S TAT 1000: S EMINAR 11 Mitchell Thompson
Purpose: To test the hypothesis that greater intolerance in women would be associated with lesser responsiveness of specific mechanisms that underlie blood regulation. Terms: Orthostatic Compromise – “head rush” caused by sudden drop in blood pressure when a person stands up right Isoprotenol- a drug that has various effects on the cardiovascular system such as HR
Variable Situation ?? Two-sample vs. Paired Study P AIRED S TUDY Sample vs. Population M EN (n=10) W OMAN (n=7)
All subjects were non-smokers and normotensive Selection of screening based on results of screening evaluation selection bias? Female subjects were: tested during the follicular phase of their menstrual cycle, not pregnant, not using oral contraceptives Individuals with history of hyperthyroidism or taking R x drugs were excluded Why? To decrease the amount of confounding variables Table 1. Subject descriptive data VariableMen (n = 10)Women (n = 7)FP Age, yr38 ± 2 36 ± Height, cm175 ± ± Weight, kg78.9 ± ± Estimated body fat, % 14.7 ± ± Rest SBP, mmHg122 ± ± Rest DBP, mmHg74 ± 2 70 ± Rest heart rate, beats/min52 ± 2 65 ± Max heart rate, beats/min 184 ± ± V O 2 max, ml · kg 1 · min ± ± V O 2 max, ml · kg LBM 1 · min ± ± Values are means ± SE. SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; O 2 max, maximal oxygen uptake; LBM, lean body mass.
Copyright ©1998 American Physiological Society Convertino, V. A. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 275: R1909-R Fig. 6. Explanatory/Response? Isoprotenol (explanatory) HR (response) + or – Relationship? positive (+) linear equation for females is y = 1,880x males is y = 1,303x
Copyright ©1998 American Physiological Society Convertino, V. A. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 275: R1909-R Fig. 6. Explanatory/Response? Isoprotenol (explanatory) LVR (response) + or – Relationship? negative (-) linear equation for females is y = -865x males is y = -690x
Strong or Weak? Iso vs. HR ▪ Females: r= + √0.995 = ▪ Males: r= + √0.993 = Iso v. LVR ▪ Females: r= -√0.957 = ▪ Males: r = -√0.876 = Correlation based on average tends to overstate strength because scatter due to individuals has been reduced.
Question: Does bias arise in the sample or design? Answer: Tricky The sample of men and women are taken from the Air Force Base Sample is not representative of general population
LBNP tolerance was significantly lower in females than males who matched for age and aerobic fitness in the Air Force. G-suit designed