November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Information Literacy and the Big6 in the Digital Age Rob Darrow Library Media Teacher Online Learning Specialist Big6 Trainer Clovis Unified
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Welcome! Consensogram Parking Lot Big6 Book Big6 Packet Questions, comments as we go…
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Workshop Focus Information Literacy Big6 In the Digital Age
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Introductions
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. “Information is the currency of democracy." --Thomas Jefferson “Information is the currency of democracy." --Thomas Jefferson An Opening Thought…
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. “To be information literate, a person must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.” American Library Association, 1989 Information Literacy
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Information Literacy… A little history Printing Press 1776 – Declaration of Independence – Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark; – Civil War 1917 – World War I 1941 – World War II 1972 – First personal computer 1974 – The term “information literacy” first used and published 1980 – Internet 1987 – Big6 Framework Published 1992 – World Wide Web Big6 Packet: Info Lit Self Assessment, Info Lit History (p. 2 and 3)
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. My Thoughts In an information rich society, you need more trained professionals Trained professionals will gain jobs because of their knowledge in the use of technology and the Web (as well as print resources) Students NEED trained teachers and professionals to guide them in how to use information – both print and digital
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. "We live in a digital age, practicing an industrial age… We need a digital strategy in a digital age." "We live in a digital age, practicing an industrial age… We need a digital strategy in a digital age." Ann Hill Duin, Associate Provost, Iowa State University March 26, 2001 Another thought…
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Digital kids and Analog Adults The world we live in… Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Some Examples… of the Digital Age B.C. Cartoon – “Define Learn” Zits Cartoon – “127 I.M. Buddies”
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Digital Kids Digital Natives Digital Kids Digital Natives The world we live in… “Sesame Street” Video Games Cell Phone Other examples?? “Captain Kangaroo” Card/Board Games Dial Phone Analog Adults Digital Immigrants Analog Adults Digital Immigrants
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Statistics Internet According the UCLA Internet study (2000): –In the first quarter of 2000, more than five million Americans joined the online world – roughly 55,000 new users each day 2,289 new users each hour, or 38 new users each minute. –
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. More Background Statistics Internet According to 2001 UCLA Internet study: –72% of Americans go online each week for an average of 9 hours per week –The top reason Internet users go online: to obtain information quickly. –A new gap in patterns of Internet use is emerging: experienced vs. non- experienced users –Internet users watch 4.5 hours less of television
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. An example… “Not now, Chrissy. Your father and I are in the middle of a PTA meeting.”
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Background Statistics Children More than 17 million teens, or three- fourths of all U.S. kids ages 12 to 17, go online each month Cyber Dialogue. “65% of children, ages 2-17 go on the Internet several times a week.” The Corporation for Public Broadcasting Internet Study (April 2003) Currently 88 million offspring ages 0-20 in U.S. Tapscott, Growing Up Digital, 1998.
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Background Statistics Children - 2 “51% students, ages 12-17, believe ‘most or all’ information on the Web can be trusted to be right.” UCLA Internet Study, “71% of internet-connected students choose the Web over a visit to the library to complete school projects.” Pew Internet & American life study, “According to a recent study, more school-age children in the nation use computers at school than at home.” Newburger, E. (2000). Home Computers and Internet Use in the United States: August U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Reports, August 2000.
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. The Reality About Kids and the Internet High school students today: First generation to grow up on the Internet Students internalize technology use, while adults have to adopt it Digital Kids Digital Natives Digital Kids Digital Natives Analog Adults Digital Immigrants Analog Adults Digital Immigrants
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Web Commission Report to Congress (Dec. 2000) “The question is no longer if the Internet can be used to transform learning in new and powerful ways. The Commission has found that it can.” “The question is no longer if the Internet can be used to transform learning in new and powerful ways. The Commission has found that it can.” --The Power of the Internet for Learning: Moving from Promise to Practice. Report of the Web Based Commission to The President and the Congress of the United States. December, 2000.
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Information Overload Information Quality Information Everywhere! – work – school – play Challenges of the Information/Digital Age
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Facts about Information... Today, the amount of information in the world doubles every two years. In the year 2010, it is predicted that the amount of information will double every 72 hours.
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. “More new information has been produced in the last 30 years than in the previous 5,000.” (Source: Large, P., The Micro Revolution, Revisited, 1984) Information Overload
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Today, a daily New York Times has more information in it than a person would come across in an entire lifetime in the 17th Century. David Lewis “Introduction to Dying for Information,” Information Overload
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Alta Vista: 454,150 hits 5 minutes on each = 37,000 hours Narrow to that appear to be right = hours. Total Potential time to spend: 635 days or almost 2 years!!! “Should children be immunized? Are immunizations safe?” Information Overload Example
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Causing Overload Moore’s Law –Computing power doubles every 18 months! In 18 months you get twice as much power and capacity for the same $$
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Computers today are one million times more powerful than 20 years ago.
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. In 20 years computers will be one million times more powerful than today!
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. The Need: A Model for Information Literacy Problem Solving in the Digital Age
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. The Big6 Timeless Applies to print and digital problem solving A process Useable for all students and adults
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. The Big6… a little history Eisenberg and Berkowitz – 1987 Book Mike and Bob in Syracuse Other books and articles Training around the world Big6 Web site, newsletter Use throughout library world is now driving the Big6
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Levels of the Big6 “Simple yet complex.”
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District.
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.” - Albert Einstein
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. The Little 12 Skills The Super 3 The Big6 Skills IPS
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. 1. Task Definition 2. Info Seeking Strategies 3. Location & Access 4. Use of Information 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation The Big6 ™ Skills
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. The Super 3 Beginning - Plan You are the main character in a story: Middle - Do End - Review
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. The Little 12 TASK DEFINITION 1.1 Define the problem 1.2 Identify the information needed INFORMATION SEEKING STRATEGIES 2.1 Determine all possible sources 2.2 Select the best sources LOCATION AND ACCESS 3.1 Locate sources 3.2 Find information within sources
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. The Little 12 (cont’d) USE OF INFORMATION 4.1 Engage (read, hear, view) 4.2 Extract relevant information SYNTHESIS 5.1 Organize 5.2 Present EVALUATION 6.1 Judge the result 6.2 Judge the process
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. The Big6: Non-Linear TD L&A UI ISS S S E E
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. The Big6: Not Linear TD L&A UI S S E E ISS E E L&A UI ISS S S S S S S
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. The Big6 Handbook Practice –P –P. 38, 39, 41, 42 –Packet (Info Lit Assessment) Correlate to Big6
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. The Big6 Cards Acronym: T I L U S E T Task Definition I Information Seeking Strategies L Location and Access U Use of Information S Synthesis E Evaluation
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. 1. Task Definition 2. Info Seeking Strategies 3. Location & Access 4. Use of Information 5. Synthesis 6. Evaluation The Big6 ™ Skills
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. BREAK
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Information Literacy, the Big6 and the Digital Age
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Implementation: CONTEXT!! WARNING! Teaching information & technology skills out of context is hazardous to your students’ health.
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Info Lit and the Digital Age “Laugh Parade” cartoon “Our teacher is getting smarter. Yesterday, she gave us homework we couldn’t find on the Internet!”
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Technology – Out of Context Multimedia production (PowerPoint) ftp Programming Instant Messaging HTML Telnet Algorithms Video production Word processing Group discussion Use of operating systems Statistical analysis presentation Database management systems CAD/CAM Copy/paste Web page design Graphics Chat Web browsing Electronic indexes Web searching Online catalogs Electronic spreadsheets Upload/download Spell/grammar check Brainstorming software PDAs Inspiration Hyperstudio
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Word processing Group discussion Online catalogs Electronic indexes Web browsing Web searching Electronic spreadsheets Upload/download HTML Spell/grammar check Brainstorming software PDAs Video production Algorithms Instant Messaging Multimedia production (PowerPoint, Hyperstudio) ftp Chat Graphics Database management Inspiration Use of operating systems Web page design Copy/paste Statistical analysis presentation CAD/CAM Telnet Programming Better, But Still Out of Context
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Technology in Context! (p. 57) TASK DEFINITION , online discussions (listservs, newsgroups), chat, video conferencing, desktop conferencing, groupware, brainstorming software, Inspiration, instant messaging INFO SEEKING STRATEGIES online catalogs, info retrieval, electronic resources (CD-ROMs nets), WWW/net resources, Q&A services (AskERIC), online discussion groups (listservs) LOCATION & ACCESS online catalogs, electronic indexes, WWW browsers, search engines (Yahoo, Alta Vista, Lycos, WebCrawler), AskERIC,, telnet, ftp, e- mail USE OF INFORMATION upload/download, word processing, copy-paste, Inspiration, outliners, spreadsheets, databases (for analysis of data), statistical packages SYNTHESIS word processing, graphics, spreadsheets, data base systems, Inspiration, hypermedia, presentation software, down/up load, ftp, e-journals, listservs, newsgroups, Web page authoring (HTML) EVALUATION spell/grammar checkers, , online discussions (listservs, newsgroups), chat, desktop conferencing, groupware
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Context: real needs in real situations: School - curriculum, assignments -papers, reports, projects. Work…fun…life! Context: technology within the information problem-solving process - the Big6. Context
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Technology in Context Context: the information problem-solving process The Big6! Technology & the Big6 Exercise - pp , 57, 58, 59,
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Exercise: Technology in a Big6 Context Baseline technology: - colored pencils Related Big6: – synthesis Related electronic technologies: – paint, draw, graphics, video and photo-editing
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Exercise: Technology in a Big6 Context Baseline technology: – face-to-face meeting Related Big6: – TILUSE Related electronic technologies: – , listservs, video conferencing, discussion boards, chat
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. The Big6 In the context of the Web –Handout: Big6 Plan of Action
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Task Definition Reference interview - tm tm What is a Thesis? - ml#Is%20It%20a%20Thesis ml#Is%20It%20a%20Thesis Plan of Action
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Information Seeking Strategies (Determine all possible sources) InfoPeople Best Search Tools template for efficient searching - html html Boolean Searching from the Library of Congress Plan of Action
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Location and Access Search the Web Webquest – QUICK: The Quality Information Checklist Big6 Web Guide and Big6 Website Rubric (Packet p. 4 and 5) Plan of Action
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Use of Information The Cornell Note Taking System _Strategies/study_skills/note-tak.htm _Strategies/study_skills/note-tak.htm Cyber Ethics for Kids - me/rules/cybercitizen.htm me/rules/cybercitizen.htm Plan of Action
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Synthesis A+ Research and Writing – for college and high school students - m m Citation Game - dex.htm dex.htm Citation Machine -
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Evaluation Rubistar Final Reflection Tool - brary/Research/reflection.htm brary/Research/reflection.htm
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Big6 Web site Activity Web site packets
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Design Your Lesson Packet p. 6
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. How is Information Literacy Different in the Digital Age? Expanding accessibility to information –Worldwide institutions –Variety of formats Library services –Moving online Students must possess skills to locate and use the “best” information –Print and digital
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. In Context: Correlating Big6 to Curriculum Standards Correlations between: –Curriculum content standards –Information literacy standards –Technology standards
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. California Content Standards Correlated to Big6 Information literacy process Information Literacy Standard - AASL California Content Standard English-Language Arts - Grades 11 & Writing Strategies 2.0 Writing Applications TASK DEFINITION Standard 4: The student who is an independent learner is information literate and pursues information related to personal interest. 1.6 Develop presentations by using clear research questions… LOCATION AND ACCESS Standard 1 & 2: The student who is information literate accesses information efficiently and effectively; evaluates information critically and competently. 1.6 and creative and critical research strategies (e.g., field studies, oral histories, interviews, experiments, electronic resources) USE OF INFORMATION Standard 3: The student who is information literate uses information accurately and creatively. 1.7 Use systematic strategies to organize and record information. SYNTHESIS Standard 6: The student who is an independent learner is information literate and strives for excellence in information seeking and knowledge generation. 2.6 Deliver multimedia presentations. EVALUATION Standard 7: The student who contributes positively to the learning community and to society is information literate and recognizes the importance of information to a democratic society. Evaluation and Revision 1.9 Revise text…consistent with the purpose, audience, and genre.
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. In Context: Correlating Big6 to Curriculum Standards Correlations between: –Curriculum content standards –Information literacy standards –Technology standards National example –Indiana - ml ml
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Being Digital means knowing about digital resources…and correlating them with the Big6 Do you know about…
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Subscription Databases ProQuest Facts On File Newsbank EBSCO WorldBook Online Etc.
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Public Library Access With a library card, you have access to online magazine and newspaper databases Search all materials in county library collection
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. University Library Access State University System Every UC library Also access to incredible digital resources California Digital Library
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Do you know about the Invisible (or deep) Web? times larger than the commercial Web – teachertraining/module01/modul e01.htmhttp:// teachertraining/module01/modul e01.htm
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Dig Ref What is Digital Reference (DigRef)? –Digital reference, or "AskA", services –Internet-based question-and- answer services (reference chat rooms) –Digital reference services
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. The Virtual Reference Desk
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Developing online content based on 5 th, 8 th and 11 th grade American history content standards
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Newer Online Resources: Streaming Video –Download full motion picture movies in Real Player or Windows Media Player –By teachers or students Blogs – What’s next?
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. What About Online Courses?? How do we incorporate information and the Big6 into online courses? One example… – studenttraining
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. New from the Big6 BIG6 Turbo Tools –Web based –Network based –Download and test drive from Big6 web site A demo for you…
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Your Turn The Big6 Pledge (Packet p. 7)
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Final Thoughts “Students who become information literate possess a more complete approach to information gathering. They can identify their research actions and explain their choices. They are conscious of the process and can monitor their steps and learning as they proceed”. Corinne Laverty, “The challenge of information seeking: how children engage in library work” Feliciter (Canadian Library Assn.), issue #5, 2002
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Another Final Thought "There are two fundamental equalizers in life: the Internet and education." -John Chambers, CEO, Cisco Systems, 1999
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. My Final Thoughts Ultimate Goal: To create a more information literate society from birth through adults. Now, go for it! It is our job!!
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Evaluation of Workshop
November 2004Rob Darrow Clovis Unified School District. Contact Information Rob Darrow Clovis Unified