OUTLINE Background on NAM Other S-S organisations with a focus on S&T NAM Science and Technology Centre Objectives Activities Membership benefits Process – Role of Portfolio Committee Ratification
BACKGROUND - NAM NAM is a multilateral trans-national organisation made up of states with differing ideologies and purposes Chair of NAM creates an administrative structure, UN Ambassador (Minister of Non-Aligned Affairs) Working groups, Contact Groups, Task Forces to arrive at common positions
BACKGROUND - NAM At a political level, the country, particularly President Mbeki, has played a leading role within NAM South Africa assumed the Chair of NAM in 1998 South Africa as one of the most technologically advanced nations in the developing world, in supporting efforts that enhance scientific research and technological development, enhances its own stature within the developing world. Participating as a full member of one of its organs, namely the NAM S&T Centre, serves to extend our national foreign policy.
NAM & OTHER S-S ORGANISATIONS WITH A FOCUS ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY The Group of 77 affirmed the important role of Science and Technology in increasing collaboration between countries of the South and in promoting economic development and outlined areas for S-S cooperation in science and technology in the Havana Programme of Action (South-Summit, Havana) This was reiterated in the Dubai Declaration where countries expressed their concern regarding the prevailing knowledge gap between the North and the South (Group of 77 South-South High level Conference on Science and Technology)
THE NAM S&T CENTRE The NAM S&T Centre came into existence as a follow up of the deliberations of the 5th, 6th and 7th NAM Summits held at Colombo (1976), Havana (1979) and New Delhi (1983). It was set up in August 1989 in New-Delhi (India). The NAM S&T Centre is an example of South-South cooperation in Science and Technology development. The Centre promotes various actions called for by the Action Programme for Economic Cooperation and by the Common strategy for cooperation in the fields of science and technology in order to strengthen cooperation among non-aligned and other developing countries. Promotes the fullest possible and mutually beneficial collaboration among scientists, organisations and institutions from non-aligned and other developing countries;
OBJECTIVES OF THE NAM S&T CENTRE Acts as a clearing house of information regarding the technological capabilities of the non-aligned and other developing countries with a view to promote scientific and technological co-operation and transfer of technology among them, provide early information about impending technological changes and seek to develop a data bank; Stimulates and promote joint R&D projects and training programmes on bilateral or multilateral basis among the members of the Centre in selected fields of special relevance; and Renders expert advice in the growth of science, development of technology and utilisation of natural resources.
SOME OF THE WORK DONE AT THE NAM S&T CENTRE Provide early information about impending technological changes and seek to develop a data bank; Maintain a registry of scientific and technological experts of high calibre whose services could be utilized by the Members of the Centre; Stimulate and promote joint research and development projects and training programmes, either on bilateral or multilateral basis, among the Members of the Centre in selected fields of special relevance; Appoint special panels of outstanding experts for the preparation of state-of-the-art reports in respect of selected fields and problems, with a view to rendering expert advice to Members in the choice of technology as well as their scientific and technological growth, including human resources development;
SOME OF THE WORK DONE AT THE NAM S&T CENTRE Provide suggestions including models for balanced scientific and technological development based on optimum utilization of resources; Monitor the implementation of the programmes pertaining to scientific and technological development recommended or approved at intergovernmental meetings of non-aligned and other developing countries.
SOME OF THE WORK DONE AT THE NAM S&T CENTRE Workshops Microelectronics Pesticides Role of science centres in development strategies Indigenous knowledge systems Publications Builder’s handbook on low cost housing Developments in drugs and pharmaceutical technologies Workshop proceedings
BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP FOR SOUTH AFRICA Total financial support for international travel, boarding/lodging and per diem of one nominee of each member country for participation in seminars, workshops, training courses etc. organized by the Centre. Support under the scheme on ‘Young Scientist Lectureship Award’ towards international fare for travel of a specialist from one member country to another member countries for affiliation with an institution in that country in an area of S&T of mutual interest; the cost towards local hospitality, transport etc. is to be met by the host institution. Facilitating the organization of training and hands-on courses for the scientists of the member country in another country on payment basis
BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP FOR SOUTH AFRICA Dissemination of information of S&T developments on the website of the Centre, including the technologies developed by the scientists in the member countries and other developing countries, which may be exploited for use after further R&D for local conditions, if required. Free subscription of Centre’s Newsletter (quarterly), which includes important scientific events, achievements and discoveries specifically in the developing world. Free receipt of Centre’s publications in various disciplines.
NAM S&T FUNDING AND SUBSCRIPTION The primary source of revenue for the Centre is the yearly subscription received from the members. The yearly rates of subscription as laid down by the Governing Council of the Centre is US $ 10,000 for all member states, except for the least developed countries, who are required to pay only US $ 5,000 per annum. The expenditure incurred by the Centre is on implementation of its scientific programmes including organisation of meetings, workshops, training programmes and courses in India and abroad, execution of collaborative projects and bringing out scientific publications and periodicals. The expenditure on salary, office establishment, maintenance and other miscellaneous is also met from membership subscription. The Centre endeavors to generate external support from international scientific organisations, including UN agencies that may co-sponsor any specific activity.
PROCESS – ROLE OF PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE Cabinet has discussed this membership positively in March 2005 and recommended that cabinet approves South Africa’s accession of the membership of the NAM S&T Centre The Portfolio Committee is the custodian for S&T matters in Parliament If the Portfolio Committee supports the membership, then a resolution sponsoring membership needs to be tabled in the House
RATIFICATION TO THE NAM S&T Should parliament approve this membership application, the Department of Science and Technology in collaboration with the Department of Foreign Affairs will draft the Instrument of Ratification which will then be deposited with the Government of India.