China: Historical Background March 23
Overview Europe, Japan and the ‘unequal treaties’ with China 1911 Revolution created Republic Civil war ends in 1949 with Communist victory The Maoist Period
European Contact China was not directly subjected to European colonialism, but the European powers (and missionaries) did exert significant control in the 19 th century. The Portuguese reached China in 1513, Spaniards followed in the 1570s, the Dutch in the 1620s. By the early 18 th century, the British East India Company has established a presence in China.
European Contact and War with Japan It was not until the 19 th century, however, that Britain was able to force its way into China and open its ports to Western trade. First Opium War, Resulted in British control over Hong Kong Second Opium War, Japanese defeats China,
Boxer Uprising 1900 The foreign presence was challenged in International forces rushed to put-down the uprising.
Taiping Rebellion, China was also weakened by internal struggles and rebellions, the largest being the Taiping Rebellion.
Civil War, revolution, a Republic established. Japan invaded China, In 1949, the Communists led by Mao Zedong (as of 1934) defeated the Nationalists led by Chiang Kai-shek. The Nationalists retreated to the island of Taiwan.
China under Mao land reform, state-directed industrialization Great Leap Forward, Cultural Revolution, Mao dies, 1976
Deng Xiaoping Deng Xiaoping gains control in An economic reformer, he begins the process of market reforms. This process accelerates from 1992 onward. He remains a political hardliner, maintaining the grip of the Communist Party.