An Educational Computer Based Training Program CBTCBT
Introduction to U.T. Tyler Compliance Program The University of Texas at Tyler General Compliance Training
Introduction to U.T. Tyler Compliance Program The U.T. Tyler General Compliance Training Program is intended to demonstrate the absolute commitment of the University to the highest standards of ethics and compliance with all applicable laws, policies, rules, and regulations. Ethical conduct and compliance are personal responsibilities, and each employee will be held accountable for his or her conduct.
Introduction to U.T. Tyler Compliance Program l Why do we need a compliance program? l What does compliance mean? l Where does the compliance program come in? l How will this program help? l Who is responsible for the program? l What about ethics? l How do I learn more?
Introduction to U.T. Tyler Compliance Program Why do we need a compliance program? l High ethical standards and compliance with the law are extremely important to U.T. Tyler. l All U.T. Tyler employees have an obligation to the State of Texas, the Board of Regents, and themselves to be good stewards of the resources entrusted to them.
Introduction to U.T. Tyler Compliance Program What does compliance mean? l To be in compliance means to adhere to all laws, rules, and policies that apply to your job functions. l You are NOT responsible for knowing ALL the laws and policies that apply to U.T. Tyler. l You are responsible for knowing and following the laws and policies that apply to you and your job functions at U.T. Tyler.
Introduction to U.T. Tyler Compliance Program Where does the compliance program come in? l This compliance program is designed to provide a broad and general overview of the laws, regulations, and policies that affect ALL employees. l Employees should contact their supervisor or institutional compliance officer for compliance guidance on specific laws, policies, and other issues. l U.T. Tyler’s Compliance Director is Mary Barr at ext 7151.
The U.T. Tyler General Compliance Training Program will: l Provide all U.T. Tyler employees with training that is relevant and specific to their component and job functions. l Train all U.T. Tyler employees on the conduct required of them to comply with all applicable laws and policies. l Provide information on the laws and policies you need to know, who you can contact to get more information, and links to web-sites where you will find valuable information. Introduction to U.T. Tyler Compliance Program How will this program help?
Introduction to U.T. Tyler Compliance Program Who is responsible for the program? l Program direction is provided by a System-wide Compliance Committee, with representatives from each campus. l The System-wide Compliance Officer is responsible for the execution of the program. l Each institution has a compliance officer and an executive compliance committee. U. T. Tyler’s Compliance Officer is the AVP for Administration and the Director is Mary Barr at ext
Introduction to U.T. Tyler Compliance Program What about ethics? l Ethical behavior is more than legal compliance; “doing the right thing” goes beyond the law. l Ethical conduct requires knowledge about laws, rules, and policies applicable to one’s employment responsibilities. l Management personnel are expected to be role models of ethical behavior and set a proper tone for their departments.
Introduction to U.T. System Compliance Program What about ethics? (continued) l U.T. Tyler’s Standards of Conduct Guide is on the U.T. Tyler website and provides information on a variety of topics, from records and information to workplace conduct and employment issues; from employee health and safety to the use of state resources, and much more. l UT System’s Office of General Counsel website has information about Ethics and The University of Texas System. l These topics provide the framework for The U.T. Tyler General Compliance Training Program.
Introduction to U.T. Tyler Compliance Program How do I learn more? l Ethics and The University of Texas System U.T. System Regents’ Rules and Regulations l U.T. Tyler’s Standards of Conduct Guide /SOCGuide.pdf /SOCGuide.pdf l Consult the U.T. Tyler Management Responsibilities Handbook or ask your institution’s designated compliance director. Contact Mary Barr at ext
Test Your Knowledge Following are several questions to test your knowledge of the information presented. Answer all questions correctly to receive credit for the training.
Question #1 Ethical conduct and compliance with laws are the personal responsibilities of each U.T. employee. TRUE FALSE
Question #2 U.T. Tyler employees are required to know all the laws and policies that apply to all employees at their respective components. TRUE FALSE
Question #3 The training modules of The U.T. Tyler General Compliance Training Program will provide specific guidelines on laws that will only apply to a few employees of U.T. Tyler. TRUE FALSE
Question #5 Each U.T. System campus has its own compliance officer and executive compliance committee. TRUE FALSE
Question #6 U.T. System’s Office of General Counsel website about Ethics and The University of Texas System along with U. T. Tyler’s Standards of Conduct Guide provide the framework for all of the General Compliance training modules. TRUE FALSE
Question #7 During the training, references were provided on where to find and who to contact for more information on the U.T. Tyler compliance program. TRUE FALSE
Congratulations… you have completed your training on Introduction to U.T. Tyler Compliance Program The University of Texas at Tyler General Compliance Training
Introduction to U.T. Tyler Compliance Program Hyperlinks... l Ethics and The University of Texas System: A Brief Practical Guide e.htm U.T. System Regents’ Rules and Regulations e.htm
Introduction to U.T. Tyler Compliance Program Thank you for your commitment to ethical behavior and your compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and U.T. Tyler policies. Thank you for your commitment to ethical behavior and your compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and U.T. Tyler policies.
The Training Post An Educational Computer Based Training Program CBTCBT