ISSUES IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Theories of Public Administration MPA 509 1
Introduction Public administration has been called many things; a subset of political science or at least its Offspring. Public administration is a process and as such has been around as long as governments have existed. As a discipline, it is primarily an American idea that grew out of the late nineteenth-century movement for government reform Ann Prentice
Introduction PA has a relationship to political science in that its field of endeavor is the body politic, but where political scientists look at the political aspect of an activity, public administrators deal with the implementation of policy for the smooth operation of departments, programs and activities that are the outcomes of policy decisions made by the bodies politic. Public administration may be more profession than discipline, in that it combines theory and practice and is both science and art. Ann Prentice
What is Public Administration? Public Administration is a species belonging to GENUS ADMINISTRATION, which in turn belongs to a FAMILY which we may call COOPERATIVE HUMAN ACTION (WALDO, 1955) 4 4
Public Administration Theory PA theory is the amalgamation of history, organizational theory, social theory, political theory and related studies focused on the meanings, structures and functions of public service in all its forms PA often recounts major historical foundations for the study of bureaucracy as well as issues associated with public service as a profession and as an academic field. Important figures of study include: Max Weber, Frederick Winslow Taylor, Luther Gulick, Mary Parker Follet, Chester Barnard, Herbert A. Simon, and Dwight Waldo. In more recent times, the field has had three main branches: new public management, classic public administration, and postmodern public administration theory. 5
ContextKey ValuesProponentsDominant/Theories/Themes /Principles/Issues/Sub-Concepts 1. Classical PA(Late ’S) Politicized Politics & administration Frederick Taylor Classical PA is based on the classical bureaucracyDichotomy( )theories of administration (scientific Corruption Preservation of Robert Owen (1771- management, bureaucratic model and Spoils system Democracy1858)administration management) Inept Promotion of Efficiency Scientific Management government(doing things right), o Focused on lower level of Popularization of scientism in management effectiveness (doing the right things) and economy (least cost) in the government Classical approach o Unity of command, hierarchy, division of labor, one best way rule o Mechanistic view of the organization o Closed system view of the organization Max Weber ( ) Herbert Simon management o One-Best-Way vs. Rule of Thumb o Time & Motion Studies Theory of Bureaucracy o Max Weber’s ideal Type Bureaucracy or Rational -Legal Bureaucracy (hierarchy, division of labor, formally written rules and procedures, impersonality, neutrality) 6
ContextKeyProponentsDominant/Theories/Themes Values/Principles/Iss/Sub-Concepts ues 1. Classical PA(Late ’S) Henri Fayol’s1916 a French industrialist, is now recognized as the Father of Modern Management. In year 1916 Fayol wrote a book entitled " Industrial and General Administration ". In this book, he gave the 14 Principles of Management. These 14 principles of management are universally accepted and used even today. According to Henri Fayol, all managers must follow these 14 principle o Henri Fayol’s principles of administration (division of labor, authority, discipline, unity of command, unity of direction, subordination of individual interest to general interest, remuneration of employee, centralization, scalar chain, order, equity, stability of tenure of personnel, initiative, esprit de corps) 7
What is Administration? ADMINISTRATION is a type of cooperative human effort that has HIGH DEGREE OF RATIONALITY The significance of HIGH DEGREE OF RATIONALITY lies in HUMAN COOPERATION which varies in effectiveness of goal attainment whether we think of formal goals, the goals of leaders, or of all who cooperate (WALDO, 1955) 8
What is Administration? Administration is a PLANNED APPROACH to solving of all kinds of problems in almost every individual or group activity, both public and private (DIMOCK, DIMOCK, AND KOENIG, 1960) 9 9
What is Administration? In its broadest sense ADMINISTRATION can be defined as the activities of groups cooperating to accomplish common goals (SIMON, 1991) 10
What is Administration? The study of administration is concerned with questions such as: 1.How the method was chosen? 2.How the men, working towards attainment of goals, were selected and induced to cooperate in carrying out such task? 3.How the task was divided between them? 4.How each one learned what his particular job was in the total pattern? 5.How he learned to perform it? 6.How his efforts are coordinated with the efforts of the other? (SIMON, 1991) 11
What is Administration? Most persons, while they are engaged in everyday ADMINISTRATION, SELDOM think formally about the process. They SELDOM deliberately set out to consider the ways in which the cooperative activities of groups are actually arranged; how the cooperation could be made more effective or satisfying; and what are the requirements for the continuance of the cooperative activity (SIMON, 1991) 12
The Universality of Administration Since ADMINISTRATION is concerned with all patterns of cooperative behavior, any person engaged in an activity in cooperation with other persons is engaged IN ADMINISTRATION Since everyone has COOPERATED with others in his life, he has some basic familiarity with ADMINISTRATION and some of its problems (SIMON, 1991) 13
Characteristics of Administration The characteristics of administration are best conveyed under two terms 1.ORGANIZATION and 2.MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT are the two faces of the same coin (WALDO, 1955) 14
Characteristics of Administration ORGANIZATION is the ANATOMY, MANAGEMENT is the PHYSIOLOGY, of administration ORGANIZATION IS THE STRUCTURE ; MANAGEMENT IS THE FUNCTIONING of administration (WALDO, 1955) 15
ContextKey ValuesProponentsDominant/Theories/Themes /Principles/Issues/Sub-Concepts 1. Classical PA(Late ’S) Gulick - POSDECORB (Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, budgeting In 1937, Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urwick published their classic collection of Papers on the Science of Administration. In the opening essay in this collection, Gulick asked the question: “What is the work of the chief executive? What does he do?” Gulick summarized his answer in the acronym POSDCORB, which stands for: Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing, Coordinating, Reporting, and Budgeting. 16
ContextKey ValuesProponentsDominant/Theories/Themes /Principles/Issues/Sub-Concepts 1. Classical PA(Late ’S) Herbert Simon - Administrative Man o Administrative Behavior: a Study of Decision-Making Processes in Administrative Organization is a book written by Herbert A. Simon ( ). It asserts that “decision- making” is the heart of administration, and that the vocabulary of administrative theory must be derived from the logic and psychology of human choice," and it attempts to describe administrative organization "in a way that will provide the basis for scientific analysis. 17
PA Toward Systems Analysis This change in viewpoint, which was a response to social and technological change, poses problems in outlining the intellectual boundaries of public administration. Administration of activity in the public sector is still at the core, but the full implications of this work are not fully recognized. This is only one indication of the shift in public administration away from structures and processes and toward systems analysis. Ann Prentice
ContextKey ValuesProponentsDominant/Theories/Themes/Sub- /Principles/IssuesConcepts Neo-Classic Approach o Importance of human behavior o Socio-psychological dimension of the organization o Interdependency to its internal parts and relation to the external part environs were not taken into account Neo -Classical Mary Parker Follet ( ) Barnard ( ) Elton Mayo Abraham Maslow Frederick Herzberg Douglas McGregor Chris Argyris Rensis Likert NEOCLASSICAL THEORY OF ORGANIZATION (1920’s to 1930s) - Neoclassical PA derived its concepts from this school Commonly referred to as the human relations or human behavior school Attempted to improve on the classical concepts Follet - importance of the informal system and exercising leadership rather then wielding power to motivate workers Elton Mayo (late 1920s to 30’s) experiments - worker’s anchor of security and productivity has greater influence on employee productivity rather than management demands; workers are obliged to adhere to their group norms 19
ContextKey Values/Principles/IssuesProponentsDominant/Theories/Themes/Sub- Concepts Abraham H. Maslow felt as though conditioning theories did not adequately capture the complexity of human behavior. In a 1943 paper called A Theory of Human Motivation, Maslow presented the idea that human actions are directed toward goal attainment. Any given behavior could satisfy several functions at the same time; for instance, going to a pub could satisfy one’s needs for self-esteem and for social interaction. Abraham Maslow - Hierarchy of Needs (1943) - psychological, safety, social, ego, self-actualization Abraham H. Maslow felt as though conditioning theories did not adequately capture the complexity of human behavior. In a 1943 paper called A Theory of Human Motivation, Maslow presented the idea that human actions are directed toward goal attainment. 20
ContextKeyProponentsDominant/Theories/Themes/Su Values/Principles/Issuesb-Concepts Frederick Herzberg - (1959) Motivation hygiene theory The Father of "Job Enrichment" and the originator of the "Motivation-Hygiene Theory I n 1959, Frederick Herzberg developed a list of factors which were developed closely based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, except it more closely related to work. Herzberg theorized that hygiene factors must be present in the job before motivators can be used to stimulate the workers: Hygiene or Dissatisfiers: Working conditions Policies and administrative practices Salary and Benefits Supervision Status Job security Fellow workers Personal life Motivators or Satisfiers: Recognition Achievement Advancement Growth Responsibility Job challenge 21
ContextKey Values/Principles/IssuesProponentsDominant/Theories/Themes/Sub- Concepts Douglas McGregor – Theory X & Theory Y (1960) Douglas McGregor, an American social psychologist, proposed his famous X-Y theory in his 1960 book 'The Human Side Of Enterprise'. Theory x and theory y are still referred to commonly in the field of management and motivation, and whilst more recent studies have questioned the rigidity of the model, Mcgregor's X-Y Theory remains a valid basic principle from which to develop positive management style and techniques. 22
ContextKey Values/Principles/IssuesProponentsDominant/Theories/Themes/ Sub-Concepts 2. DevelopmentAdministration 1950’s ’s Underdevel Nation building opment Economic Development Poverty Institutional Strengthening Involvement of people in development Goswami (1955) Riggs Weidner Roman Dubsky J.Net O.P. Dwivedi George Gant Concept of DA was coined by Goswami and popularized by Riggs and Weidner Refers to almost exclusively to developing countries in Asia, Africa, Conceptual foundations were western (US) particularly, influenced largely by scientific management and administrative reform (traditional PA) 23
QUOTE OF THE DAY To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity. Nelson Mandela 24