Schedules, Policies, and Curriculum 2015 Mrs. Russell & Mrs. Perry 5 th grade
Our Schedule Recess 10:00 Lunch 11:55 – 12:30 Monday Art 8:40 – 9:20 Tuesday Music 8:40 – 9:20 Dance 9:20 – 10:00 Friday PE 9:20 – 10:00
Classroom Management Individual: Participation Points PBIS Quiet signal Verbal warning Moved to “thinking spot” Class: Marble Jar Grade Level: Goal Line No missing work - 20 minute recess on Friday at 2:20 Any missing assignments - stay in for a study hall
Student Responsibilities Assignments - Students are responsible for turning in finished work each day. Any unfinished work becomes homework and is due the next day. Planner - Completed daily together, the planner lists all assignments and homework. Parent Folder - Students take home on Friday, return on Monday.
Homework In Grades 4-5, the district guideline for homework is two to four assignments weekly, each lasting minutes. The purpose of homework is to reinforce previously taught concepts and develop study habits. Monday - Thursday unfinished work practice spelling words, read 20 minutes math or language practice sheets as assigned book reports/research projects will require work at home
Late Work Policy Repeated incidences of late work will result in lowered marks for Lifelong Learning Skills. Percent of missing/late assignments will be noted in report card comments. Weekly progress report will list missing assignments. Work missed due to excused absences will be given equal number of days to make up (e.g., 3 days absent, work due 3 days later.)
Communication Daily planner Weekly parent folder Weekly progress report Mrs. Perry’s webpagewebpage is best for questions/concerns
Parent Folder Parent folder goes home every Friday – please return on Monday Includes weekly missing assignment sheet Contains work done throughout the week Also important papers from the school/PTA/teacher
Volunteers Copying, laminating Field trip chaperones Holiday Hats Biz Town 5 th grade party
English Language Arts Reading McGraw-Hill Reading Wonders reading writing workshop and anthology Scholastic News Novel studies Book reports by genre Vocabulary Analogies Greek/Latin roots Figurative Language Grammar
Writing Narrative, Opinion, Informative Scored on 6 traits of writing (organization, voice, ideas, sentence fluency, word choice, and conventions) and Common Core rubrics Step Up to Writing model for expository writing
Math enVision MATH – Core Curriculum Operations and Algebraic Thinking Interpret algebraic expressions Analyze patterns Number and Operations in Base Ten Understand place value system Perform operations with multi-digit whole numbers and decimals Number and Operations – Fractions Perform operations with fractions
Math cont. Measurement and Data Represent and interpret data Volume Geometry Graph points on coordinate plane Classify two-dimensional figures based on attributes
Science The Scientific Method topics of study during the year: Physical: Magnets and Motors Earth/Space: Motion and Design Life: Ecosystems
Social Studies Daily Geography History Alive Tri 1: Geography, Native Americans, Exploration Tri 2: Colonial Life, The American Revolution Tri 3: The Constitution, Bill of Rights CBA – Classroom Based Assessment - topic is “Causes of Conflict – Revolutionary War” States studied by region
Technology Computer Lab – weekly Math and language practice with IXL Word, Excel, PowerPoint instruction Research Organization Methodology Ethics Citing sources Assessment Math topic tests iReady for ELA and Math (fall and spring) SBA (Smarter Balanced Assessment) for ELA and Math MSP for Science
Question and Answer Time please sign up for a conference time before you leave