NAPLAN Parent Information Session March 2015
What is NAPLAN? The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy Annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. reading writing language conventions (spelling, grammar and punctuation) numeracy
Why NAPLAN? Information at national level on educational outcomes literacy and numeracy Provide parents and schools with information about individual student performance at a point in time Results_Parents_guide.pdf Results_Parents_guide.pdf Provide school state and territory with information on how educational programs are working and areas to be prioritised
What is tested and how? Essential skills Content is informed by the national Statements of Learning for English and Mathematics. Questions are multiple-choice or require a short written response. The writing task requires students to write a text in response to a prompt
What do the tests look like?
How can I help my child prepare for the tests? Reassurance that this is just one part of the school program and to do their best on the day Teachers have prepared students for the tests and they are familiar with what they will be doing
What additional support can schools provide for students with special needs? Students with disability may qualify for adjustments Students who have a temporary injury may also be reasonably accommodated A formal exemption may be granted for a student with significant intellectual disability Your school principal and your state testing authority can provide you with more information on special provisions or the process required to gain a formal exemption.
What are adjustments? Extra time (5 minutes per 30 mins/ up to 15 minutes per 30 mins) Rest breaks Assistive technology (computers) this must be a usual adjustment- approval required Cannot be used for word prediction, spelling & grammar checking, language conventions or reading tests and reading aloud as below Support person to read instructions for writing, numeracy, language conventions and reading test but cannot read questions
Withdrawal of your child NAPLAN 2015 National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy Please contact Educational Performance Services on to request a withdrawal form Phone (03) Fax (03)
More information Our departmental administration team Educational Performance Services