Zachary High School Class of 2015 Parents’ Night March 1, 2011
Agenda Overview of the Ninth Grade Academy ZCSD’s Journey to College and Career Registration/Scheduling Process LA Core 4 Graduation Requirements TOPS Curriculum Career Pathways Individual Graduation Plans
Ninth Grade Academy Goals Increase the # of first-time 9 th graders who successfully complete freshman year Raise student achievement levels Increase daily attendance rate Decrease the # of discipline referrals Increase the # of 9 th graders participating in ZHS extracurricular activities Promote students’ awareness of post-secondary options
Strategies for Success Successful transition to high school Increased communication between school and home 9 th grade core teachers teaming daily Enhanced guidance support HEAT daily for missing homework SS for academic work After-school tutoring available M-Th Additional ELA and math instruction, if needed Early, targeted interventions for struggling learners
Save the Dates May – Summer packets, including summer reading assignments, suggested summer work, and sports information sent to NMS for all 8 th graders to bring home. August 3rd – Freshman Orientation/ Parent University classes –Last names A-L9:00 – 11:00 a.m. –Last names M-Z1:00 – 3:00 p.m. August 4th - 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. – Freshmen Only Day
Grading System 18-week cumulative grading period Semester 1(Aug.-Dec.) Semester 2 (Jan.-May) Progress reports are mailed home at the end of a 6-week period (parents should check Parent Command Center on a regular basis) Final grades are awarded at the end of each semester. These are official transcript grades that will follow students to all post-secondary options.
Importance of Rigor Honors courses AP (Advanced Placement) courses Challenge Exposure In-depth College Readiness
Journey to College and Career 9 th Grade Checklist Counselors’ Corner website ACT resources Update of Individual Graduation Plans Career interest inventory College Fair
Registration March NMS Course selections should be driven by the student’s academic record, standardized test scores, career interests and postsecondary plans
Core 4 Graduation Requirements English4 Units Must be I, II, III, and IV Mathematics4 Units Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, 4 th Math Science4 Units Biology, Chemistry, 3 rd and 4 th Science Social Studies4 Units World Geography, Civics, American History, 4 th Social Studies Physical Education 1½ Units Can substitute ROTC I and II Health ½ Unit Foreign Language2 Units Two years in the same language Art Elective1 Unit Fine Art Survey, Art, Music, or Drama Electives3 Units 24 Units
TOPS English – 4 Units English I, II, III and English IV Mathematics – 4 Units Algebra I, Algebra II, and 2 from Geometry or Advanced Math or Discrete Math or Calculus Science – 4 Units Biology, Chemistry, and 2 from Environmental Science, Physical Science, Biology II (AP), Chemistry II (AP), Physics or Ag II Social Studies - 4 Units American History, Civics, World Geography, and World History Fine Arts Survey - 1 Unit … or 2 units of visual/performance courses … or an elective from core area Foreign Language - 2 Units Two units in the same language 19 Total Core Curriculum Units 2.5 Core GPA ACT Score: Core GPA ACT Score: 23, 27
Career Pathways Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources –Ag Production/ Management/ Entrepreneurship –Horticulture –Animal Science Arts, A/V Technology, and Communication –Graphic Arts –Performing Arts –Journalism –Mass Communication Architecture and Construction –Carpentry and Construction
Career Pathways Business, Management, and Administration –Business Administration Education and Training –Education Government and Public Administration –JROTC Health Science –Nursing –Pharmacy –Sports Medicine
Career Pathways Human Services –Management of Family Resources Information Technology –Information Systems Manufacturing –Welding Marketing –Entrepreneurship –Clothing and Textiles
Questions??? Contact… Donna Kline, Freshman Academy Coordinator Bianca Brown, ZHS Counselor Donna Grice, ZHS Counselor