The history of the Holocaust, i.e. the murder of six million Jews by the nazis, has never been fully written, even if thousands of books on this subject appeared after The reason for this is that a story does not exist. There are fundamental documents, such as those which refer to the scientific organization of genocide: for the most part the nazis destroyed them, but many, the most important, have never been written.
BLOWING IN THE WIND How many roads must a man before being called man? And how many seas must a White Dove before they fall asleep on the beach? And for how long must the cannonballs fly before they will be abolished forever? The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind For how long a man must look up before you can see the sky? And how many ears must one man before he plays people cry? And how many dead we have to be that he knows that too many people died? The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind For how many years can a mountain exist before it is swept away by the sea? And how many years can people exist before they're allowed to be free and for how long can a man turn his head pretending not to see the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind
BLOWING IN THE WIND Many metaphors as simple as evocative, a form of poetry comprehensible and at the same time leaving much to interpretation. Maybe those answers must be pursued as a small object dear to us that the wind is carrying on. Some sort of condemnation to those who do not, therefore, question about how to find a solution to violence and suffering.
MESSAGE FROM THE POPE Vatican City, nov 30 (Italy foreign) During the hearing on Wednesday, Pope Benedict XVI, commenting on Psalm 136-"rivers of Babylon" wanted to send a strong message about the Holocaust. The extermination of the Jewish people "in the century that we left behind" has eaten "through an infamous death, which has remained as an indelible shame in the history of mankind". The 23 thousand faithful who were despite the rain in St Peter's square, the Pope explained that the text evokes the tragedy experienced by the Jewish people during the destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BCE, and the next and subsequent Babylonian exile. We are facing a national song of sorrow, marked by a dry nostalgia for what was lost ". Pope Ratzinger has added images of Psalm 136 on "deported Jews" are "almost the anticipation of symbolic death camps" and the heartfelt invocation of the Lord, "because free his faithful from Babylonian slavery, expresses well the feelings of hope and expectation of salvation with which we started our advent journey". "God, who is the ultimate arbiter of history the Pope said-will understand and accept his justice also the cry of the victims, beyond the bitter accents that sometimes it takes", but "knows that among the inhabitants of Babylon there are people who commit themselves to peace and well-being, while not endorsing the biblical faith.
ACROSTIC Holocaust was a terrible suffering Of people and the death of Lawyers and Jews. The soldiers were Ordered to bring the Jews to Concentration camps to die. People didn’t eat Animals, but they ate bread. Usually people were exploited for work. To Slaves Triangles were imposed