Using Social Media to Communicate and Support Your School A Closer Look at Twitter
A Closer Look at Twitter Overview … What is Twitter and how does it work? Activity… A closer look at Twitter Share… -How has Twitter helped you grow personally and/or professionally? -How has Twitter helped you improve communication with students, parents, and/or staff? -Who are your top 5 entities to follow? Resources… Who to follow Additional resources
Twitter Overview Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging service that enables users to send and read text-based posts of up to 140 characters, known as "tweets", and networkingmicroblogging characters Twitter Facts Real-time information network Over 271 million monthly active users 500 million Tweets sent every day 78% of users on Twitter are accessing it via a mobile device
Twitter You can use Twitter to: Listen and learn. Find out what’s going on in your industry and what your customers are interested in. Use Twitter search to listen to the relevant conversations that are happening and jump in where you can add value. Twitter search Drive awareness. Raise the profile of your business and increase the impact of your marketing by using Twitter to regularly communicate with your followers. Extend your reach even further with Twitter Ads. Provide customer service. 73% of SMB Twitter users said Twitter provides them with a quick way to reply to customer service issues.** Use it to quickly and easily respond to support queries and to develop a good reputation for your business and strong relationships with customers. Connect with influencers. Twitter breaks down the barriers and enables you to connect with anyone. It’s a great way of joining or even starting discussions with influencers and industry experts to raise the profile of your business and build valuable connections.
1. Tweet A Tweet is a message posted on Twitter, consisting of 140 characters or less. It can contain text, photos, links and videos. It’s important to note that whenever you include any of these things they will be counted as a link and automatically take up to 22 characters. 2. Reply Click ‘reply’ to respond to a Tweet. Replying to a Tweet is a nice way to build relationships with your followers and join in conversations 3. Retweet A Retweet is where you choose to take a Tweet from someone else and Tweet it to your own followers. You can either do this directly with the Retweet button or you can add your own message and include the letters “RT” ahead of the content that you are Retweeting. 4. Favorite Favoriting something is a great way of acknowledging or showing your appreciation for a Tweet. It can also be useful to use as a bookmarking tool if you want to easily find a Tweet again. 5. Hashtag A hashtag is any word, or phrase without spaces, beginning with the # symbol. People use hashtags to organize conversations and make it easier to find all content related to a given topic. Click on a hashtag to go directly to the search results for that term. 6. Mention Bring a Tweet to another person’s attention by including in your message. You could use it to ask someone a question, to thank them or simply to highlight a piece of content. Twitter Terminology
The Power of Twitter
Sign up for a Twitter account at or download the twitter app Start following people - start with people you know - look to see who they're following NOTE: You can always unfollow someone if you don't like their tweets! Compose "tweets" Retweet (RT) tweets you like! Hashtag #elemprinc Getting Started
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@WakeElementary Elementary Elementary WCPSS Magnet Wake County Public Schools #wakek5science Elementary Science Twitter
Top 10 TwitterTips and Tricks Twitter Guide Book Create a custom experience with Tweetdeck Top 7 Twitter Tutorials on YouTube All Twitter – The Unofficial Twitter Resource Twitter Resources