HW #5 due Friday.
September 10, 2014
A. 18 th century French intellectuals. B. Had 5 main beliefs: ◦ Reason: By using logic and scientific thinking, people can solve problems in society. ◦ Nature: What is natural is good. ◦ Happiness: People should try to be happy while they live on Earth. ◦ Progress: People and society can improve over time! ◦ Liberty: Governments should provide people with rights and freedoms.
A. Formal gathering of intellectuals to discuss Enlightenment ideas. B. Hosted by French aristocratic women in their private living rooms.
A. Outspoken philosopher, wrote with a biting wit: 1.Attacked injustice among the nobility, government and church 2.Created many enemies, imprisoned twice 3.Believed in religious freedom and tolerance. 4.“I do not agree with a word you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.”
A. Big Idea – Separation of Powers 1.Best form of government is when you divide up power among branches of the government. 2.Government should be divided into legislative, executive and judicial branches. The legislative branch (Parliament) makes laws, executive branch (king) carries out laws, judicial branch (courts) interprets laws. ↓ Leads to Checks and Balances
A. French philosopher – Says people are basically good but society can corrupt them. “Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.” B. Views on government 1.The best gov is the general will, or what the people want. 2.Government should work for the common good, not the wealthy few. Inequality is wrong!
A. Italian philosopher and politician, wanted to improve the criminal justice system. B. Believed people should have the right to a trial, opposed torture and the death penalty. C. Punishments should fit the crime, not be cruel and unusual.
A. Enlightenment thinkers still held very traditional views about women (proper roles wives and mothers; should receive limited education). B. Wollstonecraft demanded equal rights for women, argued that you couldn’t deny the right to learn to half the human race. C. First women’s rights advocate!