Partnership between a university, the municipalities and the business world in the north part of Sweden Johan Sterte, UNICREDS
Some questions that I will try to answer Why are we here? Where are we? Who are we? What do we do? Why do we do it? How do we do it? With whom do we do it? Can any conclusions be drawn from this? More questions – your questions
The University Mission comprises, as prescribed in the Higher Education Ordinance: Education Research Universities are also to cooperate with the surrounding community, give information on its work and disseminate research results Why do we have universities?
Our vision With worldclass research results and study programmes that challenge and liberate each individual’s full capacity…we contribute to the development of tomorrow’s society…
space main campus wood science art/media
Facts about Luleå University of Technology Founded 1971 Turnover EUR ca 150 million students 1,400 employees 150 professors 500 teachers & researchers 516 doctoral students** Two faculties: Faculty of engineering and Faculty of arts and social sciences 54 % Research 46 % Education
External financing
Direct research funding from industry Anders Henriksson, okt Källor: Högskoleverkets databaser, årsredovisningar
The University – our strengths Leading-edge research Applied research Multidisciplinary Focus areas and development areas Our geographical location - climate Warm and welcoming
Examples of leading research Mining engineering and metallurgy Renewable energy production Distributed product development Process IT Customer-oriented construction engineering Materials Science - Luleå University of Technology’s strength is its leading-edge research, with close ties to industry, in important growth areas such as product development and high-performance steel. Leif Östling, CEO Scania
Win-Win-Win! What is required in order to create a prosperous partnership? Univ. Municip. Industry - Common interests - Mutual understanding of goals - Trust
But it takes time… to reach the level of interaction required to achive an understanding of each others goals and limitations to create arenas for interaction at the university level to create organizational models for joint research programs to reach the degree of mutual confidence required in roder to work together in a constructive manner to change from an ivory tower to an integrated part of society
And it requires interaction and engagement form all parties and at all levels Almost all formal groups (boards, committes, steering groups, reference groups etc.) at the university have relevant external representatives. The university leadership participates in a large number of regional boards and committes Research is performed in about 20 research centra involving the university, industry and public interests We have 45 adjunct professors sharing their time between industry and the university External parties participate in education. Parts of the education is given outside of the university A large number of informal meetings take place Let the outside in and yourself out
University Board The university board consists of 15 members, the Vice- Chancellor being member ex officio. Eight are external members, including the chair. They are appointed by the Government, for three years. The university teachers have three internally elected representatives. Three representatives are appointed by the Student Union.
Personal regional engagements Member of the Regional partnership in Norrbotten Member of the board of LNAB Member of the board of Lunova AB Member of the board of Swerea-Mefos AB Member of the board of Bio4Energy Member of the board of Centre for Interorganizational Innovation Research Member of the board of Solander Science park Member of Norrbottensakademin And that’s just me Informal meetings with politicians, industrialists, public servants… Participation i external arrangements…
Research centers – an excellent way of cooperation Organizational model for leding edge research through close cooperation between the university and external parties within the private and/or the public sector. - Tied to a department at the university - Board dominated by external representatives - External chairman of the board - Manager employed by the university - Projects mainly manned by university personnel - Finansing dominated by external funding - All partcipant contribute in cash or kind
Centres - - an excellent way of cooperation Examples: FASTE-laboratory Lean Wood Engineering, LWE Process IT Innovations Hjalmar Lundbohm Research Centre, HLRC Centre for Risk analysis and Risk management, CRR Centre for Automotive System Technologies and Testing, CASTT Centre for High-strength Steel, CHS Centre for Distance-Spanning Technology, CDT Centre for Distance-Spanning Health-Care, CDH Luleå Railway Research Centre, JVTC Centre for Maintenance and Industrial Services, C-MIS Nordic Wood Centre …
The road to commercialization LTU Innovation ABI ABLunova AB Within LTUOutside LTU Companies partly owned by LTU Holding Student or employee Business lab and incubator Venture cap Catch and develop ideas Idea verification Financing IPR support Legal counseling Evaluate business ideas Help with start-up Provide: guidance in good business practices creative office environment business network. Provide seed capital Give business advice Help find business partners Companies IPR
New companies related to LTU, some examples.. In Aurorum Business Incubator: Behaviosec AB (from LTU) Snow Power AB ( from LTU) Absilion AB CVK AB ( from LTU) Likolo AB D-Flow Technology AB ( from LTU) Oricane AB ( from LTU) Netix AB ( from LTU) Tannak AB ( from LTU) In BusinessLab: E-Secure (from LTU) KYAB (from LTU) 3e Flow (from LTU) Laminat (from LTU) Bill tracking Dwayze – mobile services VTMS – Vehicle Tracking Management System (from LTU) Revitrack (from LTU) Solander SP – bio fuel Exampes of succesful business: - Marratech - sold to Google for 12 MEuro - Nordnav - sold to Cambridge Silicon Radio for 55 MEuro A number of new companies are entering the Business Lab, all from LTU
Conclusions - Higher education and research is a prerequisite for regional development – an awareness of this is crucial - In order to utilize the potential of higher education and research for regional development, partnerships between university, public interests, and the regional business world are essential. - The establishment of partnerships requires common goals, a mutual trust and an organizational structure securing influence of all parties - The establishment of partnerships is facilitated by involvement of external persons in the governance, research and education of the university and of university personnel in external interests. The university is part of the society and the society is part of the university – we are playing in the same team