Sponsored by the National Science Foundation KanseiGenie Spiral 2 Year-end Project Review Ohio State University, Wayne State University PI: Anish Arora Co-PIs: Hongwei Zhang, Rajiv Ramnath Students: Wenjie Zeng, Mukundan Sridharan, Jing Li, Xi Ju 08/26/2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 2 Project Summary GENI-fication of Kansei experiment infrastructure and services –Brought diverse wireless sensor network (WSN) aggregates to GENI –Componentized the software to conform to GENI/ORCA architecture and interfaces Cloning and Federation of heterogeneous WSNs –Created installer software package; used to create NetEye (Wayne State),OKGems (Oklahoma State) –Demonstrated federated operation of experiments across slices in multiple sites Building blocks leading to a science of wireless experimentation –Reasoning about uncertainty in experiment and protocols –WSNDL: Wireless Sensor Network Description Language –WSNDL-oriented measurement and instrumentation Support WSN research in GENI context –Significant number of external users worldwide, expts per month since 2004 –Education efforts attracting adopters from US, India and China 08/26/2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 3 Milestone & QSR Status IDMilestoneStatusOn Time?On Wiki?GPO signoff? 2aRemote accessDone On timeYes 2bCluster plan for VLANs between testbedsDoneOn timeYes 2c Extend researcher portal to support workflow management DoneOn timeYes 2d Extend researcher portal for use with Kansei and Neteye DoneOn timeYes 2eBring up NetEye testbed at WSUDoneOn timeYes 2f Connections from Kansei and NetEye to Layer2 Done>2 mo lateYesNo 2g Import extended ORCA v2.1 DoneOn timeYesNo 2h Demo experiment using Kansei and NetEye DoneOn timeYes 2i Collaborate with GMOC Done<2 mo lateYes 2j POC to GENI response team Done<2 mo lateYes 2k POC to GENI security team DoneEarlyYes 2lContribution to GENI outreachIn progressOn timeNo QSR: 4Q2009DoneOn timeYesNo QSR: 1Q2010DoneOn timeYesNo QSR: 2Q2010Done<2 mo lateYesNo 08/26/2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 4 Accomplishments 1: Advancing GENI Spiral 2 Goals 08/26/2010 Spiral 2 GoalsRelated Project AccomplishmentsNotes Continuous Experimentation Remote access for broader user base On-line documentation added. Online problem- reporting and bug tracking system established Researcher portal to support federated workflow management KanseiGenie-fied NetEye at Wayne St. and OKGems at Oklahoma St.; PeopleNet at Ohio St now running Kansei Integration Cluster plan for VLANs between testbeds Kansei and NetEye now integrated in both the control plane and data plane (e.g., via stitching services). Other testbeds running the KanseiGenie software can also be integrated Connections from Kansei & NetEye to NLR Imported & extended ORCA v2.1 for WSNs Researcher portal for unified interface with Kansei and NetEye Instrumentation and Measurement Collaboration with GMOC Kansei health status monitoring data and schema exported to GMOC
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 5 Accomplishments 2: Other Project Accomplishments Wireless/sensor fabrics resource management modules (plug-ins for all three actors) integrated with ORCA Fine grain resource management functional in ORCA (provides subset of resources from array of resources) Refined KanseiGenie installer software package and ported to Fedora platform Part of GENI-ORCA Racks proposal Took lead in proposing draft of RSpecs and Ontology (for Wireless/Sensor Network Descriptions) –Seek to implement these in Spiral 3 –Can be integrated with Vise, Dome, WiMAX; will co-operate with, i.e., ORBIT Local and international (through IUCEE) outreach/impact 08/26/2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 6 Issues None; we think our goals continue to benefit GENI and benefit from GENI’s evolution Would appreciate support for local VLAN costs. Already raised real cost share from OSU/WSU/OARnet/OSC partners I 08/26/2010
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 7 Plans For the remainder of Spiral 2 –Document and Package Federated KanseiGenie software For Spiral 3 –Refine and implement WSNDL in ORCA –Refine resource management policies for WSNs –Experiment Tools: DataHub / CrossSliceStitching –Consider port to.NET MF and IMote2 –Incorporate ORCA identity management –Establish more adopters of KanseiGenie 08/26/2010