EMI INFSO-RI European Middleware Initiative (EMI) Standardization and Interoperability Florida Estrella (CERN) Deputy Project Director
EMI INFSO-RI Primary Objectives Consolidate the existing middleware distribution simplifying services and components to make them more sustainable (including use of off-the-shelf and commercial components whenever possible) Evolve the middleware services/functionality following the requirements of infrastructures and users, mainly focusing on operational, standardization and interoperability aspects Reactively and proactively maintain the middleware distribution to keep it in line with the growing infrastructure usage EMI and Interoperability - ICT 2010, Brussels 2 Consolidate Evolve Support 27/09/2010
EMI INFSO-RI Project Partners EMI and Interoperability - ICT 2010, Brussels 327/09/2010
EMI INFSO-RI EMI Position Interoperability and standardization play a fundamental role in the EMI strategy – Interoperability is the native capability of systems to exchange information, resources and data using agreed interfaces The only long-term solution Complexity is independent from the number of systems Requires coordination and planning Sustainable 27/09/2010 EMI and Interoperability - ICT 2010, Brussels 4
EMI INFSO-RI Types of Interoperability EMI works on three interoperability scenarios – Interoperability between different implementations of the same services or functionality – Interoperability among HTC and HPC resources/technologies – Interoperability with emerging technologies Collaboration with other DCIs: StratusLab, VENUS-C, EDGI, IGE 27/09/2010 EMI and Interoperability - ICT 2010, Brussels 5
EMI INFSO-RI Community Vs. De Facto Standards In the EMI plan all services must: – Implement the ‘best’ relevant standards – Implement them in the same way ‘Best’ means: – A ‘community’ standard, if it is useful, usable or can be realistically improved – A ‘de facto’ standard, if no community standard exists or what exists is clearly not usable The adoption of good de facto standards is not an alternative to widely agreed community standards, but rather a first practical step in the standardization roadmap to provide feedback and create awareness 27/09/2010 EMI and Interoperability - ICT 2010, Brussels 6
EMI INFSO-RI Standardization Activities (1) Actively take part in the European standardization roadmap coordinated by the European Commission and SIENA Actively take part in SDOs – Consumer: Feedback, recommendations, lessons learned from the adoption of community standards – Contributor: Skills and expertise Feedback and recommendations from the adoption of ‘good de facto standards’ – Early adopter: Feedback on the adoption of early standard versions 27/09/2010 EMI and Interoperability - ICT 2010, Brussels 7
EMI INFSO-RI Standardization Activities (2) Open Grid Forum (OGF) – Production Grid Infrastructure (PGI) Working Group – Grid Interoperation Now (GIN) Community Group – Usage Record (UR) Working Group Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) – Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) – Extensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) 27/09/2010 EMI and Interoperability - ICT 2010, Brussels 8
EMI INFSO-RI EMI Middleware Evolution 27/09/2010 EMI and Interoperability - ICT 2010, Brussels 9 Standards, New technologies (clouds) Users and Infrastructure Requirements EMI Reference Services 3 years Applications Integrators, System Administrators Before EMIAfter EMI Specialized services, professional support and customization Standard interfaces
EMI INFSO-RI DCI collaborations Collaborations EMI and Interoperability - ICT 2010, Brussels 10 EGI, PRACE, WLCG,OSG, etc ESFRI, VRCs ESFRI, VRCs StratusLab VENUS-C EDGI Requirements Releases Collaborations 27/09/2010 IGE SLAs & Support SIENA Standards Industry Standards Industry Collaborations
EMI INFSO-RI Thank you 27/09/ EMI and Interoperability - ICT 2010, Brussels EMI is partially funded by the European Commission under Grant Agreement INFSO-RI