Key Concept 1 The overall nature and demands of quality performance
Nature of Performance Individual/Team Duration Number of performers Spectators/Audience Indoor/Outdoor Competitive/Non-Competitive Scoring/Judges
Nature of Performance Watch the gymnastics clips and consider the nature of both performances.
Demands of Performance Technical demands Physical demands Personal demands Special demands
Thinking about the Quality of a performance will depend on… Fluency Economy of effort Precision Accuracy Control What features did you see in the performance that are associated with quality? Look at this quality performance
Homework Choose an activity. Pick 2 examples of the nature of a quality performance and describe how they can affect a performer (4 Marks) Due next Monday 3 rd October
Key Concept 2 Technical, physical, personal and special qualities of performance
Technical Qualities Demonstrate a range of skills and techniques. For example on the beam. The gymnast must demonstrate various skills and techniques such as leaps and jumps to provide a successful performance Timing Rhythm Consistency Effectiveness
Physical Qualities Gymnasts need to possess adequate physical qualities to perform the required skills showing the full range of movements to access marks from the judges. Strength Power Speed Flexibility Agility
Personal Qualities Self confidence Concentration Mental preparation Determination Motivation Desire to succeed
Special qualities are features such as; Flair Creativity The gymnast has approached the vault with creativity to demonstrate a different way to take off. The flight is showing flair through the twisting rotation. These qualities develop a uniqueness within the performance that judges are looking for. Special qualities
Recap from last week… Nature of Performance Demands of Performance Qualities of Performance Homework Question…
Choose an activity. Pick 2 examples of the nature of a quality performance and describe how they can affect a performer Example. The activity I have chosen to discuss is gymnastics. Gymnastics has a range of nature and demands which can affect a performer. An example of the nature of a quality performance would be duration. Duration is the length of time it takes a performer to complete their routine or performance. Duration can affect a performer as it may require different levels of physical fitness and skill related fitness. For example, my floor routine took longer to complete as I performed 6 different skills in 1 routine therefore I needed higher levels of cardio respiratory endurance to allow the quality of my performance to remain high. In comparison, my vault only took seconds to complete however I needed higher levels of strength and speed to enable a quality performance.
Starter Question Identify and describe the 4 qualities of performance (8 Marks)
Key Concept 3 Mental factors influencing performance
This concept explores the importance of managing emotions before, during and after performance. Sport places a wide variety of stress factors on performers: It can be physically exhausting Your expectation of success You might be faced with superior opponents The competition might be very important to you The environment you are taking part in might be intimidating
Mental Factors influencing Performance Confidence Concentration Motivation Determination Aggression Stress Arousal
Managing Emotions Self Talk Imagery/Visualisation Arousal
Self Talk Useful positive phrases are used to build mental strength. They can be used while training, during performance or after performance. Before performance I am strong I am improving all the time I have trained hard I can find a way to win During Performance I am going to do my best Drive fast towards the vault Strong body position After Performance I am recovering well Next time I will land better
Jones’s Model of Competition Anxiety
Imagery/Visualisation Being able to manage emotions is equally as important as preparing physically and technically: This can be done by using the process of visualisation or imagery
Visualisation Mental Rehearsal Reviewing routines in head Going through the motions Imagery Visualising model performer Copying actions Mentally considering success
If you visualise yourself falling on your face, you WILL fall on your face!
Arousal Getting pumped up before a performance is important to reach optimum performance but it is important to be aware of the effects of becoming too aroused. Check out how the New Zealand rugby team get pumped up before a match… (Catch them performing the Haka next Sunday, 9 th October against Argentina!)
Levels of Arousal
Graphs shows us that… The HIGHER our arousal, lower the performance The LOWER our arousal, lower the performance We need optimum arousal for peak performance
Question Choose 2 mental factors which influence performance. Explain how these factors affected your whole performance?