ONLINE TECHNICAL REPORT SYSTEM Team Crash Course Ryan Ashe, Eileen Balci, James Kirk, Taylor Paschal
System Overview The system shall be able to have faculty authors and coauthors submit technical reports that will be reviewed by other faculty members selected by the admin. Approved technical reports will be stored in a repository that can be accessed and viewed by the public.
Iteration Overview In this iteration, each web page in the system is being tested for display and navigation links. Input to test these web pages is simply navigating to each page and assuring the view is as expected.
Iteration Overview Cont… The login feature of the system is also being tested. Input to test the login will include valid usernames and passwords for each user role as well as invalid usernames and passwords. For the login function and each web page, multiple test cases are written to determine whether these features meet the requirements stated in the user stories and the release planning document. All features developed in this iteration are first version features.
DEMO Website Address
User Stories not Met Role recognition by published author or co-author View co-authored works as author The administrator free-form query submission and results page Abstract word limit
User Acceptance Testing Please go to: Download the document CustAccptTests.doc Here you will have a list of tests you can perform and validate If you have any questions you can the team
Some Stuff Coming Up For Phase 2 Implementation of the repository Database We will allow the authors to upload reports to the Database Implementation of user approval by the Admin Implementation of reviewer assignment by Admin There will more functionality implemented in this phase