Thursday, January 8, 2015
Kona Ice will be back on Tuesday! If it’s cold, they will also be serving delicious hot chocolate, so bring your money that day and be ready to treat yourself.
The prom committee will meet after school Wednesday (not Tuesday as originally scheduled) in Mrs. Champion’s room. Please make plans to be there to pick out decorations and make other important decisions.
If you are a peer helper with a current contract, please be sure to return your blue permission slip for the Jubilee Field trip as soon as possible. Wednesday is the last day to turn that in to Mrs. Champion or Mrs. Cody. If you did not receive one in homeroom, see Mrs. Champion today.
Student Council’s January meeting is scheduled for Monday at 3:10 in the library. All members please plan to attend.
Seniors: Balfour has an exciting addition to our graduation ceremony this year! For the first time ever, all graduating seniors have the opportunity to wear sashes with their caps and gowns. These sashes are white and embroidered with your graduation year and our school crest. The sashes are $20. If you would like to see the sash stop by Mrs. K’s room, room 207.
Mrs. K has long sleeved senior t-shirts for sale for $20. Also, juniors and seniors, Mrs. K has extra power puff tshirts for sale for just $15. See her in room 207 if you are interested in either of these items.
There will be an informational meeting for any students interested in being in sports medicine next year, on Monday after school in the Athletic Training Room. Any interested students must have a current physical on file. Students can get their physical on Saturday here at the school. If you have questions or need a physical packet, seen Coach Ahonen or Coach Anthony.
Attention all student athletes: Your physical packets are due to Coach Ahonen and Coach Anthony today. Make sure the entire packet is completed, with guardian signature, and $10 payment. Again, your physical packets are due to Coach Ahonen and Coach Anthony TODAY. Make sure the entire packet is completed, with guardian signature, and $10 payment. See your coach for any questions.
Anyone that signed up for track before the Christmas break must plan to attend a short mandatory meeting on Monday in Coach Brown’s room 906 right after school. All fees, dues, and paperwork will start being collected at this time. Also, don’t forget to prepay $10 for physicals that will be given out January 10 at the training room. All money for that should be given to Coach Ahonen.