Spanish 2 Ms. Parreira Fall 2014
Masculine and Feminine articles Definite articles=forms of “the” -el, la, los, las Indefinite articles=forms of a/an -un, una, unos, unas Masculine words often end in –o. Feminine words often end in –a.
Regular Singular adjectives Remember adjectives describe nouns. Must agree with the noun according to gender. Examples: -el chico guapola chica guapa the good-looking boythe good looking girl Most adjectives that end in –e or a consonant are neutral. Example: -el chico pacientela chica paciente the patient boy the patient girl
Plural nouns and adjectives If a noun or adjective ends in a vowel, add –s. Los chicos guapos Las chicas guapas If a noun or adjective ends in a consonant, add –es. Los profesores trabajadores
El Fin
Group activity In small groups of 3, make sketches of 2-3 characters. Then write sentences talking about: -Who they are -Where they are from -What they like to do -What they look like -What they are like You will present this with your group in front of the class.