When Disaster Strikes, Will You Be Ready? North Carolina Affordable Housing Conference
Ask Yourself: 2 What would I do? That’s an important question to ask, especially when you’re thinking about safety in the event of an emergency. Knowledge is the first step in readying yourself and your family in case of emergency. From having a packed emergency kit to picking your family meeting place, preparedness is essential.
Preparedness Quiz: Question When creating your preparedness plan, you and your family should... a) Discuss how to prepare for and respond to emergencies near home, school, work, and play b) Learn how to turn off utilities like gas, water, and electricity c) Decide on a meeting spot outside of your home if you need to evacuate d) All of the above The correct answer is all of the above. All of these are important steps to make sure you and all your loved ones are prepared in the event of an emergency. Practice makes perfect - run an emergency drill with your family twice a year to make sure everyone remembers the plan.
Preparedness Quiz: Question How long will a refrigerator maintain its temperature after a power outage? a) 4 hours b) 12 hours c) 24 hours d) As long as you keep the door closed, it will stay cold The correct answer is 4 hours. A refrigerator is able to maintain its temperature for just 4 hours without power. In the event of an emergency, eat any perishable food in the fridge first and throw away anything you're not able to keep cold. A freezer will stay cold for 48 hours.
Preparedness Quiz: Question 3 6 3. Which of the follow is NOT an essential part of a preparedness kit? a) Non-perishable food and bottled water b) Cash c) First aid kit d) Candles The correct answer is candles. Using candles with an open flame as a light source could be dangerous. Instead, we recommend including a flashlight with batteries in your preparedness kit.
Preparedness Quiz: Question 4 7 4. True or False: Your emergency preparedness plan should include household pets. a) True b) False The correct answer is true. Pets enrich our lives in so many ways. When making an emergency preparedness plan for your family, don't forget any animals that live in your household. This includes designating someone to be in charge of any pets and adding items for Fido (like a leash and food) to your preparedness kit. But remember - always make sure you are safe before taking care of anyone else, pets included.
Preparedness Quiz: Question 5 8 5. Which of these statements about cell phone use during emergencies is correct? a) Avoid using cell phones so data networks are not overwhelmed b) A mobile phone can be a useful way to stay informed, access documents and stay in touch with loved ones. Cell phones can be incredibly useful in disaster situations. You can use Red Cross apps to stay informed of weather alerts, evacuation routes, and shelter locations. You can also upload digital copies of any important documents ahead of time. Consider keeping a cheap, pre-paid cell phone in your emergency kit along with an extra charger. And remember that text messages are a great way to stay in touch when data networks are experiencing heavy traffic.
Family Reunification 9 After a disaster, letting your family and friends know that you are safe and well can bring your loved ones great peace of mind. Register Yourself as “Safe and Well” Click on the “List Myself as Safe and Well” button to register yourself on the site. Search for Loved Ones Concerned family and friends can search the list of those who have registered themselves as “safe and well” by clicking on the “Search Registrants” button. The results of a successful search will display a loved one’s first name, last name and a brief message.
Fire Safety 10 Buy and install smoke alarms in each unit of your complex Check batteries twice a year (daylight savings time end/beginning) Establish a meeting place outside for residents to gather Educate community about proper disposal of smoking materials Educate community about cooking on outdoor patios
What does the Red Cross Do? 11 The Red Cross assists families whose homes/apartments are damaged or destroyed by natural disasters (floods, fires, tornadoes, etc) The Red Cross does not assist with flooding due to plumbing issues or frozen pipes, or with power outages The Red Cross provides the following, based on damage sustained to the residence and personal belongings: Temporary Lodging (3 nights) Funds for food/clothing/medical needs One month rent or security deposit when a new home is located Funds for bedding/linens Referrals to other agencies that can assist
Help the Red Cross Help You! 12 In the event of a fire at an apartment complex, the following items will aid the Red Cross in assisting affected families: 1.Current resident list with contact information 2.Amount of rent/security deposit paid by each unit occupants 3.Is the family current on their rent? 4.Are there any available units for relocation? 5.Is security deposit or pro-rated rent refundable?