HILDA WALKER Curriculum Night Ms. Hourihan-6 th Grade September 2, 2014
WELCOME! I graduated from Illinois State University last May. Last year I worked at Indian Trail as a paraprofessional and 2 nd grade teacher. Student taught for a year with 6 th and 3 rd grade.
LANGUAGE ARTS Language Arts is broke down into two disciplines, English & Reading. This class is designed to assist the student in developing writing, reading, and grammar skills. During the course of the year, students will learn to distinguish among parts of speech, to write in various forms, to develop vocabulary, and to read and understand various forms of literature.
READING P1, P4, & P6 In reading we will work on reading, writing, listening, poetry, and fluency skills. The text includes all types of reading genres. Tests, quizzes, daily homework assignments, group projects, reading logs, etc. will be assigned throughout year. We will also read a variety of novels throughout the year. We will start with Tuck Everlastiong by Natalie Babbitt. Students are to have a novel with them at all times. It is student’s responsibility to renew his/her novel.
ENGLISH P3 & P7 The English curriculum will consist of the text, writing assignments/essays, and journal writing. Students will work on writing using 6 traits model and common core standards. Students will study grammar units and incorporate grammar skills into writing. Students will be reading, analyzing, and writing poetry. Tests, daily homework assignments, essays, etc. will be assigned throughout the year.
ASSIGNMENT NOTEBOOK Tool for communication between classroom and home. Daily homework assignments are posted in class as well as on my webpage. Students should write EVERYTHING that I write on the class assignment notebook page. Decisions on whether to bring home work completed in class should be established by parents/guardians. I do not force students to bring home materials – each student must decide and make choices for themselves, and be held accountable for their decisions
HOMEWORK POLICY HOMEWORK (Reference Board Policy 6:290) The parents and the school are joined in the common purpose of helping students make the greatest possible educational advancement. When homework is assigned, the school will endeavor to explain what is to be done so that the child can work independently. Homework is a vital part of the learning process, and all homework assigned is meant to reinforce concepts learned in class. Students must be prepared every day for class discussions, group work, and independent assessments. My expectation is that all work assigned should be completed with the student’s best effort, and turned in on time.
HOMEWORK POLICY Assignment 1 Day 1 Step 1 - Warning issued OR start process (see step 2) Step 2 - Student fills out Homework Notice (pink slip) and staples to assignment - Teacher option for Studyhall, Academic Assistance or completing at home Day 2 Step 3- Homework returned – PROCESS COMPLETE. If not, see step 4 Step 4 - Reduction in points (20% deduction) - Student fills out pink slip and staples to assignment - Teacher option for Studyhall, Academic Assistance or completing at home Day 3 Step 5 - Homework returned - PROCESS COMPLETE. If not, see step 6 Step 6 - Teacher calls home to discuss reason for missing homework. Teacher discretion to assign final grade on assignment as ‘zero,
HOMEWORK POLICY Process starts over for next assignment at Day One Missing assignment 4 the following steps are included - Teacher must call parent - Teacher assigns two days of Academic Assistance and works out plan with parent Missing assignment 5 the following steps are included - Teacher must call parent - Teacher assigns three days of Academic Assistance and works out plan with parent Missing assignment 6 the following steps are included - Teacher writes minor referral – checking the’ other’ box – writes in the description 6 separate missing assignments - Teacher must set up Parent/Team Conference to discuss homework concern - Teacher sends student to the office with referral and all homework notices for Administration to issue detention and begin RtI process
GRADING Homework 25% of final grade Some assignments are checked-in and marked in PowerSchool with a green √(no letter grade). These assignments are just as important as any other assignment, and are subject to the homework policy just like any other assignment. Quizzes 35% of final grade Tests 40% of final grade Long term projects and formal lab reports may be counted as a test grade
Contact Info Teacher: I can be available by appointment before school, and after school. Academic Assistance: Academic Assistance is offered Monday through Friday after school. Website: Visit the school’s website for weekly updates, homework lists, and teacher sites. The site is very useful when students are absent or going to be absent. Website can be accessed at then find link to Hilda Walker School. Once on the Walker site, click on the Teacher Pages icon which will list teacher sites including mine which is under (Hourihan).
THANK YOU I am looking forward to a great year and partnership! Thank you for coming to Hilda Walker’s Curriculum Night. Ms. Hourihan
OPEN HOUSE ITINERARY Please follow your child’s schedule to meet each of his teachers.