Palliative Care “101“
Definition Palliative Care Specialized medical care for people with serious illnesses. It is focused on providing patients with relief from the symptoms, pain and stress of a serious illness. The goal is to improve the quality of life for both the patient and the family.
Goals Palliative Care To provide relief from pain and other distressing symptoms. Prevent new issues from occurring. Provide support system to help patient live as actively as possible until cure or death. Provide support system to help the family cope with loss and grief during the illness. Educate patients and family on disease progression and expectations of chronic illness in order to IMPROVE QUALITY OF LIFE.
Eligibility What qualifies me for Palliative Care? An individual does not need a specific diagnosis in order to receive Palliative care. Anyone with a serious and/or chronic illness is eligible. Examples would include, but are not limited to; Cancer Lung Disease Kidney Failure Heart Disease Cystic Fibrosis Dementia
FAQ’S Is there a specific doctor I will need to use to be referred to a Palliative Care Program? You may use your Primary Care Physician. After discussing your health options, together the two of you can determine if Palliative Care is the right fit for you. If the decision is made to use Palliative Care, your doctor will refer you to us.
FAQ’S Where are Palliative Care Programs offered? Home Independent Living Assisted Living Nursing Home Hospital ANYWHERE YOU CALL HOME
FAQ’S What can I expect if my doctor refers me to Palliative Care? Increased focus on pain and symptom management To be educated on my disease. Assistance in making difficult medical decisions. Coordinated care with my doctors and the health care system. Provide me and my loved ones with emotional and spiritual support and guidance. Guide me in making a plan for my goals of care. Example: Living Will, Advanced Directives, etc.
FAQ’S Who will benefit from Palliative Care? An individual will benefit if he/she has symptoms that are difficult to manage. Examples: Pain Shortness of breath Nausea Fatigue
Where is Palliative Care? Palliative Care services are available both in the hospital and in the community. Please see the resource table after this presentation for more information. If you feel you or someone you know may benefit, ask your doctor to make a referral.
How is Palliative Care paid for? In an outpatient setting this service is covered under Medicare part B, Medicaid and most private insurances. Prior to service, it will be determined if there is any out of pocket cost. It is not expensive. Palliative Care Services result in significant cost savings due to decreased re- hospitalizations, improved quality of life, reductions of unnecessary test/procedures and reduced ancillary cost.
Is Palliative Care right for me? Research has shown that Palliative care reduces hospitalizations and unnecessary tests and treatments. You and your loved ones will receive education regarding your illness and what to expect. You will receive support, comfort, dignity and hope. We will be your advocate, and assist you with setting up your advanced directives and goals of care.
Definition Hospice Care Hospice provides support and care for persons in the last phases of incurable disease so that they may live fully and as comfortable as possible Hospice is not about giving up, but rather about giving comfort, control, dignity and quality of life to both the patient and loved ones.
FAQ’s Who provides Hospice and what qualifies a person for services? Hospice is provided by a team consisting of a physician, nurses, aides, social workers, spiritual care providers and volunteers as well as others with a goal of improving quality of life. It is provided for those people who have a terminal illness and has a life expectancy of six months or less if the illness is allowed to follow its natural course. It is time for Hospice if no further life sustaining treatments are desired.
SUMMARY Palliative Care Chronic illness Can be combined with curative therapies. Increased quality of life. Reduced hospitalization Any time during illness Cure or comfort care Independent of payer Interprofessional team Hospice Care Terminal (6 months or less) Not combined with curative therapies. Focusing on comfort and dignity for the patient and family. Reduced hospitalization Comfort care Medicare/Medicaid and private insurance Interprofessional team
Palliative Care Resources Inpatient Palliative Care: Deaconess Hospital, Evansville, IN Good Samaritan Hospital, Vincennes, IN St. Mary’s Hospital, Evansville, IN Outpatient Palliative Care: Memorial Hospital, Jasper, IN