Thanks for attending. Objective: Familiarize ourselves with the testing procedures involved with PERT administration. P.E.R.T TRAINING
What is it? The Postsecondary Education Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.) is an untimed computer-based adaptive test, specifically developed for Florida to determine if students are college-ready in reading, writing, and mathematics. What is an adaptive test? Adaptive tests change the difficulty of questions the student receives based on his/her answers to previous questions. Therefore, questions cannot be skipped nor can students return to questions and change their answers. Once they have submitted their answer to a question, it is final. How long does the P.E.R.T. take? It is an untimed test. Each subtest (reading, writing, math) consists of 30 multiple-choice questions. BACKGROUND INFORMATION
College-Ready Scores *97+ needed to meet Algebra 1 EOC Graduation Requirement BACKGROUND INFORMATION Test P.E.R.T. (50-150) SAT ( ) ACT (1-36) Math114*44019 Reading Writing
How are students selected to take the P.E.R.T? Students who have not passed the Algebra EOC (Pearson or FSA) can currently earn a comparative score of 97+ to meet this graduation requirement. [Ongoing] College and career readiness is still utilized in the factoring of the district report card. Therefore, as a district, we will still target seniors who have not yet earned CCR scores. [November 2015, February 2016] Students who are enrolled in the College Readiness/Success Courses (Math, Reading, English 4: FL CP) will be required to take the applicable PERT subtests as finals, unless CCR scores have been earned previously. [May 2016] BACKGROUND INFORMATION
Which subtests are students required to take? Need Algebra comparative score = Math Seniors Math – If student does not have a college-ready math score Reading and Writing – If student does not have a college-ready reading score Accommodations Students identified as LY and those who have IEP’s will be allowed the same accommodations they normally have for state tests. It is important to note that no students are allowed to use hand-held calculators unless it is specifically mentioned in an IEP. An online calculator will be available for specific questions. It is a basic 4-function calculator. BACKGROUND INFORMATION
Before Testing Security Agreements (on AAE website) During Testing Script (Sample provided; school discretion) Security Log (Sample provided; school discretion) Roster (Sample provided; school discretion) Seating Chart (Sample provided; school discretion) Math Worksheet (found in Appendix 4 of Manual) Checklist (Sample provided; use not required) Student Log-in Tickets (School creation) After Testing Return Checklist/Cheat Sheet (on AAE website) DOCUMENTS
Log-in Screen You may follow along using your script. ONLINE PREVIEW
Please see provided Access Code List for * ACCESS CODES
District Upload of ALL high school students - next week Due to mobility, if you need additional students added, you must accurately complete the upload form and submit it to Heather Himes. McCann typically uploaded these students within 24 hours last year. Test Irregularities and Invalidations – Report to Heather Himes ASAP. Resources Can be found on the AAE Website PERT FAQ = Resources Tab of College Success TAM Study Guide Technical Specs Etc. OTHER IMPORTANT INFORMATION