Students Gaining Math Power at Bloomington High School 1202 E. Locust Bloomington, IL Nancy Norem Powell, Lead Teacher – Mathematics –
The Math Department Goals: 1. Build positive relationships with students 2. Make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics increase their understanding and skills in mathematics be able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts. be able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts.
Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts. The Goal: Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts. How we’re doing this Teachers build positive relationships with their students They believe that EVERY child can learn math and tell them They believe that EVERY child can learn math and tell them They know that students learn in different ways and at different times and give them tools and opportunities to do so They know that students learn in different ways and at different times and give them tools and opportunities to do so They help students understand that making mistakes is a normal way to gain knowledge They help students understand that making mistakes is a normal way to gain knowledge
How we’re doing this Teachers collaborate with their colleagues and create lessons using a variety of contexts and learning styles infused with Technology (Internet, Geometer’s Sketchpad, Fathom, Moodle,etc.), Technology (Internet, Geometer’s Sketchpad, Fathom, Moodle,etc.), Hands-on activities (making direct and indirect measurements, reading blueprints, completing projects, etc.), and Hands-on activities (making direct and indirect measurements, reading blueprints, completing projects, etc.), and Use of manipulatives (algebra tiles, geometric solids and tools, miras, mirrors, teacher-made manipulatives, etc.) Use of manipulatives (algebra tiles, geometric solids and tools, miras, mirrors, teacher-made manipulatives, etc.) Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts. The Goal: Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts.
How we're doing this Teachers provide instruction symbolically, graphically, numerically, and verbally and have students expressing their mathematics symbolically, graphically, numerically, and verbally with and without technology. Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts. The Goal: Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts.
How we're doing this Teachers provide real-world applications in lessons and activities via Hands-on activities (i.e. using blueprints, product development, making direct and indirect measurements, etc.), Hands-on activities (i.e. using blueprints, product development, making direct and indirect measurements, etc.), Futures Channel ( dex.php) and other movies, Futures Channel ( dex.php) and other movies, dex.phphttp:// dex.php Word problems, Word problems, WorkKeys problems/KeyTrain Software, etc. WorkKeys problems/KeyTrain Software, etc. Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts. The Goal: Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts.
How we're doing this Assessments include written explanations, written explanations, multiple choice questions, and multiple choice questions, and projects to apply mathematics - projects are done by students individually and in teams, etc. projects to apply mathematics - projects are done by students individually and in teams, etc. Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts. The Goal: Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts.
How we're doing this....StandardizedTesting Local Math Assessment Departmentexams SchoolAnd District Goals pre- and post-tests, quarter and semester exams We make Data Driven Decisions based on Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts. The Goal: Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts.
S chool and D istrict G oals Goal 1: Improved test scores for all students in all populations Goal 2: 80% of all students in all populations enrolled in “core” classes Goal 3: Proportionate representation in all classes and levels Goal 4: Proportionate representation in all honors and awards presentations Goal 5: 90% of all students will earn one year’s credit in one year
Goal 1: Improved test scores for all students in all populations
PSAE 11 th Grade Mathematics M/E
Goal 1: Improved test scores for all students in all populations
Goal 2: 80% of all students in all populations enrolled in “core” classes
Goal 5: 90% of all students will earn one year’s credit in one year
Low Income (1993 – 2006)
How we're doing this Teachers provide students with Carefully crafted lessons Carefully crafted lessons Timely feedback, Timely feedback, Study skills, Study skills, Test taking strategies, Test taking strategies, and continue to Communicate with parents, and Communicate with parents, and Build positive relationships with students and parents Build positive relationships with students and parents Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts. The Goal: Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts.
T est- T aking S trategies Determine if there is a penalty for wrong answers, if not, make sure to answer all of the questions Determine if there is a penalty for wrong answers, if not, make sure to answer all of the questions Eliminate all of the obviously wrong answers Eliminate all of the obviously wrong answers Code questions that are skipped till the end Code questions that are skipped till the end Figure out how much time there is for each question and at what time you should be halfway through Figure out how much time there is for each question and at what time you should be halfway through Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts. The Goal: Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts.
How we're doing this Teachers support Xtreme Math (for all students), Project Success (for students who get special services) and provide other outside resources (office hours, websites, etc.) Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts. The Goal: Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts.
X Treme Math After school program Mondays – Thursdays from 2:25 – 3:15 After school program Mondays – Thursdays from 2:25 – 3:15 Open and Free to all students, however targeted/ invited students are students with Open and Free to all students, however targeted/ invited students are students with math PLAN test scores between Students enrolled in geometry as juniors Minority or free/reduced lunch A drink and a snack are provided A drink and a snack are provided An after school bus and city bus tokens are provided An after school bus and city bus tokens are provided A Program for BHS students who are striving to achieve their full potential in order to qualify for better opportunities in education and careers. Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts. The Goal: Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts.
X Treme Math Administrative support is very important for students and teachers (recruiting & encouraging students to participate, providing resources and time for teachers, etc.) Administrative support is very important for students and teachers (recruiting & encouraging students to participate, providing resources and time for teachers, etc.) 2 Math Department teachers are in the computer lab during this time to develop positive relationships with students and to provide activities/ homework help 2 Math Department teachers are in the computer lab during this time to develop positive relationships with students and to provide activities/ homework help ACT Test Prep, Key Train, and other math software are available for students to use ACT Test Prep, Key Train, and other math software are available for students to use Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts. The Goal: Build positive relationships with students and make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts.
Build positive relationships with students and Make math meaningful so that ALL students will increase their understanding and skills in mathematics and are able to apply math in a variety of curricular contexts.
Remember... All students need Math Power! Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off of your goals! - Studebaker
Check out this interesting article and other research on this site… From High School to the Future: ACT Preparation-- Too Much, Too Late From High School to the Future: ACT Preparation-- Too Much, Too Late 5/2008. Elaine Allensworth, Macarena Correa and Steve Ponisciak AllensworthMacarena Correa Futures Channel - career movies available on the Internet ( Futures Channel - career movies available on the Internet (