1 WELCOME TO Electrical Safety Arc Flash/Blast Injury Prevention Management/Supervisory Course
Acknowledgment This training course was produced under grant number SH F-13 from OSHA, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. 2
4 Cell Phones Pagers Other Electronic Devices Please turn off or place in silent mode!!! Administrative Information
5 ATMOSPHERE We would like for this course to be casual. You all have unique work experiences and we would like to encourage you to share and ask questions.
6 Administrative Information PERSONAL BELONGINGS You may leave your course material here when you leave for lunch, but please take personal items with you; we cannot guarantee security here. ASSISTANCE AFTER THE COURSE We have included the address, phone number, and address of each course speaker on the course schedule. Please feel free to call us when you have questions.
7 CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE Given at end of course Must be present for 80 percent of course for certificate Administrative Information
8 EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE: NOTEBOOK Name Tent Course Schedule Copies of speakers’ presentations Reference Materials Course Evaluation—please complete and turn in before you leave today Follow Up for Impact Administrative Information
Participants Management Engineering Maintenance Facilities Electrical Contractors Maintenance Supervisors Maintenance Lead Personnel Technical Representative Other 9
Course Objectives After attending this course, you should be able to: Discuss the hazards associated with arc flash Identify basic personal protective equipment Understand how to conduct a hazard analysis for shock and arc flash Know the elements of an electrical safety program List some best practices to minimize hazards 10
Pre/Post Test To evaluate the training, there will be a brief pre/post test. The test will be used to determine knowledge before and after course. Please do the following: Complete the test on your own (not in group) Answer all questions to best of your ability Turn in test after completion 11
Statistics Over 30,000 non-fatal electrical shock accidents occur each year Over 600 people die from electrocution each year Electrocution remains the fourth (4th) highest cause of industrial fatalities Most injuries and deaths could be avoided 12
Controls What controls do you have to protect personnel? Are the controls effective in preventing injury? Do you often audit the fundamentals of your electrical safety program? Do you even have an electrical safety program? 13
14 Electrical Safety, Arc Flash/Blast Injury Prevention for Maintenance Managers/Supervisors