.2 percent. Handled an estimated 28.2 million TEU by the end of 2008, a 3 percent drop. These east coast ports tend to have a more diversified trade market, unlike the west coast ports.

9 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Top 25 U.S. Container Ports Account for 98.8 percent of containership calls and 99.6 percent of capacity (in dwt).  The top three container port gateways were Los Angeles, Long Beach, and New York/New Jersey.  The containerized exports and imports handled by these leading ports serve the international trade needs of every state, both coastal states with seaports as well as landlocked states that depend on seaports for their merchandise trade export and imports.  The containerized cargo arrives and leaves the seaports either by rail or truck as single modes or by Intermodal truck-rail combination.

10 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration U.S. Container Ports Market Share by Region Has seen traffic shift from the East/Atlantic to the West/Pacific Coast  Before the mid-1980s, when U.S. trade with Pacific Rim Asian countries was modest, east coast ports handled the majority of U.S. international maritime trade.  As trade with Asia grew, the east coast ports’ share of the value of trade declined and west coast ports’ share increased.  Eventually, west coast ports surpassed east coast ports in maritime cargo handled, and this trend has continued to today. Over half of U.S. containerized merchandise trade, measured in terms of TEUs, passes through west coast ports.

11 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration Forthcoming Maritime-related Publications TitleHighlights America’s Freight Transportation Gateways  Ranks freight gateways by the value of merchandise trade they handle. Special Report: Ocean Passenger Terminals  Serving larger vessels,  closer to home,  and connecting downtown transit Special Report: Ocean Passenger Vessels  Migrate south for the winter Freight Transportation: Global Highlights  Gives the trends for international freight moving among the top 25 world economies.  Presents statistics on freight activity by the leading global ocean and air carrier, seaports, and airports in international freight.

12 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration America’s Freight Transportation Gateways Are vital for U.S. economic growth and international competitiveness. Additional information on more than 200 gateways that are points of entry and exit for U.S. international trade is available on the BTS website at  This report is an update of a report released in  Contains a data profile of the nation’s leading international freight transportation gateways in 2008 and presents summary trend data from  It is a collection of information that highlights the top 25 freight gateways, providing the most recent annual information on the movement of goods through these □ seaports, □ airports, □ and land border crossings.

13 U.S. Department of Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Administration State Transportation Statistics The STS is a companion document to the National Transportation Statistics (NTS), which is updated quarterly on the BTS website at  This is the sixth annual edition of the State Transportation Statistics (STS).  The STS presents a statistical profile of transportation in the 50 states and the District of Columbia, including: □ transportation infrastructure, □ freight movement and passenger travel, □ system safety, □ vehicles, □ transportation related economy and finance, □ energy usage, □ and the environment.  The STS also includes a brief description of the data sources used and a glossary.