UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation University Chair on Innovation Centro METID WP5 Visit Sfax – th May 2009 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation Introduction – Centro METID METID - Metodi E Tecnologie Innovative per la Didattica Set up in 1995, METID is born to foster the development and adoption of innovative tools and methodologies in university teaching. Today METID is the University Center dealing with design, development and delivery of e-learning services, both at national and international level, offering training on the issues of e-learning, e-collaboration, Web 2.0
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation About 40 people operate at METID, with different roles (IT administration, editing, software development, visual design, tutoring, e-community animators, projects management) Introduction – Centro METID
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation 8 project areas: International Science & young people Didactic and innovation Enterprises Lifelong learning Inclusion & Cooperation Communication and Collaboration Introduction – Centro METID
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation IAOL Interior Architecture OnLine: experimentation with new strategies for internationalization based on the development of distance learning supported by new technologies. The project is realized with the School of Civil Architecture in collaboration with University of Tianjin and Italian companies operating in the Republic of China Introduction – Centro METID – International Projects
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation DAIDO Project developed in collaboration with Daido Institute of Technology Dit and Politecnico BEST Department, using eproject platform for distance activities between Italian and Japanese students, engaged in the design of new buildings for artists in disused area of Sesto San Giovanni, on the outskirts of Milan. Introduction – Centro METID – International Projects
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation SLOOP Realization of Learning Objects (LO) repository and teacher training on repository creation and use. Introduction – Centro METID – International Projects
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation eLene eLearning Network is a consortium in which METID is a founding member, born as a result of the publication of the collection of case studies “Virtual models of European Universities” sponsored by the European Union in The consortium realized 3 projects funded by European Union: eLene TT, e-learning teachers and trainers network creation; eLene EE, research and analysis on e- learning economics; eLene TLC, creation of a Teaching and Learning Centre, European collaborative space for teachers, tutors and students on ICT issues Introduction – Centro METID – International Projects
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation Previous TEMPUS Experiences VIRTUS - Scholarships.info-TEMPUS. Croatia: Realization of an on-line information service with the mission to unify all available information resources about scholarship opportunities available to Croatian citizens for study both at home and abroad Project type: Structural and Complementary Measures: 1 years Coordinator: SIC - International Educational Center Zagreb Contact person: Ninoslav Scukanec Partners: Grant Applicant: Technische Universitat Dresden - 1st EU Partner: Politecnico di Milano - 2nd EU Partner: CNOUS France - Regional Partner: World University Service, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and all of the Croatian universities (6): University of Zagreb, University of Rijeka, University of Zadar, University of Split, University of Dubrovnik, University of Osijek Introduction – Centro METID – International Projects
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation WP5: EU – MEDA Virtual Environment Centro METID is to leader Task Group 5* in WP5: Developing an EU – MEDA Virtual Environment and Strategy for University – Industry Cooperation in Innovation The EU-MEDA Virtual Environment is aimed at ensuring the following aspects: internal and external dissemination communication between universities sustainability of the innovation chair initiative Partners involved: * Task Group 5 is composed by: Centro METID and MEDA Universities staff Centro METID – Unchain: WP5
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation WP5 is composed by the following main activities: 5.1 Enhancement of the IT infrastructure of the MEDA universities 5.2 Design and customization of the online tools 5.3 Technological/methodological training in e-cooperation for enhanching University (UE and MEDA) – Enterprise networking 5.4 Online activity management, creation of an University – Enterprise online knowledge sharing system Centro METID – WP5 activities (FY M1 – TY M12)
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation WP5. 1: Enhancement of the IT infrastructure of the MEDA universities Objective: enhancing the IT infrastructure necessary to support the MEDA universities in the use of the e-learning and e-cooperation tools developed in the project Activities: preliminary analysis of the available IT infrastructure; establishment of 3 computer labs at 3 different MEDA Univ. (Cairo, Hassan II, Aleppo); upgrading and adding more IT tools to the existing computer labs (other MEDA Univ.) Centro METID – WP5.1 activities (FY M1 – FY M8)
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation WP5. Short report of first visit to Sfax ENIS Tested rooms: Official conference room Office of mr. Mondher Hachicha Office of Regim Laboratory + visit of server room Tested applications: Adobe Connect Wiki (DekiWiki) Delicious YouTube Skype Centro METID – WP5 Report
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation WP5. Short report of first visit to Sfax ENIS Web restrictions: Youtube All others web applications and online tools are available: Facebook Skype Delicious Wiki Adobe Connect Tested devices: Webcam Audio devices Improving the existing local system: new dedicated ADSL line dedicated specific server 10 new computers (with Microsoft Windows system) webcams headphones Notes: no particular requirements for professional video-conference system Centro METID – WP5 Report
UNCHAIN – UNiversity CHAir on INnovation THANK YOU!