Focus on Employment Provider Council Meeting November 17, 2006 Beth McArthur
State Employment Leadership Network SELN ICI Institute for Community Inclusion – UMASS Boston NASDDDS National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services Jointly sponsored by:
SELN Staff Bill Kiernan—ICI –John Butterworth –Suzzanne Freeze Bob Gettings—NASDDDS –Chas Moseley –Angela Rapp-Kennedy
Arizona Connecticut Delaware Florida Hawaii ** Massachusetts New Mexico Oregon South Carolina Texas Washington West Virginia Wisconsin SELN Participating States
WHY SELN? Nationally, numbers of people employed in integrated settings has stagnated in the last years There are wide variations among states in employment rates of people served by state DD systems (less than 10% in five states to over 45% in five other states) Significant potential exists to expand employment in integrated settings Coordinated efforts are need to accomplish this expansion
Benefits to Participating State Agencies Standardized Self Assessment Process Training / Technical Assistance Improved Data Reporting Systems to Track Employment Outcomes Issue Papers Sharing of Best Practice Information SELN website Network Teleconferences Interstate Collaboration and Joint Problem Solving
SELN Timeline July to December 2006 and beyond… Develop and Pilot the self-assessment instrument/process in two states Convene Network Steering Committee meeting via teleconference Conduct on-site visits to participating states Begin developing & distributing “Data Notes” summarizing existing state employment data Assess member outcome data availability and development needs. Develop data plan for each participating state. Begin targeted conversations with states re TA and system change needs. Convene Steering Committee in conjunction with NASDDDS Annual Meeting being held in Arlington, VA on November 8 – 10. Complete and distribute summary analysis of member site visits Develop individualized work plans for each participating state during
State Self Assessment Agency mission statement and priority policy goals (general) State DD agency mission and goal statement(s) Statements of broad policy directions or commitments to achieving identified employment outcomes Regulations and policies on achieving integrated employment outcomes Specific state policy goals related to the achievement of employment outcomes for individuals with developmental disabilities Operating policies related to the achievement of employment outcomes for individuals with developmental disabilities Regulations pertaining to the provision of employment and other day services State DD agency organization and operation State agency organizational structure with respect to the provision of employment and day supports
State Self Assessment Funding and service contracting Service definitions of supported employment included in the state’s 1915(c) Medicaid waiver programs. Service definitions for day habilitation and other supports furnished under the state’s 1915(c) Medicaid waiver programs. Sample provider agency contracts for the provision of employment supports Funding and rate structures for employment and other day service supports Training and TA Training requirements and/or curricula for state agency personnel involved in employment, including case managers or service coordinators Training requirements and/or curricula for direct support professionals
State Self Assessment Collaboration Agreements or Memoranda of Understanding with other state agencies regarding employment services (including vocational rehabilitation and workforce development) Performance measurement, quality assurance, and program oversight Quality standards for employment and other day service supports Description of quality assessment and monitoring procedures for employment services. Data summaries or outcome reports related to employment and other day supports.
Themes from site visits Rekindle excitement and innovation around employment Better employment outcomes Better data systems Better QA systems Better payment systems to promote employment—rates v. contracts More access to benefits counseling Better relationships with stakeholders—families, providers, business community, school systems, VR agencies Manage challenge of launching employment initiatives in midst of other systems change
Variables for High Performing Systems System Level Strategies Flexible policies Funding incentives Communication of goals through data Innovation diffusion through training Goal Integrated Employment Goal Community Inclusion Facilitators Local Control Relationships Catalysts & Context Key Players Clarity Of Goals Values
DMR Goals participate in the self assessment process and set goals as a result improve the substance and availability of data related to employment and use it to make decisions about policy and funding decisions identify exemplary programs and employment providers in CT and share techniques, program design and training with other providers continue to participate in the NGA and YVT to enhance interagency coordination of employment initiatives for youth identify and measure the job opportunities afforded school graduates transitioning to DMR in FY07. Use this information to set goals for FY08
Arizona Connecticut Delaware Florida Hawaii ** Massachusetts New Mexico Oregon South Carolina Texas Washington West Virginia Wisconsin SELN Participating States Medicaid Infrastructure Grants (MIG) $5.1M for CT
MIG Goals To improve the transition process for young adults moving form school to post secondary education or employment. To increase expectations for people with disabilities in achieving career potential. To increase the recruitment, employment and retention of individuals with disabilities into CT businesses. To increase access to transportation for individuals with disabilities. Provide technical assistance to support the development of effective strategies for increasing employment of people with disabilities.