Collaboration, not Competition: A Partnership Approach to Palliative Care Elena Petreska HACC Project Coordinator Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria February 2014 Marion Lau OAM JP Deputy Chairperson Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria February 2014
Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria A peak body that was established in 1975 ECCV advocates and lobbies all levels of government for ethno-specific and multicultural welfare and community - based agencies for ethnic and multicultural communities focus on improved aged care for seniors with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
Project Summary The project aims to raise awareness of palliative care services among culturally and linguistically diverse communities and to improve their access to culturally inclusive palliative care services
Project Aims Taboo or fear of discussing dying, death and bereavement Limited understanding of palliative care – new concept, new experience Concerns about the cultural responsiveness of palliative care The Project aims to overcome:
Project Background Need for project Growing demand for palliative care services Increasing ageing CALD population – rate of ageing Comparatively low utilisation of palliative care services by CALD population Steps leading to project Consultative forums with sector and other key stakeholders Formation of collaborative leadership group Research involving: literature review, interviews with key stakeholders and survey of palliative care services staff with development of recommendations Resource development based on key recommendations including look at existing resources, development of video and audio resources and two multicultural expos. Development of project brief and invitation for proposals Service agreements entered
Key Project Activities Peer Education Community Awareness Strengthen relationships
Project Relationships PCV ECCV MCWH RA Steering Group Key stakeholders 5 CALD COMMUNITIES Palliative Care Sector
Steering Committee Members Alzheimer’s Australia Vic Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria Department of Health – Palliative Care Health Care Chaplaincy Council of Victoria Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health Palliative Care Consortia representative Palliative Care Services representative Palliative Care Victoria (Chair) Radermacher & Associates
Communities Targeted Maltese Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) Italian Vietnamese Turkish
Community Organisations Involved Maltese Community Council Victoria Chinese Community Social Services Centre CoAsIt Australian Vietnamese Women’s Association Springvale Indo Chinese Mutual Assistance Association Australian Turkish Association
How does the project work? The project consists of four parts: Resource Development Community Engagement Community Education Evaluation
How does the project work? Resource Development MCWH developed a generic palliative care training resource targeted at CALD communities Resource was not specific to any of the targeted communities, instead formed the template used in the next key stage of the project
How does the project work? Community Engagement Community Reference Groups (CRG) were convened for each community CRG’s provided input and cultural expertise to determine how the generic resource should be tailored to be culturally specific and appropriate CRG’s provided information about community stigmas, community perceptions and community belief systems Approximately four sessions were held with CRG’s Organised and convened by ECCV Project Officers CRG’s provided feedback about appropriate translation of all resources developed as part of project After the resource was tailored to each community, it was used to train MCWH bilingual educators to deliver education sessions in their community language
How does the project work? Community Education Promotion of community education sessions via community media outlets Implementation of project media strategy Establish contact with community groups in the communities using existing community organisation networks Organise a schedule of community education sessions to be held across the five communities for remaining duration of project, using professional bilingual health educator
How does the project work? Evaluation To be conducted by Dr. Harriet Radermacher, with focus on qualitative data. In depth collaborative exercise with all project partners and stakeholders Steering committee currently developing evaluation plan
Key Stakeholder Tasks Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria Bringing together community members into a community reference group (community reference group to be developed for each community group) Convening community reference group meetings Collating feedback for tailoring of generic resource Developing media strategy Developing promotional resources (flyers, radio blurbs, articles for translation etc.) Working with community organisations to engage with ethnic media outlets Working with community organisations to identify relevant community groups Organising a schedule of community education sessions to be delivered in community group settings Ensuring successful delivery of community education sessions Participating in evaluation process
Key Stakeholder Tasks Palliative Care Victoria Overall project management and coordination Development of service agreements with all key partners Management of key outcomes and timelines Convening of steering group Engagement and implementation of the project media strategy Engaging palliative care service providers in the project development and project implementation Communicating project progression to all key stakeholders and media Reporting on project implementation to relevant funding bodies
Key Stakeholder Tasks Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health Developing generic palliative care training resource Attending community reference groups Tailoring of generic resource to be specific to each community – development of five different resources Training of bilingual educators using the developed community specific resources Delivery of community education sessions as contracted by ECCV Providing feedback regarding community education sessions Participating in evaluation process
Key Stakeholder Tasks Community Organisations Brainstorming and suggesting appropriate candidates for membership in community reference groups Attending and participating in community reference group meetings Provide feedback and cultural expertise throughout development of community specific training resource Provide networking opportunities to ECCV Project Officers with ethnic media representatives Distribute promotional material (eg. Flyers) as requested Assist ECCV to engage with community groups to receive community education sessions Assist ECCV in collecting feedback regarding community education from community groups Participate in evaluation process
What makes the project work? Areas of Expertise PCV – Expertise in palliative care services and service system, existing formalised connections to the palliative care sector ECCV – Expertise in ethnic and multicultural communities, and existing strong links to ethnic and multicultural community organisations MCWH – Expertise in developing community education models targeted at ethnic and multicultural communities, and how to address difficult and stigmatised topics Community Organisations – Expertise in the cultural attitudes of their communities, and in delivering appropriate services to their communities
Key Dates Key TasksKey Dates Community reference groups commencedSeptember 2013 Evaluation process beganOctober 2013 Media communications and promotions beganNovember 2013 Delivery of community education sessions begins March 2014 ECCV Project Report completeJuly 2014 Overall project evaluation report and recommendations complete August 2014
Thank you. Any questions? Elena Petreska HACC Project Coordinator Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria February 2014 Marion Lau OAM JP Deputy Chairperson Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria February 2014 Funding for the project has been sourced from the Victorian Government (Department of Health), the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation, the Trust Company and Palliative Care Victoria. For more information: