Social Studies 8 Chapter 5 General Outcome: Through and examination of Japan, students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the way in which beliefs, values and knowledge shape worldviews and contribute to a society’s isolation and adaptation.
Chapter 5 outcomes (things you need to know) As a class we are going to analyze the effects that rapid adaptation had on traditionally isolated Japan during the Meiji period by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues: What were the motivations for the radical changes in Japan’s model of organization during the Meiji period? How did Japan adapt to changes brought on by the transition from feudal to modern models of organization? How did the changes resulting from adaptation affect Japan economically, politically and socially during the Meiji period?
Personal Glossary Take the next minutes to complete the glossary for chapter 5
Welcome to Meiji Japan Read the chapter title (page 164) Based on the photographs and the timeline on page 124, what is Meiji Japan?
Worldview Investigation Get into your Worldview Investigation groups and obtain your task
Foreign Influences Read the chapter title page 166 What does the term influence mean? Why was Japan concerned about outside influences? What foreign influences were going to cause the biggest threats? –skim pages
Foreign influences outside Japan England was setting up colonies in China Russia had colonies in the North Pacific, stretching to Alaska Holland colonized Indonesia France colonized Southeast Asia, including Vietnam and Laos Spain controlled the Philippines Portugal set up the colony of Macau The United States was moving in
Cause and effect chart Using pages as an example, create a cause-and-effect chart together as a class. Cause= the action of Russia Effect= Japan’s response to that action Read the next three influences (Europe, China, and USA) on your own, and create a cause-and-effect chart. (pages )
Commodore Perry Read the biography on page 173 How would Perry’s worldview have been different than the Japanese leaders that he encountered? What would they have thought of him?
What Made Japan Change To A Modern Country? Russians began to build outposts on the Kuril Islands and introduce Christianity to the Ainu. The Russians were eventually forced to leave by the Japanese.
What Made Japan Change To A Modern Country? European influence, through the Dutch East India Company, convinced the Japanese they needed to learn more about Western civilization. They imported and translated books about western history, institutions, military and science.
What Made Japan Change To A Modern Country? In 1842, Japan learned that the powerful country of China had lost its independence to the European nation of Great Britain. The Japanese were now afraid they might also lose their independence if they did begin trading with the western nations. At this time the United States was looking to open coal stations for its ships along the Japanese coast.
Commodore Mathew Perry By 1854 the United States Navy, the U.S navy sent a fleet if large ships, led by Commodore Perry The U.S. pressured the Japanese to open ports and trade with the Americans. Eventually, trade agreements were also made with a number of other European countries. Japan could no longer isolate itself from the world.
Influential Japanese Read page 174 and the top of 175 Describe their influence on Japanese ideas and values?
Possible responses to foreign influences Read pages 177 Make a T chart to compare the key arguments of the two sides. Do they agree on some points? Is there room for compromise? DISCUSS: do these two people have different worldviews or just different opinions?
Civil Unrest (T-P-S) Read page Think- Individually, list the different ways that citizens can show the government that change is needed Pair- In pairs, combine your answers into two lists- Peaceful protests and non-peaceful protests Share- why did the people of Japan resort to riots? What other strategies could they have tried? Can violent protests be justified? Answer Question #1a-b, page 179
Question #1a and b 1a. Civil unrest before Meiji period: Early Japanese history – daimyo constantly at war with each other conflicts between the daimyo and the bakufu over restrictions placed on daimyo conflicts between the farmers and peasants against the daimyo conflict between those who supported isolationist policies and those who did not conflict between those who supported the shogun and those who supported the return of an imperial government
Question #1a and b
Response to civil unrest Review the external and internal influences on Japan and predict what will happen Read page What three key things did happen?
Perspectives Imagine and emphasize with the people involved. What do you think these people felt and thought about the situation. The last shogun The young emperor The organizers of the takeover The samurai The common people
Creation story Read the creation story about the Japanese emperor. Know of any other creation stories? How did this story help authorities resolve conflicts?
New Ideas Re-read the 5 th statement in the charter oath Make a prediction as to how Japan is going to accomplish this goal Read “Same time, Different place” page 183 to identify some of the ideas and technologies Japan was about to discover in the world.
New Leaders Please read page Compare the ideas and actions of the new leaders to their predecessors. How were their goals different or the same? How might the people have thought about the new leaders?
Iwakura Mission Read page 185 What ideas do you think they will come across as they travel the world? Read page DISCUSS: how might the Iwakura mission be different from a mission nowadays?
Conclusion Please read page 188 Use your cause and effect charts to create a cause and effect timeline with construction paper (to identify different countries) and poster board See examples!
Assessment Chapter 4-5 test tomorrow!