September 11, 2014 Room 132 Mountain View School
Monday – PE Tuesday – Music Wednesday – PE Thursday – Library + PLC Art (Lab) Friday – Music
Instruments – Band and Strings Chorus – begins in October Show Choir
Journeys – Components on Think Central ( Focus Wall – Home letter sent home weekly Reading – whole and small group Oral Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Independent Reading Reading and responding to text
Writing (Includes Grammar and Spelling) Writing units – Narrative, Informative/Explanatory, Opinion and Research Project Spelling Phonics skill Weekly list and HW activities Grammar Weekly skill connected to writing (included on home letter) Language Arts Homework: 25 Book Goal (logs due Fridays), Grammar, Spelling, Writing Assignments for writing units, anchor text comprehension activities.
Math In Focus – Singapore Math Focuses on mastery of skills Hands on approach Online component for students and teacher (also on Think Central) Assess student knowledge before beginning a new chapter followed by a brief mini-lesson Let’s Practice (graded) Each lesson contains the materials that allow students to work on individualized levels Homework Not graded – reviewed by teacher, may not be given every night (Math24) for fact automaticity
New Jersey – Scott Foresman Geography of NJ Natural Regions of NJ NJ in the beginning Changing life in NJ Modern NJ
A Closer Look – MacMillan and McGraw Hill (new this year) Kingdoms of Life The Animal Kingdom Weather & Climate The Solar System & Beyond Forces and Energy Shaping Earth Saving Earth’s Resources
Reading Weekly lesson assessments related to Journey’s material taught (i.e: reader’s guide graphic organizers, test power, critical thinking guided reading, responding and write about it guided reading, etc) – content may vary due to weekly schedule Classwork assignments Running records SRI Snoopy (taking the place of Link-it) Writing (Grammar and Spelling) Weekly spelling tests- differentiated, may be sentence dictation or word sort. Classwork assignments related to grammar Weekly writing pieces Writing units Math Let’s Practice (from textbook) Chapter tests Weekly multiplication quizzes (schedule will vary) Any graded assignments receiving a grade less than 70% will be sent home to be corrected and returned within 4 days for the highest grade of a 70%
– Voic – ext Notes
Rewards are given throughout the school year. - Whole Class rewards will be given once our “class chain” is completely gone. - Our class will use the “raffle system” to reward students for stickers, minute math 40 club, 25 book goals, classroom written and oral responses that show exceptional inferencing, good leadership, good helper, etc. -Any necessary personal behavior plans will be addressed throughout the school year.
All birthday/party food and drink ingredient lists must be sent in at least 3 days prior to the event. Please be aware of ALL food allergies in this classroom. A list was sent home the first week of school, if you cannot locate one, please ask for a new list. If you have any extra hand sanitizer around your house, we are in need of some for the classroom. AKA: Math24 Edutytping Compass Learning Think Central