To pass LANG 1003, you need to achieve an overall average of ELPA 4 (course assessments + ELPA post-test)
What you should do to reach the target this semester
Targets for Spring (Course + ELPA) Target (Course + ELPA) for Spring 1003I 4
Targets for Spring (Course + ELPA) Assessed Writing Task Assessed Discussion Vocabulary Tests Participation 22% 18% 15% 5% Easy target ELPA Reading Listening Vocabulary Writing Speaking 40%
Easy targets 6 5 4 Vocabulary Tests (15%) Participation (5%) Target for Spring 18 out of 20 6 out of 7 6 15 out of 20 5 out of 7 5 12 out of 20 4 out of 7 4
Challenging targets Teach to the test? No! ELPA practice? No! Regular exposure to authentic English Yes √ Make good use of the weekly 6 hours’ Yes √ out-of-class learning
Challenging targets – ELPA Reading Reading materials in the textbook Materials you find for the assignments Read an article a week (e.g. SCMP, The Guardian, Time, The Economist) Links and generic comprehension questions will be provided.
Challenging targets – ELPA Listening Be attentive in class. Listen to 1 to 2 short videos (e.g. BBC Words in the news, TED Talks) every week. Links and generic comprehension questions will be provided. Use the resources given on the course website
Challenging targets – ELPA Vocabulary Wordlists - 3K, 5K, Academic Word List (AWL) & 10K Vocabulary learning strategies Use the resources given on the course website Target for Spring You could focus on AWL + 3K
Challenging targets – ELPA Writing & Speaking What you learned in Fall, and what you are going to learn in Spring, are all relevant. Speaking Writing Topic Development & coherence Task Fulfillment & coherence Vocabulary range & accuracy Vocabulary range & accuracy Grammar range & accuracy Grammar range & accuracy Pronunciation