Grammar is easy Anna Davtjan 8b Tallinn Linnamae Russian Lyceum Teacher: Elena Soshina Tallinn 2006
2 The maintenance Grammar tenses 1.Present Simple 3 1.Present Simple 3 2. Present Continuous Present Continuous Past Simple Past Simple Present Perfect Present Perfect Past Continuous 365. Past Continuous 36 Common test 43 Internet Recourses 44
4 We use the present simple for permanent states, repeated actions and daily routines. We form the present simple with the subject (noun or personal pronoun) and the verb. Most verbs take -es or -s in the affirmative third person singular.
6 We use does not + the base form of the verb to form the negative third person singular. In all other persons we use do not.
7 The Interrogative form is formed by means of the Present Simple of the auxiliary verb to do and the infinitive of the notional verb without the particle to. Short answers:
8 Most verbs ending in -ss; -s; -ch; -sh; -tch; -z; -x; and -o; take -es in the third person singular. Verbs ending in a consonant + y drop the -y and take -ies in the third person singular. singular. BUT:
9 Tests mar/pres1.htm mar/presnq1.htm Present Simple Tense
11 We use the Present Continuous for actions happening now, at the moment of speaking. We use this tense with now, at present and at the moment.
12 To form the Present Continuous we use the verb «to be» and add -ing to the base form of the main verb.
13 In the negative form the negative particle not is placed after the auxiliary verb.
14 In the interrogative form the auxiliary verb is placed before the subject. Short answers:
15 Most verbs take -ing after the base form of the main verb. Verbs ending in one stressed vowel and consonant double the consonant and take -ing. Verbs ending in -e drop the e and take -ing.and take
16 Tests grammar/pcont1.htm grammar/pcontnq1.htm Present Continuous Tense
18 We use the Past Simple for actions which happened in the past and won’t happen again. Time expressions: yesterday, ago, last Monday/week/mouth, etc.
19 We form the affirmative of most regular verbs by adding -ed to the verb. I work-I worked.
20 The interrogative and negative forms are formed by means of the Past Simple of the auxiliary verb to do (did) and the infinitive of the notional verb without the particle to.
21 We form the negative of past simple with didn’t + base form on the verb.
22 Short answers: We form the interrogative of past simple with Did + personal subject pronoun + base form on the verb.
23. We add -ed to most regular verbs. We add -d to verbs ending in -e. Verbs ending in consonant + y drop the -y and add -ied.
24 Other verbs have irregular forms: become- became, say-said. Look at the list of irregular verbs. verbs.
25 Tests grammar/pasted2.htm grammar/irpast2.htm Past Simple Tense
27 We use the Present Perfect to talk about an action which happened in the past, without saying when it happened. He has been to Spain. ( We don’t know when he went to Spain). Time adverbs used with the present perfect: ever, just, yet, already, for, since, etc.
28 We form the Present Perfect with have/has and the past participle of the main verb.
29 We usually form the past participle of regular verbs by adding -ed to the verb. Other verbs have irregular forms. We form negations by putting not between have/has and the past participle.
30 Short answers: We form questions by putting have/has before the subject pronoun.
31 We use ever in questions and statements. We use never in statements.
32 We use already in positive statements. We use yet in questions and negatives.
33 We use just in statements to show that an action finished only a few minutes earlier.
34 We use for to express duration. We use since to state a starting point.a starting point.
35 Tests mar/prperf1.htm mar/upperf2.htm mar/upperf3.htm Present Perfect Tense
37 Two or more actions happening at the same time in the past. Background information in a story. Action interrupted by another shorter action in the past. Action in progress at a stated in the past. We use the past continuous for:
38 We form the past continuous with was/were ( past tense of the verb “to be”) and add -ing to the base form of the main verb.
39 In the negative form the negative particle not is placed after the auxiliary verb.
40 In the interrogative form the auxiliary verb is placed before the subject.
41 Most verbs take -ing after the base form of the main verb. Verbs ending in one stressed vowel and consonant double the consonant and take -ing. Verbs ending in -e drop the e and take -ing.and take
42 Tests ercise-english-2/exercise-english-2110.php ercise-english-2/exercise-english-1453.php Past Continuous
43 Common test _files/test_intermediate.asp
44 Internet Recourses