Where is Mary?
I. Mary Sat At His Feet, Lk.10:38-42 I. Mary Sat At His Feet, Lk.10:38-42
Sitting at Jesus’ feet implies... Listening. Ct (Mt.16: 21-23) Lowliness. At His feet, not His head Longing. Mt.5:6 Living. Mt.17:5. Lasting. 1 Jn.2:24 Balance is the key: serve like Martha, listen like Mary
I. Mary Sat At His Feet II. Mary Sorrowed At His Feet, Jn.11:32
At Jesus’ feet Jesus did not come at once He stayed away on purpose (4) In sorrows, He may be glorified in ways we do not understand
Mary and Martha Did not doubt Jesus’ love Discussed it (same words, 21, 32) Martha: teaches ‘resurrection’ [20-27] Mary: responds w. tears [32-35…] Contrast: “Where was God when…?” Jesus raised Lazarus (38-44) Jesus stopped Mary’s tears Led to His own crucifixion (45-53)
I. Mary Sat At His Feet III. Mary Served At His Feet, Jn.12:3 II. Mary Sorrowed At His Feet
Preparation for Passover Mary: important role at feast Only Jesus fully understood her Six days before Passover (Jn.1:29) Mary the servant anointed His... Feet Jn.12:3 Head Mk.14:3 Attending to feet was work of servants (Jn.13:5)
Mary... Grateful: He raised her brother. 1 Co.11 Volunteer: 2 Co.9:6-8 Thoughtful: understood Him (Lk.10) Sacrificial: Jn.12:3-5 – Mk.14:3 Pure: not for show, competition Personal: active, not passive Sweet: Gn.8; Ep.5; Ph.4
Friction at the feast 1. Scorned 1. Scorned (Judas): Jn.12:4-6 (Mk.14:4) 2. Supported 2. Supported (Jesus): Jn.12:7-8 Jesus defended Mary Jesus explained anointing Jesus explained about the poor Jesus promised Mary’s deed would always be remembered
Lessons 1. Martha & Mary loved Jesus; He did not try to change one into the other 2. Good listeners make better servants 3. Jesus deserves our very best. 1 Sm Sm.6:14; 24:24 Loyalty Mt.6:24First Mt.6:33Cross Mt.16:24f All Mt.19:27Hate Lk.14:26Zeal Tit.3:8
Lessons 1. Martha & Mary loved Jesus; He did not try to change one into the other 2. Good listeners make better servants 3. Jesus deserves our very best. 1 Sm Sm.6:14; 24:24 4. We cannot personally anoint Jesus, but... Mt.25; 26: You will be criticized for doing good