Intersections between Social Investment and the SDG: Poverty Reduction in Paraguay María del Carmen Pérez General Director of Social Policies Secretariat for Social Action Paraguay Implementing the SDGs, Edinburgh, 28th May 2015
In the central government's social spending was significantly increased in recent years Source: Integrated Financial Management System - Ministry of Finance. Paraguay Social Investment Social Services Budget – Central Administration (in US$ millions ) Source: CEPAL. Public social expenditure per capita Latin America and the Caribbean 2014 in US$
SDG and MDGs in Paraguay Poverty in the country (US$ 1.25) has fallen by 80% exceeding the goal set by the MDGs. Taking into account the national measure, it has also declined by 47% is more demanding (extreme poverty fell from 21.2% in 2003 to 10.5% in 2014), missing a marginal figure to reach the goal of 50% reduction by The economic environment has been very favorable in the country since 2003, with an average economic growth from 2003 to 2013 of 4.8%. The fiscal policy has laid the foundation to fund counter-cyclical policies Evolution of the incidence of total poverty Evolution of the incidence of extreme poverty
National Development Plan 2030 Adequate and Sustainable Habitat Environmental Capital Assessment Global Habitat Sustainability Poverty reduction poverty and social development Poverty reduction poverty and social development 1 1 Inclusive economic growth Inclusive economic growth 2 2 Inserting Paraguay into the world 3 3 Strategic axis D Environmental Sustainability
US$ Total 93,4m
Budget and SDG: improving the links Promote dialogue between social sectors to raise awareness on the need to increase the tax burden bound for SDG. Improve public perception about the use of tax revenues, there is a lack of knowledge about the importance of investing in SDG. Improve the efficiency of social spending, increase services that have direct impact on people, reduce administrative costs. CountriesTax Burden Brasil35,7% Argentina31,2% Bolivia27,6% Paraguay16,4%