1 Internet Educational Equal Access Foundation (IEEAF) and the Global Quilt Common Solutions Group Princeton, NJ May 9, 2003 Dr. Donald R. Riley Chair, IEEAF ( Professor, Decision Information Technologies Robert H. Smith School of Business University of Maryland, College Park Tel ; Fax Copyright Donald R. Riley, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
2 The Cornerstone of the Information Society is Education and Research Universities and colleges are key to providing the ‘human infrastructure’ necessary for any country to participate in the global information society They train and educate the young people that are needed to create, operate and maintain the technical infrastructure and applications. They create the base for innovation and entrepreneurship
3 Strengthen the Cornerstone by Enabling Bandwidth Most universities and colleges in developing countries are severely crippled by totally inadequate bandwidth and connectivity to their colleagues and sister institutions around the country and around the world Public policy and initiatives for the Information Society should start with the universities and colleges and recognize their importance for overall economic development.
4 Goal: Pervasive Global CyberInfrastructure US NSF CyberInfrastructure Panel recommendation: establish and lead a large-scale, interagency, and internationally coordinated Advanced CyberInfrastructure Program (ACP) to create, deploy, and apply cyberinfrastructure in ways that radically empower all scientific and engineering research and allied education to achieve critical mass and to leverage the coordinated co-investment from other federal agencies, universities, industry, and international sources necessary to empower a revolution. to reduce opportunities lost through continuing and increased fragmentation and balkanization of the research communities.
5 New Public-Private Partnerships Needed Global telecomm build-out of technical infrastructure provides new possibilities for economic development Current market conditions have resulted in great capacities which are currently going unused -- cannot be sold. As a matter of social responsibility, this unused capacity could be made available for stimulating future applications and markets -- by donation for use by research and education institutions. Public-private partnerships involving government, universities and private sector are needed
6 New Public-Private Partnership: IEEAF The IEEAF represents one such partnership whose goal is to obtain donations of international bandwidth to enable a global collaboration in research and education Current donations have already linked US and Europe, and will soon link US and Asia-Pacific
7 IEEAF Vision: The Global Quilt A Network of Networks fabric, “ stitched together ” through collaboration and community effort, until it covers the globe The IEEAF has no boundaries of “ home ” territory ….. "Non Nobis Solo" (Not by ourselves alone)
8 EC/GEANT Strategies Exploiting the “cooperative model” as a global model to advance global networking for our collective benefit is a challenge worth pursuing!!! Spyros Konidaris. European Commission 21 February 2002
9 IEEAF - What is it? U.S. 501.c.3 Not-for-profit corporation Formed from original MOU between GEO and CENIC (Corporation for Educational Networking in California) Vision: Accelerate the global growth of Internet2 to achieve "universal educational access” to: Enable and stimulate the rapid expansion of research and educational collaboration in many forms between teaching and learning institutions around the world. Cultivate and promote practical solutions to delivering scalable, universally available and equitable access to suitable bandwidth and necessary network resources in support of these collaborations.
10 IEEAF Organization Honest Broker Group (IEEAF) Accepting assets Matching Corp assets w/Educational needs Advocate for assets on behalf of Education Granting of assets as Free Use licenses
11 IEEAF - How does it work? Partner with various organizations on strategies, specific initiatives Leverage global deregulation and new entrants into telco business Leverage private sector business relationships Geographic Network Affiliates, Inc. (GEO) Build donations into business deals (contracts) as no-cost IRUs
12 GEO builds carrier hotel buildings and supports the IEEA Foundation goals which include helping to solve the digital divide. GEO - The Catalyst Government “The Need” Submarine Fiber “The Wet” Terrestial Fiber “The Dry” Universities +
13 IEEAF - What does it do? Gets donated communications assets Makes them available to existing institutions and networking organizations to put to work Vehicle: Asset Steward Agreement
14 Think Globally – Act Locally Strategic Opportunistic
15 Successes: The Netherlands Model New cable landing: Eemshaven New carrier hotel: Groningen Zernicke Research Park adjacent to University of Groningen Groningen Internet Exchange (GNIX) New fiber backhaul to major Internet exchanges Essent Kabelcom Amsterdam to Groningen to Hamburg New R&D and Economic Development Opportunities
16MunicipalityTyco Essent Amsterdam Groningen Hamburg North AmericaAsia Pacific Eemshaven Groningen: Wet meets Dry = Opportunity Tyco Essent Essent Tyco
17 Groningen Carrier Hotel: March 2002 February 2001 March 2002
18 GroNingen Internet eXchange Groningen (Worldwide) Dedicated Connection Client
19 Groningen Zernicke Research Park
20 Tyco Telecomm Donation Summary Colocation space in NYC for Expanded NYC Int’l Exchange Pt Production R&E Bandwidth: 622 Mbps NY-London-Groningen (Netherlands) Connects to IEEAF fiber to Amsterdam and Hamburg CA-Tokyo, Seoul, Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong, and Singapore Research 10 Gbps optical wavelength NY-London-Groningen (Netherlands) CA-Tokyo, Seoul, Shanghai, Taipei, Hong Kong, and Singapore 200sq.ft. Co-location space in each of global facilities Additional donations as global build-out continues
21 Tyco Global Network Connectivity Donations 622 Mbps +10 Gbps
22 Tyco Atlantic Donation
23 Tyco Northern Europe Donation
24 Tyco Southern Europe Donation
25 Tyco Transpacific Donation Available last December, Not yet placed in service Donated, Available late ‘03, early ‘04
26 SingaporeSingapore = Current Los Angeles, CA Seattle, WA Portland, OR College Park, MD Santa Clara, CA OsloOslo London-HtrwLondon-Htrw DusseldorfDusseldorf ParisParis IrelandIreland CopenhagenCopenhagen BarcelonaBarcelona BangladeshBangladesh MadridMadrid LisbonLisbon CypressCypress TokyoTokyo Hong Kong TaipeiTaipei SeoulSeoul BeijingBeijing ShanghaiShanghai PhilippinesPhilippines ChennaiChennai MumbaiMumbai BangaloreBangalore THE GLOBAL QUILT INITIATIVE SITES CSU-HaywardCSU-Hayward RussiaRussia MilanMilan MiamiMiami GenevaGeneva London-StfdLondon-Stfd FrankfurtFrankfurt BerlinBerlin HamburgHamburg GuamGuam Tel Aviv NY-6 th Ave NY-BroadwayNY-Broadway = Future NJ-Wall Township AmsterdamAmsterdam GroningenGroningen RomeRome ViennaVienna MarseilleMarseille HelsinkiHelsinki StockholmStockholm
27 IEEAF-SURA Partnership: USA Waves AT&T Cooperative Proposal SURA: Southeast Universities Research Assocation
28 SURA: SURA Goals: Strengthen research capacity of Southeastern U.S. universities and ability to attract federal R&D funding SURA Southern Crossroads Initiatives SoX - Atlanta GigaPOP MAX - Greater Washington GigaPOP SURA Regional Infrastructure Initiative (RII) Recognition that SoX and MAX were not enough Needed more inclusive, pervasive, ubiquitous….
29 AT&T offer for USAWaves “Grid Network Development and Infrastructure Cooperative”: No-cost IRU for 6,000 miles of dark fiber (AT&T NexGen) -- for 'production' optical backbone Donation of additional “next generation” fiber (2000 miles) for optical research pilot/projects (with annual O&M costs waived) Very aggressive low price for dark fiber, low O&M
30 Richmond NASA Wallops Flight Center Danville Raleigh Proposed NASA & trans-Atlantic fiber run to Norfolk, VA Washington, D.C. Red line = e-58 Corridor Project. A regional project within the Virginia Tobacco Commission that is looking to use Tobacco Commission funds for this project. Blue line = AT&T’s existing NextGen fiber network IEEAF Hampton Roads Region Network Initiatives Possible Trans-Atlantic Submarine Cable from Europe See slides 2-5 for Hampton Roads network details
31 Applications Oriented Initiatives GMRE - Global Medical Research Exchange HEPRE - High Energy Physics Research Exchange
32 GMRE Global Medical Research Exchange
36 New Donations To/In Europe 7,000 km fiber pair in Europe: NL-BE-FR-CH-DE (OC12 until lit) Fiber pair: Amsterdam-Groningen-Hamburg Fiber pair: UK Submarine bandwidth: NYC-UK-Groningen UK-Lisbon UK-Bilbao-Madrid-Valencia-Barcelona- Marseilles
37 Global Opportunities: The Global Quilt
AsiaScandinavia Asia Pacific and Australia Central America Europe Central Asia and CIS North America Africa South America The Global Quilt 42