The IB at isb The Diploma Program: Senior Year
Questions of the Evening 1.What are the logistics of the Senior IB year at ISB? 1.What do you need to know to help your IB Senior this year?
What is the IB Diploma? IB Diploma ≠ BSD Diploma Tok ✓ EE ✓ CAS ✓ + (3) HLs w/ no 2s & earning ≥ 12 pts + (3) SLs =
Exams Exam fees are due by Nov 3, 2014: For the Class of 2015, the cost is $840. This includes a $20 charge for postage. Pay early – get it out of the way! WAIT! Not true! The State of OR and BSD are supporting exams this year! Hooray!! Exam fees will be $ 504, including postage. Once a student is registered for exams, BSD must pay fees to IBO. Families are responsible for these fees whether or not the student actually completes their IAs or tests. Partial refunds only until Jan 15 th. Students who qualify for the Free/Reduced Meal Plan are eligible for full waivers from the State and District. Please give me a copy of your eligibility from Nutrition Services by November 3 rd. IB Exams cannot be rescheduled unless the event is a recognized international competition Purple registration forms for exams due by October 27 th. Please sign on the line when your students comes to you with it. Thanks.
IB Deadlines Pay attention to the calendar! Students must complete IAs as well as external assessments in order to test. e.g. English: WARS, Orals, P1, P2 Deadlines are deadlines, and there are quite a few. Study tables – ISB’s way to support your student.
IB at ISB We are a FULL IB school so our students are full IB students unless an individual’s Four Year Plan & Profile needs to be adjusted to support HS graduation requirements. _______________________________________________________ This is all we do. DP students have a whole school community for support. They need to USE this community! We know every kid can achieve success in an IB for All school. We encourage every kid to test as this is an important opportunity for personal growth.
It’s not just about college credit….. My other class is our first year seminar, and honestly after IB HL English, IB HL History and ToK it has been a class which I enjoy and don't worry much about. Close reading of texts, writing essays and having formal discussions is something I've done a lot of, though of course there is always a lot to improve on. We had our first essay due last week, and the professor was stressing organization and keeping your thesis and argument consistent throughout the essay. Like I said, that has already been drilled into me the last two years so I feel okay about it. I think overall IB made me learn how to think and how to study, so that is coming in really handy now. I know how I work best, whether it's writing essays or preparing for a test. From a 2013 ISB Graduate
So, what’s the big deal? "The rigor of IB Diploma requirements meets our recommendation for the strongest high school preparation possible. The Extended Essay echoes William & Mary's belief in the value of original research as well as the College's emphasis on strong writing skills, and the Theory of Knowledge course fosters active and critical learning and is philosophically akin to the goals of our freshman seminar program. The CAS component answers our call for students who have been exposed to community service and creative endeavors and who understand the importance of developing the whole person. In sum, the IB diploma candidate who has met the challenge successfully receives strong consideration from the William & Mary admission committee.” Allison Jesse, former Associate Dean of Admissions, William & Mary.
The Flow of the Year - Fall September – Extended Essay, College Essay Draft Students applying to UP nursing should get application in as soon as possible (Students interested in nursing should see Mrs. Muilenburg to go over options) For everyone else, pay attention to deadlines, Early Application, Regular Decision, Special Programs, Scholarships, etc. Have conversations about money now (not in April), but don’t always let money hold you back from applying Create a calendar of dates and deadlines (including IB) so you can stay organized Some great resources at
The Flow of the Year - Fall Register for any exams (SAT, ACT, SAT II) you need. Attend college visits here at ISB and college nights put on by the district (Visits on calendar in cafeteria, Manageabac, and (soon) a newsletter sent to parents of seniors) Request letter of recommendation with PLENTY of NOTICE (at least 3 weeks). Counselor and Teacher recommendation request forms are found on the ISB website Academics College & Career page
The Flow of the Year – Fall/Winter Some schools (usually private) require the CSS profile in addition to FAFSA, usually do this month (October) Early Action & Early Decision deadlines are usually in November. Regular Decision is usually December, January, February Regardless, aim to be done by Winter Break so you can focus on IB and enjoying your Senior Year December – FAFSA PIN January – FAFSA ( Do this as close to Jan 1 as possible! Some aid is “first come first served.” Taxes do not have to be completed (you can submit an update later), but try to get taxes done early
The Flow of the Year – Winter/Spring Oregon Student Access Commission App in Feb/March ( and other scholarship Monitor your application, make sure all materials are in, and KEEP YOUR GRADES UP Mid-year reports will be sent after 1 st semester grades Decision letters will arrive in March and (mostly) April Make decision by May 1 GRADUATION – June 4, 2015
College Info Admissions Many international colleges use IB Predicted Grades for admissions purposes. Scholarships Students with a total score on IB exams of 30 or higher are eligible to receive a renewable scholarship of at least $3000 at some OUS schools and Pacific U (and sophomore standing). At the end of the day, most scholarship money comes directly from the college/university Many Canadian colleges are very generous to IB students Credits School specific – If you Google search the name of a college and IB you are usually guided straight to that college’s IB credit policy. The OUS System (EOU, PSU, OIT, OSU, SOU, UO, WOU) Postsecondary credit will be awarded for scores of 5, 6, or 7 on either Standard Level or High Level IB Exams; A student may receive up to 45 credits for an IB diploma
More College info ISB College and Career Center Facebook page Visits are posted on calendar in Cafeteria, on Managebac, and I hope to start sending a newsletter to senior parents ISB College Career Center website ISB Home Page Academics College & Career Many links to websites for Financial Aid, Testing, and College searches. Also a link to BSD District site that list district-wide college nights: Information.aspx Information.aspx
What can you do to help your student? The Calendar – Place it on your refrigerator; keep track of it CAS – It goes until March. Help your student brainstorm ideas for CAS; make CAS activities family events, Ask your student to show you their CAS page on Managebac every now and then. The ISB website – Diploma Program materials are posted there Extended Essay –It’s due October 27 th, and it is required for high school graduation. They must pass this paper. IB is challenging and can be stressful. Please be flexible with your child!