Tallmadge High School TALLMADGE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT PLAN Initial Plan: February 1999 Revised: May 2003 Revised: September 30, 2004 Revised: September 20, 2005 Revised: September 21, 2006 Revised: May, 24, 2007 Revised: September 19, 2007 Revised: September, 2008 “All students can learn that which is valued by the school, parents, and community” Systematically Improving Student Achievement
Tallmadge High School Continuous Improvement Team Planning Team Board of Education Mrs. Becky DeCapua (1) year Mr. Mike Householder (1) year Mrs. Connie Ray Mrs. Joyce Conway (1) year Mrs. Julie Basso (1 yr) Mrs. Tara Stallman (1) Mrs. Misty Craig Mr. Don Duffy (1 yr) Principal Asst Principal Teacher Guidance Mr. Thom Craig Mrs. Valorie Prulhiere Mr. Dennis Loughry Mr. Rick Kellar Mrs. Amy Goodson-Beal President Vice President Member Advisory Team Mr. Jeff FergusonSuperintendent Dr. Lynn HruschakDirector of Curriculum Mr. Brad CroskeyDirector of Technology Dr. JoAnn ChirakosDirector of Special Education Mrs. Nancy WackCommunications Coordinator
Tallmadge High School Vision and Mission Vision “We envision a future in which Tallmadge High School is an exemplary place of learning, producing graduates with the skills and values necessary to become productive and responsible citizens.” Mission “The mission of Tallmadge High School is to promote an educationally sound, safe, and challenging environment in which everyone is actively engaged in learning.”
Tallmadge High School Beliefs We believe in and support … a comprehensive curriculum and modern resources that provide learning experiences which ensure success for each child in the 21 st century. a respectful and cooperative learning environment that includes students, staff, parents/families, and community members. decision-making processes that are child-centered, data driven and research based. Our Beliefs form the underpinnings of our Mission and Vision...
Tallmadge City Schools CIP GOAL … to continue as a district of excellence through 2009 as determined by multiple measures including the Local Report Card.
Strategic PlanningLeadership Student and Stakeholder Focus Maintain a district level CIP team to meet at least twice a year Maintain building-level CIP teams which will meet K-12, district wide, at least twice a year The board, superintendent, and treasurer will: Provide resources & allow reallocation of existing resources to meet literacy goals Analyze and review strategic process results at least annually Communicate policies, practices, expectations and results to staff and stakeholders Coordinate instructional practices with support services to enhance student learning Familiarize students and staff, and inform stakeholders about content standards which are … what kids should know and be able to do Inform students and stakeholders about our strategic plan which is … what we need to achieve and how we’re going to achieve it Continue to provide instruction driven by data and supported by quality work and other best practice research Invite input and involvement of students, staff, and stakeholders Initiatives Supporting All Strategies On Going
Human Resources Support & Process Management Information & Analysis Continue to develop a common understanding of and plan for implementation of a standards-based instructional and assessment system across the curriculum Continue to orient all staff and provide for professional development and on-going support to the grade level indicators, benchmarks and standards in all content areas Continue to provide professional development in standards-based instructional strategies including differentiated instruction Continue to implement an appropriate process for support and facilitation of standards collaboration (Tuning Protocol) Continue to develop, implement and review/analyze/react to results of standards-based common, formative assessments Integrate reading, writing and mathematics standards and strategies across the curriculum Provide opportunities for standards-based cross content collaboration Continue to provide appropriate professional development and on- going support Continue to monitor subgroup growth within the district Continue to review and analyze Local Report Card Indicators and Performance Index Continue to review AYP data Begin professional development of key staff in “value added” Continue professional development in and use of Progress Book and DASL Continue to review and analyze data on item analysis Continue to use ODE upgrades and online resources Initiatives Supporting All Strategies On Going
CIP Strategies To develop a common understanding of and plan for implementation of a standards-based instructional and assessment system across the curriculum. To integrate reading, writing and mathematics standards and strategies across the curriculum. To review and analyze annual results and trends in reading, writing, mathematics, social studies and science to determine instructional needs and practices.
Action Planning: Being Standard Based … Tallmadge High School Long Term Action Plan To continue to develop a greater understanding of standards-based education through implementation of Professional Learning Community practices; teacher collaboration, pyramid of intervention, common formative and summative assessments, and Freshman Focus transition program. Action Plan For Current School YearResponsibilityTimeline Provide professional development related to PLC best practices (#1). Develop guidelines and qualifiers for common formative and summative assessments for ninth and tenth grade (level 1 and 2) courses (#2). Develop and implement common and parallel assessments for ninth and tenth grade (level 1 and 2) courses (#3). Pyramid of Intervention is developed, distributed to stakeholders and systematically applied (#4). Rebecca DeCapua (#1) Content departments and lead teachers (#2) Content departments and lead teachers (#3) All staff (#4) (#1 - #3) Sep – Dec, (#4) Semester II Results/Measurements 1) Professional Development surveys 2) Evidence that guidelines and qualifiers have been developed 3) Evidence that common and parallel assessments have been implemented 4) Reduction in freshman failures
Action Planning: Integrate Literacy and Math Across the Curriculum … Tallmadge High School Long Term Action Plan Objectives: To learn and integrate teaching of math standards across all content areas To learn and integrate content literacy strategies across the curriculum Action Plan For Current School YearResponsibilityTimeline Math department will identify and instruct staff on top ten universal indicators (#1). Each teacher will select 5 universal math indicators and will incorporate those indicators into their content curriculum (#2). Provide professional development on content literacy strategies as identified by OGT data analysis (#3). Each teacher will select and implement five literacy strategies (#4). Math lead teachers & all staff (#1) All teachers (#2) Lead teachers (#3) All teachers (#4) (#1 - #4) … January – June, 2008 Results/Measurements: 1) Staff surveys 2) Each department member will share with department 3) Each department will share with staff implementation of strategies 4) Increased OGT scores in math for all subgroups 5) Increased OGT scores in reading for all subgroups
Action Planning: Analysis of Trends in Core Content Areas … Tallmadge High School Long Term Action Plan Objectives: To identify individual students and target for intervention To identify trends in OGT results Action Plan For Current School YearResponsibilityTimeline Committee will create graphs of performance levels of achievements (#1). Each department will receive information on OGT results (#2). Each department will utilize information to assist students to design an action plan (#3). Each department will review ACT, AP, and honors diploma trend data and determine an action plan to increase participation and performance (#4). All staff (#1) Lead teachers (#2) All departments (#3) All staff (#4) (#1 - #4) … school year Results/Measurements: 1) OGT results will meet AYP or Safe Harbor in reading and math in all subgroups. 2) OGT results will show increase in all areas. 3) ACT and AP participation will increase. 4) ACT and AP scores will increase. 5) Honors diploma recipients will increase.