-500,000 ACCOUNTING & FINANCE CAREERS Alan Zindler Financial Planning Manager, Integrated Electronics Systems Sector, Motorola, Inc
Motorola’s Brand Promise Motorola makes things smarter and life better in the home, workplace, auto and person
Facts About Motorola 2003 Sales:$27.1 Billion Employees: 88,000 Worldwide Major Business Segments –Personal Communications –Communication Networks –Broadband Communications –Semiconductor Products –Integrated Electronics Systems
Motorola’s Share Position Strong in Primary Markets Position in IndustryIndividual Offerings PCS #2 #2 Wireless Handset Provider #1 in North America SPS #10 #1 Network Communication Processors #1 Automotive ICs #3 Wireless Communication ICs GTSS #3/4/5 Overall* #1 in CDMA in China #2 in GSM in China #1 in GSM in India Serves 12 of Top 15 Global Operators CGISS #1 #1 Public Safety #1 Private Radio Solutions IESS #1 in Most Markets #1 Embedded Computing #1 Telematics Systems #3 Portable Energy BCS #1 #1 Digital Set-Top #1 Cable Modems #1 Digital Head-Ends *Market share too close to call
Motorola General Business Page 5 April 29, 2003 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc Global Locations: Asia: China, Malaysia, Japan, Singapore, India Europe: UK, France, Ireland, Germany Americas: Mexico, Brazil, US
-500,000 Job Title: Credit Analyst You have a customer which buys about $10K per month and has a slow pay history. The customer needs to upgrade their network and the salesperson obtained a $10M contract (which makes his quota for the year). You analyze the customer’s financial statements and it looks like they can’t afford an order this big….. Role: Safeguard Assets/Be a Partner Solution: Standby Letter of Credit
-500,000 Job Title: Inter-company Accountant The inter-company billing of product manufactured in the UK, shipped to China, but billed to the U.S. should produce no net sale or cost of sale. You review the entries, but there is a negative gross margin in the consolidated P&L…... Role: Ensure Integrity in the Financial Statements Solution: Correct the Systems Transfer Prices
-500,000 Job Title: Financial Analyst You have just completed the 1 st pass of the 2005 financial plan and determine your selling prices are decreasing faster than costs. You have been asked to revise the plan so there is no margin deterioration…. Role: Ensure Integrity in the Financial Statements/Be a Partner Solution: Feedback to Operations Mgmt, Set targets, drive commitment to cost reduction
What are we looking for? BS Accounting or Finance 12 Hours Accounting 3.2 Minimum GPA Maturity Problem Solver Clear Communicator Envision Solutions Decision Maker Team Player Numbers Oriented Interest in Motorola!
Motorola General Business Page 11 April 29, 2003 MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent & Trademark Office. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Motorola, Inc New Graduate Positions TitleFocusResponsibilitiesLocation Shared Services Accountant Internal Customers Account Analysis, Oracle G/L, Close Schaumburg Cost AccountantInternal Customers Standard Costing, Material Variance Analysis, reconciliations Schaumburg Audit ServicesInternal Customers Enterprise Risk reviews Schaumburg Credit AnalystExternal Customers Credit analysis, collection, bid analysis Chicagoland - various Contracts AnalystExternal Customers Contract reconciliations,pay ment terms proposals Chicagoland - various
How we develop people in Finance… Rotations, Rotations, Rotations! Change Roles Change Businesses Approximately every 2 years Career Roadmaps Regional Finance Development Committees Quarterly Performance Management Reviews Company paid MBA, CPA, CMA
Sample Career Path Education – B.S. Fin/Acctg – Indiana University, 2005 – M.B.A.– University of Chicago, 2009 Motorola Rotations – Contract Analyst – GTSS – Capital Accountant – Financial Shared Services – Audit Services – CORP – Sr. Financial Analyst – IESS – Operations Controller – IESS – Senior Manufacturing Controller – CGISS – North America Division Controller – PCS – Asia Pacific V.P. of Finance – PCS
Hiring Process View openings and apply at university and check status regularly university October 13 full time IU