Review for Final Exam
Chapter 1 – What is Fashion? Design Elements: color, line, shape, textures Fashion Products: Clothing, Accessories, Home furnishings History of Fashion: Decades, Trends Needs: Physical, Psycological, Social Fashion Defined Your lovely little black dresses!
Chapter 2 –Fashion and Marketing Marketing Basics Target Markets, Market Segmentation Marketing Mix – 4 P’s 3 Marketing Strategies 7 Functions of Marketing
Chapter 4 – Fashion Centers International and U. S. Design Centers Fashion Weeks Design Centers U.S. Buying Centers Market Weeks Buying Centers Global Sourcing Culture and Fashion Global Impact of Fashion
Chapter 5- Types of Fashion and Trends Apparel, Accessories and Home Furnishings Categories Women’s Wear Men’s Wear Children’s Wear Lines Hardlines and Softlines Fashion Cycle 3 Trickle Theories
Chapter 6 – Textiles and Production Fabrics and Fibers: *Characteristics *End Uses *Natural Fibers *Manufactures Fibers Textile Processes: *Extrusion *Weaving *Knitting *History: loom, cotton gin, steam engines Your Work: Project Accessory!
Chapter 7– Designing Fashion *3 Types of Fashion Designer employment*Elements of Design: Color, line, silhouette, texture *Principles of Design: Proportion, balance, rhythm, emphasis, harmony Garment Production: patternmaking, costing, sewing CAD AND CAM *Sizing Systems: Women’s, Men’s –dual, Vanity Sizing
Chapter 9-Fashion Products and Research Trade Associations:The Fashion Group Trade Publications: Womens Wear Daily The Fashion Trade Fashion Magazines Vogue Consumer Publications Survey, Observation, Experimental, Focus targets, Segmentation and Demographics Market Research
Chapter 10 – Fashion Distribution Buying/ Selling Fashion Fashion Buyer’s Job The Buying Process Types of Fashion Retailers Influences on Fashion Personal Selling 7 Steps of Selling: Role Plays
Chapter 12 – Promoting Fashion Visual Merchandising: storefront, layout, interior, displays, fixtures, themes Promotional Mix : sales promotion, publicity, advertising, personal selling Fashion Promotional Plan : budgeting, preparation and details
Ch. 13 – Fashion Careers Traits and Skills needed Many Career Options Education and Training needed YOUR AWESOME RESEARCH PROJECTS!