Introduction to English Language Teaching 英語教學概論 Dr. Shu-Mei Hung Fall 2009 Department of Applied Foreign Languages Cheng Shiu University
Introduction to Learning and Teaching English-1 The relationship between learning and teaching Scaffolding: definition & methods Factors which affect language learning intrinsic motivation vs. extrinsic motivation proximity of Chinese to English learner types: visual; auditory; tactile; kinesthetic; field-independent vs. field-dependent attitudes towards English and English-speaking countries status and value of the target language in the country
Introduction to Learning and Teaching English-2 The language learning process Input Noticing Recognizing patterns and rule making Use and rule modification Automating Language Learning aims Fluency Accuracy Complexity Appropriacy
Teaching Methods and Ideas-1 The Grammar-Translation Method Background Features Current status & problems with this method The Direct Method Current status
Teaching Methods and Ideas-2 Audiolingualism Background: behaviorism Features: drills; focus on form Current status Communicative Language Teaching Background: Hyme – communicative functions Features: focus on meaning Presentation-Practice-Production (PPP) model Test-Teach-Test (TTT) approach Task-Based Learning
Listening Skills Learning to listen in various ways Adapting the way learners listen according to the text and the reason for listening Recognizing the features of spoken English Using visual and texual clues to help learners Listening actively – asking for repetition, clarification, etc. Developing learners’ background knowlegde
Listening in the classroom Pre-listening stage Listening stage Post-listening stage
Speaking Skills Producing connected speech The ability to interact Talking round gaps in learners’ knowlegde Speaking in a range of contextsa Balancing accuracy and fluency
Speaking in the classroom Drills Substitution drills Transformation drills Functional-situational drills Pair work and group work Interactive activities Information gap Discussion Role plays Games Informal interaction Feedback and correction