Mrs. Minimalar 24year old Primi from Villukuri Admitted with complaints of lower abdominal pain since 2 days. She is a primi with 4 months amenorrhoea LMP 17/09/2012 EDC 24/06/2013
H/O Presenting Complaints Patient was referred from local hospital, as a Primi – 16 weeks gestation with a/c abdominal pain 2 days. Diffuse pain Associated with vomiting Regular ANC and was immunized
Past & family H/O No similar illness in past Congenital anomalies present in family Marital H/O Married since 7 months Non consanguinous marriage Menstural H/O Regular cycle LMP – 17/09/2012
Examination O/E- Thin built - Conscious & well oriented - Afebrile - No pallor / No oedema - Speech stammering - Mouth – uvula absent - hands & feet – congenital wasting + deformity of hand & feet Vitals – stable CVS RsNAD
Per Abdominal Examination Tenderness iliac fossa swelling left inguinal region 3x2cm Non – reducible No cough impluse Transilluminant Uterus 16 weeks FH good
Investigation All Haematological investigations – WNL USS Revealed – single viable foetus - 16 weeks - NL for date
USS of inguinal region A large thinwalled simple cyst containing clear fluid in left inguinal region. It extended from level of deep inguinal region to superficial inguinal ring just lateral to symphysis pubis. Right ovary enlarged with vascularity Left ovary seen separate from the cyst.
What can this be ?
Differential Diagnosis Inguinal Hernia Femoral Hernia Enlarged lymphnodes Soft tissue tumour Lipoma Leiomyoma Endometriosis of round Ligament Vascular abnormality like – Arterial + venous aneurysms Rarely – hydrocoele of canal of nuck Ganglion cyst Para spinal abscess
Discussion Rare cause of inguinal swelling in women Only 400 reported cases Female counterpart of hydrocoele of spermatic cord Rare developmental disorder
Anatomy In male foetus an evagination of the parietal peritoneum The processus vaginalis accompanies the testis as it descends into the scrotum The same finger like processus vaginalis named the canal of Nuck follows the round ligament of uterus as it passes through the female inguinal canal Normally this peritoneal evagination undergoes obliteration soon after birth in both sexes or within 1 year Failure to achieve complete obliteration Partial proximal obliteration leaves the distal portion of processus vaginalis open cyst of canal of Nuck
Diagnosis Based on clinical findings Painless swelling Moderately fluctuant inguinal mass Irreducible Transilluminant No A/c abdominal symptoms
Investigation Choice Ultra sound scan MRI
Treatment of choice Surgical resection of hydrocoele, and ligation of neck of processus vaginalis Sonographically guided aspiration temporarily Risk of contralateral inguinal hernia
Conclusion Rare developmental disorder DD for groin tumour in females USS – investigation of choice Concomitant inguinal hernia may be there Surgical excision curative Temporary cure – USS guided aspiration.
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