Swedish Health Care in Transition Swedish Health Care in Transition Resources and Results with International Comparisons
Swedish Health Care in Transition Population 80 years and older in per cent of the population, 2001 (OECD 2003).
Swedish Health Care in Transition Health care costs per inhabitant, PPP-adjusted. US dollars.(OECD 2003).
Swedish Health Care in Transition Increases in health care costs per inhabitant, PPP-adjusted. Index = 100. (OECD 2003).
Swedish Health Care in Transition Proportion of GDP spent on health care, (OECD 2003).
Swedish Health Care in Transition Significance of age to health care costs, using Sweden as the standard population. Sweden=100%. 92%96%100%104%108%112% Italy Sweden Spain Germany Belgium Portugal France Austria United Kingdom Norway Finland Denmark Greece Netherlands Luxembourg USA Ireland Age distribution factor
Swedish Health Care in Transition 1) = 2000
Swedish Health Care in Transition Proportion of the total workforce employed in the health care sector, 2001 (OECD 2003) FinlandFranceGermanyIrelandNetherlandsSpainSweden 1)United Kingdom Percentage 1) Estimate
Swedish Health Care in Transition Doctors per 1,000 inhabitants, 2001 (OECD 2003) Greece Italy Belgium 1) Denmark France Germany Netherlands Spain 1) Austria Portugal Finland Norway Sweden 1) Luxembourg Ireland United Kingdom 1) Doctors per 1,000 inhabitants 1) = 2000
Swedish Health Care in Transition Nurses per 1,000 inhabitants, 2001 (OECD 2003) Finland Ireland Netherlands Luxembourg Norway Germany Denmark Austria United Kingdom Sweden 2) France Spain Italy 1) Greece 1) Portugal Nurses per 1,000 inhabitants 1) = ) = 2000
Swedish Health Care in Transition Inpatient care episodes per 100,000 inhabitants in different age groups,
Swedish Health Care in Transition Average length of stay in different age groups, Total Days
Swedish Health Care in Transition Hospital beds, inpatient care episodes, bed-days and average length of stay, Index 1992 = 100.
Swedish Health Care in Transition Beds per 1,000 inhabitants Short-term care. (OECD 2003).
Swedish Health Care in Transition Average length of stay, Short-term care. (OECD 2003) Germany Luxembourg Netherlands France 3) Belgium 2) Spain 1) Portugal 1) Italy 3) United Kingdom Ireland Austria 3) Greece 1) Norway Sweden Finland Denmark Days 1) = ) = ) = 2000
Swedish Health Care in Transition Percutaneous expansion of the coronary artery (PTCA). Inpatient care episodes per 100,000 inhabitants, (OECD 2003, NOMESCO 2001).
Swedish Health Care in Transition Coronary operations. Inpatient care episodes per 100,000 inhabitants (OECD 2003, NOMESCO 2001) DenmarkFinlandFrance 1)ItalyLuxembourgNetherlandsNorwaySwedenUnited Kingdom Inpatient care episodes per 100,000 inhabitants 1) = 2000
Swedish Health Care in Transition Total hip replacements. Inpatient care episodes per 100,000 inhabitants, (OECD 2003, NOMESCO 2001) DenmarkFinlandFrance 1)IrelandItalyLuxembourgNetherlandsNorwaySwedenUnited Kingdom Inpatient care episodes per 100,000 inhabitants 1) = 2000
Swedish Health Care in Transition Cataract operations per 100,000 inhabitants, (OECD 2003, NOMESCO 2001) DenmarkFinlandFrance 1)IrelandItalyLuxembourgNetherlandsNorwaySwedenUnited Kingdom Operations per 100,000 inhabitants 1) = 2000
Swedish Health Care in Transition Life expectancy for a new-born boy, (OECD 2003) Portugal Ireland 2) Denmark Belgium 2) Finland Germany 1) Luxembourg 2) Greece France Spain Netherlands United Kingdom Austria Norway Italy Sweden Life expectancy at birth (years ) 1) = ) = 2000
Swedish Health Care in Transition Life expectancy for a new-born girl, (OECD 2003) Denmark Ireland 2) Portugal United Kingdom Netherlands Germany 1) Greece Belgium 2) Luxembourg 2) Finland Norway Austria Sweden Italy Spain France Life expectancy at birth (years) 1) = ) = 2000
Swedish Health Care in Transition Infant mortality, (OECD 2003) Greece Luxembourg Ireland United Kingdom Netherlands Belgium Portugal Denmark Austria France Germany Italy Spain Norway Sweden Finland Deaths per live births