Language used globally Gained some qualities For example,Maritime English According to Culic-Viskota and Kalebota (2013), Maritime English had been seated with its communicative aspect as a British seafaring tradition before centuries, but it has gradually became a fitting jargon for a section of human activity.
What is Maritime English? According to Trenkner “Maritime English is an entirety of all those means of English language which, being used as a device for communication within the international maritime community, (cited in Demydenko, 2012)
Learning and teaching Maritime English Importance of learning Maritime English Accidents at sea
Figure 1: Shipping Accidents from 1991 to 2000
RESEARCH STUDIES In the study of Viskota and Kalebota, it is explained that the developing of Maritime English and the historical process of ME. There is not any method actually. Its main research question is that “How Maritime English became from past to its current form?” Researchers have reached the result that English has become the language of seven seas.
In the study of Dirgayasa, it was made a special investigation about teaching and learning of Maritime English in Indonesia. Researcher applies an evaluative research methodology. The main question of this research is that “ How materials affect the process of teaching Maritime English?” The researcher reach the result that the process of teaching and learning was optimal in terms of learning materials, teaching methods, assessment, the students’ performance and the teachers’ performance as well.
The study of Demydenko is mainly about non-native learners in the area of Maritime English and their learning process. The researcher follows step by step approach while processing this research. The main question in this study that “ Which teaching materials can be useful for non-native learners?” Demydenko (2012) presents the results emphasizing the importance of method used in learning ME by saying that “ The proper linguistic analysis makes a secure foundation for methodology which can guarantee a better quality of ME course books for the 1st and 2nd year maritime students all over the world.” (p.249)
REFERENCE LIST Culic-Viskota, A., Kalebota, S., (2013). Maritime English-What Does It Communicate? Transactions on Maritime Science, 02, Demydenko N., (2012). Teaching Maritime English: A Linguistic Approach. Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering, 02, Dirgayasa W., (2014). Survey of English Teaching and Learning Process in Maritime Education on Training in Indonesia: A Case Study in Private MET in Indonesia. English Language Teaching, 07,