Welcome to the Coffee Morning Thursday 6 th February 2014
Languages Offered Mandarin* – Reception-IGCSE Bahasa Melayu – Reception-IGCSE Spanish – Year 5-IGCSE French – CCA (IGCSE from 2014**) German – CCA with Miss Antoinette * Offered only as a Foreign Language (First and Foreign Language from Year 7) ** Planned to become a full subject from September 2015
IGCSE Results 2013 (Malay) GRADE No of Students% A*633% A950% B317% Total18100% A* - C100% A* - A83%
Time Allocation NB: Students who are Malaysian passport holders are required by the Ministry of Education to study Bahasa Malaysian as one of their languages until they achieve a recognised qualification.
The aims and values of the MFL Department To reflect and value the host languages of Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin To encourage students to respect the diversity of the international setting in which they learn To inspire children to learn more about the country than just the language To develop a child’s ability to learn a language To teach students consistency and resilience are important - as learning another language is hard To reflect the ISP Core Values and Learning Habits
End of Early Years Goals Listening and Responding Be able to understand simple classroom commands, short statements and questions. Be able to understand short passages made up of very familiar language spoken at a slow speed without interference. Speaking Be able to give simple responses to what they see and hear. Be able to demonstrate ability to understand short, simple spoken language. Reading and Responding Be able to understand single words presented in clear script in a familiar context, with clues given. Be able to demonstrate ability to read short phrases in a familiar context. Writing Be able to copy familiar short phrases correctly/trace characters. Be able to label items and select appropriate words to complete short phrases or sentences.
End of Primary Goals Listening and Responding Be able to understand short passages made up of familiar, simple language that is spoken at near normal speed without interference. Be able to identify and note main points and some details, but may need some items to be repeated. Speaking Be able to give simple responses to what they see and hear. Be able to take part in brief prepared tasks of at least two or three exchanges, using visual or other cues to help them initiate and respond. Be able to use their knowledge of grammar to adapt and substitute single words and phrases. Reading and Responding Be able to understand short phrases presented in a familiar context. Be able to understand short texts and dialogues, made up of familiar language, printed in books or word processed. Writing Be able to copy familiar short phrases in Bahasa Melayu/ Han Yu Pin Yin/Spanish correctly. Be able to write short phrases from memory and their spelling is readily understandable. Be able to write individual paragraphs of about three or four simple sentences, drawing largely on memorised language.
Primary Years We follow the IPC curriculum whilst also using the National Curriculum Levels and Level Descriptors All students have a copy of the Level Descriptors in ‘student speak’ in their exercise books Copies are available on the MFL Haiku page
End of Secondary Goals To achieve as high a grade as possible in IGCSE (A*-U) Cambridge IGCSE Course French/Spanish/Mandarin Foreign Language – 3/4 papers Bahasa Melayu – 2/3 papers Mandarin First Language – 2 papers
Secondary Years Students follow the British National Curriculum and are assessed using the levels across the 4 skills. All students have a copy of the Level Descriptors in ‘student speak’ in their exercise books and continual assessment trackers.
Department Development 2013/14 MFL Specific ICT Training (June 2013 and ongoing) Setting introduced from Year 3 (September 2013) National Curriculum Level Training (September 2013) ‘Native’ and ‘Non-Native’ have been discarded (September 2013) All students joining the school sit age-appropriate baseline tests (September 2013) Trackers in students’ exercise books across the languages (September 2013) Resources are shared across languages – standardising learning for year groups (September 2013) Haiku vocabulary for Early Years and Primary students (October 2013) Ongoing peer and MFL Coordinator observations (from October 2013) Bahasa Melayu and Mandarin department have weekly meetings with LT support (December 2013-ongoing) Standardised Schemes of Work (January 2014-ongoing – reviewed annually) Vocabulary Books for Primary students (January 2014) Behaviour Management Training (January 2014) Published Curriculum plans (January 2014) Regular formal assessment across the 4 skills (January 2014) Areas for development have been identified and acted upon by Leadership Team ( ) Liaising with Primary class teachers to organise seating plans to help with behaviour management (January 2014) Traffic lights, thumbs up/thumbs down used regularly In lessons (February 2014)
Teaching Strategies ‘Sponge’ activities Games Interactive ICT-based resources Vocabulary and grammar tests Age-appropriate resources Topic-based learning supported with formative and summative assessments Mixture of target language and English used in class
Teaching Development Peer observations Leadership Team observations MFL Coordinator observations Department Meetings – ‘sharing good practice’ ISP R&D Process AFL Training Whole Staff Training
Resources A range of text books Subscribed websites – – – –
MFL Haiku Page
How can parents help? Encourage your child to use the language every night—listening, speaking, reading and writing it. Label household items in the foreign language iPad apps – some suggestions are on the Haiku page Make flash cards with your child If possible, introduce them to some native speakers – even a basic ‘hello’, ‘how are you’ etc makes it ‘real’ Encourage your child to look at target language websites, read magazines, listen to songs For younger students use nursery rhymes, single words etc. If you are fluent in the language, don’t be overly critical of your child’s efforts. Focus on what they do well Encourage the use of dictionaries – discourage use of translators Value the language!
Next Coffee Morning Thursday 20 th February 2014 Learning in the Early Years – Tracy Lewis