Age of Exploration Chapter 14 and Chapter 15
Why? Trade –spices, silks, jade –Moluccas- island chain known as the spice islands Curiosity Religion
Portugal Prince Henry the Navigator –Conversions, Muslim Riches, Asia –Recruitment: Cartographers, sailors, ship builders, engineers –Dies in 1460 Bartholomeu Dias –rounded Cape of Good Hope in 1488 Vasco da Gama –Voyage to Calicut in India –Imprisoned –Returns with minimal goods (300% profit) –Second Voyage to Calicut to force a treaty and leave merchants
Christopher Columbus Believed he could sail west and reach the East Indies –Portugal would not sponsor him –Ferdinand and Isabella did though Spanish Inquisition forces Jews and many wealthy people out; seeking riches and prestige –First Voyage: Aug. 3, 1492 Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria –Reach land Oct. 12 –Total of 4 voyages
Exploratory Conflict Line of Demarcation: split the globe –Pope Alexander VI –Spain gets west, Portugal gets East –Treaty of Tordesillas
Other Early Explorers Amerigo Vespucci (Itl) –Journals voyage to Brazil Martin Waldseemuller –Used Vespucci’s journals to map the “Americas” Vasco Nunez de Balboa(Spain) –Helped by Indians to get through Panama
Ferdinand Magellan From Portugal Set out with 5 ships from Spain Reached S. Am. and explored every bay Finally reaches southern tip Strait of Magellan –Brutal Storms, Winds, and Tides –Renames South Sea Pacific Crew wanted to return, Magellan wanted to continue –3 wks to spice islands, took 4 months Magellan is killed at the Philippines Sept. 8, 1522 return with 1 ship and 18 sailors 1 st to Circumnavigate
Exploration of Africa Portugal sets up minor establishments along African Coast –Wish to cut out Middle men –African goods: gold, ivory, hides, slaves –Took over Mambasa and Malindi –Expelled Arabs
African Slave Trade slavery has been around for thousands of years Euro. Used slave labor for plantations Plantation: large estates run by an owner or an owner’s overseer slave raids by rulers and “companies”
African Resistance Affonso I, ruled Kongo –Had been tortured by Port. Missionaries –He asked Portugal to help develop Kongo –Results in overwhelming slave trade –Banned in some areas
African Civilizations Asante Kingdom (Ghana) –Osei Tutu-military leader that took over –United area by claiming to be ruler through power of heaven –Created government based on merit –Monopolies on gold and slave trade –Played Europeans against each other Oyo Empire –Forest kingdom composed of Yoruba people –Built army from slavery wealth
European Expansion British, Dutch, and French take over as Portugal declines Establish colonies Dutch build Cape Town at tip of Africa –First permanent European settlement –Boers settle around the area –Locals are killed off due to elitist views
Europe in Asia Portuguese had a superior navy with better cannons Alfonso de Albuquerque –Sailed to Asia Mughal Empire – Muslim controlled lands in central Asia Trading Outposts –1510- Portuguese take Goa –Becomes a major mil./commercial base –1511- Portugal takes Malacca = the Muslim city in East Indies Outposts: distant areas under a country’s control
Dutch Exploration Dutch fleet returns successfully from Asia Set up Cape Town Dutch East India Company – group of wealthy Dutch merchants –had full sovereign powers Dutch take Malacca Use their military to create a monopoly on trade in the region
Spanish Exploration Took over the Philippines Conquered and named after Phillip II
Mughal India Europeans allowed building forts Empire shatters by corruption and power struggles European companies raise armies Eypoys – Indian troops
East Asian Exploration
Ming China Europeans have inferior products –Chinese demand silver and gold Macao (Guangzhou) –Portuguese trading post in China Rules: –Trade only under supervision –Leave at the end of the trade season
Manchu Conquest Manchu – Manchurians from NW China Qing (ching) Dynasty –Adopted Confucianism 2 rulers (1 Manchu/ 1 Chinese) Local governments were maintained Army station to ensure loyalty
Manchu Rulers Kangxi –Expanded empire, promoted Chinese culture Qianlong –Kangxi’s grandson –Created largest Chinese empire in history –Retired after 60 years for grandfather’s sake
Lord Macartney Diplomat Brought sample products (Strike 1) Refusal to bow meeting the emperor (Strike 2) Discussions of the natural superiority of the English (Strike 3)
Japan Welcomed westerners at first Use of European weapons may have stabilized the country Japanese welcome Christianity and the printing press Sources of fear: –Knew of Spanish take-over of Philippines –Christian allegiance
Japan cont. Missionaries kicked out Japanese Christians persecuted and killed Complete Isolation –Outlawed travel, large ship building –Allowed 1-2 Dutch ships in Nagasaki per year to keep informed