MMP: Semester 2 CS39440 CC39440 CS39620 MMP
Module Assessment Progress Report (7.5%) <- Complete Mid Term Demonstration (7.5%) <- Next Week Final Report (60%) <- Late April Initiative (5%) <- Project Duration Project Demonstration (20%) <- Week after hand in MMP
Progress Report Feedback Sent by Discuss any issues with your supervisor in the first instance MMP
Mid-Project Demonstration Project Description Technical Work Technical Issues Project Plan and Methodology Feedback in session + sheet MMP
Reasons for Demonstration Focus for you Opportunity for both markers to speak to you about your progress Practice MMP
Demonstration Timetable Coming soon Currently Wednesday/Thursday/Friday –Subject to change Lectures in other departments? –What and when? MMP
Formal Assessment Criteria MMP st st (i) (ii) rd Fail30-39 Fail20-29 Fail0-19
Example for % 1st: % An outstanding body of work demonstrating a very deep insight into the problem and presented as such. Written components will be professionally presented in both layout on the page and logical structure. They will also be impressively presented in an appropriate style and will be grammatically of an extremely high standard. Demonstrates an excellent insight into the technologies employed and uses appropriate terminology accurately. Implementation components will be extremely well finished, will represent a very substantial level of technical achievement, and will more than completely fulfil the functional requirements. The project as a whole will demonstrate a very strong commitment, and will have been approached in a very well organised and well motivated manner. Results and products of the project will be of publishable research quality and/or of a standard comparable to or better than that found in the products of industry leaders. MMP
Example for 40-49% 3rd: 40-49% A body of work which shows some insight into the problem. Written components will show what progress has been made, and make some attempt to show which areas have not been understood. Documents may show a lack of structure, comprehensibility, clarity and grammatical quality. Documents may also be incomplete in coverage of the work undertaken. Probably fails to show insight into the technologies used and often fails to use appropriate terminology. Implementation will represent an identifiable level of technical achievement but is likely to be incomplete and may omit some aspects of the core problem. No adequate attempt to tackle more advanced sections of the work. The project as a whole will have been approached in a disorganised manner and probably demonstrates a lack of commitment. Results and products of the project are likely to be poor and/or incomplete and will be well below publishable quality and of a standard significantly below that found in the products of industry leaders. MMP
Details for the final report MMP
Final Submission (1) Report –40 Credit Module – Maximum of 20,000 words –20 Credit Module – Maximum of 16,000 words Word count excludes statement on 3 rd party code, bibliography and any appendices Include the relevant sections and information specific to your own project Project template 11
Final Submission (2) Printing your report Binding –Library, Inkwells, Alan Blair Bookbinders Prepare your electronic submission (all of your code, testing, PDFs of all documentation, test data, executables, libraries, licenses, etc.) 12
Final Submission (3) The project demonstration –You, your supervisor and second marker –Demonstrate your technical work and answer questions about the project 13
The Home Run… (1) 25 th and 26 th April – Hand-in Week beginning 29 th April - Demonstrations 14MMP
The Home Run… (2) 9 weeks of term left to complete your project Treat this term like a job Keep your project diary up to date Write/draft parts of your report as you go along this term Re-plan when necessary Keep focused Support and encourage one another 15MMP
Other Information Careers –Run sessions this term –One-to-One sessions –CVs and Applications, Career Choice, Interview Practice –Careers outside of computing Teaching –Teach First coming on Feb 11th –Teaching ICT – Feb 14 th (still to confirm) Milk round … MMP
Any Questions? MMP